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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TomorrowsworldPeriodOneWeletotheunit&Reading讲义牛津译林版必修People know life will be very different in the future.But nobody knows what the future will be like exactly.Different people have different opinions of future life.Some of them believe that future life will be wonderful, while some others have the opposite opinions.I think that one of the positive opinions of future life is that many diseases will be dealt with, so people wont die easily.In my opinion, all jobs will be much easier and better paid.Maybe many people will be able to work on their puters at home.Also, the environment will be less polluted than it is today thanks to technology, such as solar power.People will be able to use solar power to drive cars.In addition, puters will be able to help us manage our houses, which means that everything in our houses will be controlled by the puters.The way we live will change a lot.It seems that in the future we will be able to get along with friends without even leaving our homes.Education will probably also change at all.Robots will teach them instead of real teachers.In conclusion, whatever the development of technology will bring to us, our life in the future will be very different.We are sure to have something new.1.opposite adj.相反的,对立的2.solar power 太阳能3.in conclusion 总之Read the passage and answer the following questions.1.Do all people think the future will be wonderful?No,not really.2.What does the author think all the jobs in the future will be like?All the jobs in the future will be much easier and better paid.3.What will teach instead of real teachers in the future?Robots.单词自测1.virtual adj.(通过计算机软件)虚拟的,模拟的;很接近的,实际上的2.reality n.现实,事实real adj.真实的really adv.真正地3.presentation n.展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示present v.出席,赠送;adj.在场的4.amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧amazed adj.惊奇的amazing adj.令人惊奇的amazement n.惊奇5.passive adj.被动的active adj.积极的,活跃的6.user n.使用者use vt.使用useful adj.有用的7.happiness n.幸福,快乐happy adj.高兴的,幸福的8.social adj.社交的,交际的;社会的society n.社会 9.winning adj.制胜的;获胜的win vt.获胜,赢得10.confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的confidence n.信任11.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的disappointing adj.令人失望的12.disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的disable vt.使伤残disability n.残疾;无能13.convenience n.方便,便利;便利的设施或用具convenient adj.方便的14.secure adj.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的;vt.获得;使安全15.injure vt.伤害,损害injured adj.受伤的16.neighbourhood n.街区;邻近的地方neighbour n.邻居17.operator n.操作人员18.disadvantage n.缺点;不利因素,障碍advantage n.优点;有利因素.短语自测1e true 实现,成为现实2.add to 使增强,使增加,使扩大3.give out 用完,耗尽;分发,散发;发出,放出(热、光等)4.put forward 提出,提议5.in reality实际上,事实上6.carry out履行,实施;执行,落实;完成(任务)7.in the long term从长远来看8pared with/to与相比9.as to 至于,关于.根据课文内容选择正确答案1.This presentation has given us all the information about RealCine EXCEPT .A.how it worksB.who should use itC.why it is better than a filmD.how it can be used in other ways答案B2.The RealCine is better than a film because .A.the users can watch and hear what is happening on a screenB.the users are put into the action and are connected in an active wayC.the users can climb Mount QomolangmaD.the users can go sightseeing in the Himalayas答案B3.We can know from Paragraph 3 that .A.specially VR headsets are designed to allow the users to see and hearB.the users will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievementC.the users dont need to wear special gloves to touch the people and objectsD.RealCine makes the users feel that they are still in the real world答案A4.The example of firefighters is used in Paragraph 6 to prove that .A.VR can be used to treat people who have social problemsB.VR can be used to help people take a trip to AfricaC.VR can be used to practise skills in a secure environmentD.VR can be used in class答案C.阅读课文完成下表,每空一词RealCinevirtual reality for everyoneWhy it is better than a filmRealCine puts the users into action and connects with the users four senses 1.actively.With VR,it is possible for us to do things that could never be 2.achieved in real life.How RealCine 3.worksBy making the users feel that they are really in a new world. Users can see in 3D and hear the sound through special VR 4.headsets.The users 5.wearing/with special gloves can “touch”the people and objects.6.Smells are given out through the headsets small openings.7.Connected to a puter network are the headsets and the gloves.How it can be used in other waysTreating people with social problems better.Practising skills in a secure environment.For example,firefighters could be trained 8.safely.Making classes more 9.lively and interesting.Providing fantastic technology for urban planning.ArgumentSome users may be 10.disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.阅读本单元Reading部分,试着以约30个词概括第三段(P42,L1422)的段落大意。With special VR headsets and gloves,users of RealCine feel that they are really in a new world.The headsets and gloves are connected to a puter network in the VR studio.难句分析Unlike a film,where a passive audience watches and hears what is happening on a screen,RealCine puts you into the action and connects with your senses of sight,hearing,smell and touch in an active way.句式分析:句中where引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词film。由于句中film并非指具体的某一部电影,而是指一个抽象的地点,因此这里只能用关系副词where,而不能用关系代词which。该定语从句中,谓语watches and hears后接一个由what引导的宾语从句。自主翻译:电影仅仅让观众被动地看和听屏幕上发生的事,而RealCine与电影不同,它让你参与到剧情活动中,以一种主动的方式与你的视觉、听觉、嗅觉和触觉联系起来。1.confident语境感悟(1)(教材P43)This encouraged him to bee more confident around others.这鼓励了他在与人交往时变得更加自信。(2)The teachers encouragement made us confident about our future.老师的鼓励使我们对未来充满信心。(3)We are confident of success.我们有信心能够成功。(4)She has great confidence in her success.她对成功有很大信心。归纳拓展(1)confident adj.自信的be/feel confident about/of.对自信/有信心be confident that.对有把握(2)confidence n.自信心,自信have/lack confidence in.对有/缺乏信心即时跟踪(1)We should encourage the children to build up their confidence.我们应该鼓励孩子们树立信心。(2)As she grew older,she became confident.随着年龄的增长她的自信心增强了。(3)The teacher wants the children to feel about asking questions when they dont understand.A.certain B.concerned C.excited D.confident答案D解析句意为:老师希望孩子们遇到不懂的问题就大胆提问。confident自信的,符合句意。2.convenience语境感悟(1)(教材P43)In reality,he is disabled and can no longer walk,but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the convenience of the VR studio.在现实中,他因为残疾已经不能走路,但是借助VR工作室里设备的便利,他能看见并触摸一头狮子。(2)We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.为方便顾客,我们备有座位。(3)Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?对你来说明天开始工作方便吗?归纳拓展(1)convenience n.方便,便利;便利的设施或工具at ones convenience在某人方便的时候for ones convenience (of)为了某人的方便for convenience为了方便起见(2)convenient adj.便利的be convenient for/to sb.对某人方便It is convenient (for sb.) to do sth.做某事(对某人来说)方便即时跟踪(1)I keep my dictionary near by desk for my convenience(为方便起见).(2)Looking forward to your reply at your convenience(在你方便的时候).(xx重庆)(3)Would you drop in at my house this afternoon if ?A.you are convenientB.it is convenient for youC.it is convenient of youD.you will be convenient答案B解析句意为:如果你下午方便的话,到我家做客好吗?要表达“如果你方便”时,句子主语一定不能说成if you are convenient,而应该用it作形式主语,即:if it is convenient for you。3.secure语境感悟(1)(教材P43)Besides this,VR can be used to practise skills in a secure environment that otherwise would be quite dangerous.除此之外,VR技术还可以用来在安全的环境中训练一些技能,否则这些技能训练可能相当危险。(2)She has secured a good job.她已经得到了一份好工作。(3)Our house is secure from flood.我们的房子没有被淹的危险。(4)You cannot secure yourself against all risks and dangers.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。归纳拓展(1)secure adj.安全的;稳固的;有把握的;v.获得;使安全be secure about对感到放心be secure against/from无之虑secure.against.使安全,保护免受(攻击、伤害或损失)(2)security n.安全a sense of security一种安全感即时跟踪(1)The poor orphan doesnt feel secure about his future.这个可怜的孤儿对他的未来感到不安。(2)Her boyfriend couldnt provide her with a sense of security.她的男朋友无法给她安全感。(3)Foreign tourists feel happily while visiting China.A.unknown Bmon C.secure D.lucky答案C解析句意为:在中国参观时,外国游客感到安全而愉快。secure在feel后作表语,意为“安全的”。4.disadvantage语境感悟(1)(教材P45)However,the costs of building a VR studio is quite high,and this seems like a real disadvantage.然而,建一个VR工作室的费用相当高,这似乎是个真正的缺点。(2)His lack of education was a disadvantage when he looked for a job.当他在找工作时缺乏教育是一个不利条件。(3)Anyone not familiar with the Internet is at a serious disadvantage.任何不熟悉因特网的人都会处于极不利的境地。(4)Those words put me at a disadvantage.那些言辞使我处于不利境地。(5)John wins an advantage over me in high jump.约翰在跳高方面胜过我。归纳拓展(1)disadvantage n.缺点;不利因素,障碍be at a disadvantage处于不利地位put/keep sb.at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位to sb.s disadvantageto the disadvantage of sb.对某人不利,使某人吃亏(2)advantage n.优点;有利因素take advantage of利用win an advantage over.比占优势即时跟踪(1)The situation is to our disadvantage(对我们不利).(2)Ill take advantage of(利用) fine weather to go swimming.(3)Parents should actively urge their children to the opportunity to join sports teams.(xx江苏,33)A.gain admission to B.keep track ofC.take advantage of D.give rise to答案C解析句意为:父母应积极督促孩子抓住机会加入运动队。take advantage of利用,符合句意。gain admission to获准进入;keep track of与保持联系; give rise to引起,导致,均不符合题意。1.add to语境感悟(1)(教材P42)To add to the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.给RealCine虚拟世界锦上添花的是,耳机上甚至还有一些小孔,可以释放出与环境相匹配的气味。(2)Add up your scores and see how many points you get.累加你的分数,看你能得多少分。(3)Shall I add your name to the list?我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?归纳拓展add to使增强,使增加,使扩大add up把加起来add.and.把和加起来add.to.把添加到add up to总计为,合计达即时跟踪(1)The bills add up to exactly 100.这些账单加起来正好100美元。(2)He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up all the weights.他把每一块石头的重量记录下来,然后把所有的重量加在一起。(3) is known to all, good friends happiness and value to life.A.It;add to B.It;add C.As;add D.As;add to答案C解析as is known to all “众所周知”是固定搭配,可排除A、B两项;add.to.添加到,符合题意。2.give out语境感悟(1)(教材P42)To add to the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.给RealCine虚拟世界锦上添花的是,耳机上甚至还有一些小孔,可以释放出与环境相匹配的气味。(2)The teacher is giving out the books.老师在分发书本。(3)Stubborn as he was,he finally gave in.他虽然很固执,但最后还是让步了。(4)He gave all his lands away to the city.他把所有的土地都捐给了该市。归纳拓展give out vt.散发(give off);分发;vi.用光(run out);耗尽;失灵;筋疲力尽(be worn out)give in屈服,让步give up放弃give away背弃;暴露;捐赠;赠给;颁发(奖品)give off发出(气味、光、热等)即时跟踪(1)用give短语的适当形式填空He gave away most of his money to charity.The car stopped when the petrol gave out.She gave in to social pressure and quit smoking.He gave up his seat to an old lady on the bus.The flowers in the garden give out/off a fragrant perfume.(2)Body language can a lot about your mood,so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.(xx浙江,7)A.take away B.throw away C.put away D.give away答案D解析句意为:身势语能够清楚地泄露出你的情绪,因此双臂交叉站着则表示你正在防御。give away泄露,符合语境。take away拿开,拿走;throw away扔掉;put away收起来,放好,储存。3.put forward语境感悟(1)(教材P43)An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.有人提出不同意见,认为一些用户可能会对RealCine失望,因为虚拟现实毕竟不是真的。(2)I put forward you as a candidate.我推荐你作候选人。(3)The meeting was put forward half an hour.会议提前了半个小时。(4)Remember to put your clock forward tonight.记着今晚把时钟往前拨。归纳拓展put forward提出,提议,建议;推荐;把提前;把(钟或表的针)拨快put away收拾起来,放好put aside储蓄put down放下;记下put off推迟put on穿上;上演put out伸出;扑灭;生产put up挂起,张贴;举起,抬起;建造,搭起put up with忍受put through接通(电话);把接到即时跟踪(1)用put的相关短语填空Can you put me through to this number?Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.Far water does not put out near fire.The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.I cant put up with such hot weather any longer.(2)We hope that the measures against sandstorms that were at the meeting will be considered seriously.A.figured out B.put forward C.taken over D.put out答案B解析句意为:我们希望会议上提出的抵制沙尘暴的方案将被认真考虑。put forward提出(问题),符合题意。figure out计算出,弄明白;take over接管,接收;put out扑灭。4pared with语境感悟(1)(教材P43)This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical,pared with the way most urban planning is done today.长远来说,与现在大多数城市规划方式相比,这种城市规划方式更经济、更实用。(2)pared to/with our small flat,Bills house seemed like a palace.和我们的小公寓相比,比尔的房子就像是一座宫殿。(3)Life is pared to voyage.人生好比航海。(4)The view of the little hill is beyond pare.这小山的景色无与伦比。(5)Your conclusion is wrong in parison with their conclusion.你们的结论与他们的相比是错误的。归纳拓展(1)pared with/to与相比pare.to.把比作pare.with.把和比较beyond/without pare 无与伦比;无可比拟(2)parison n.比较;对照in parison with.和相比较注意:pare.with.与pare.to.表示“把和比较”时,可通用;“把比作或把比喻为”用pare.to.。即时跟踪(1)用pare.with.或pare.to.的适当形式填空I pared my answers with the teachers and found I had made a mistake.The singer pares his lover to a rose in his song.(2)pared to/with her mother,she is tall.和她妈妈相比,她算是很高了。(3)The horse covered the distance in six days the trains 28 hours.Aparing with B.being pared withC.to pared with Dpared with答案D解析句意为:与火车的28个小时相比,马走这一段路程用了6天。pared with.是习惯搭配,意为“与相比”,故选D项。5.as to语境感悟(1)(教材P45)We are not very confident as to whether an operator will be able to use RealCine easily.对于一位操作员是否能够容易地运用RealCine我们不是很自信。(2)As to where to go,they havent decided yet.至于去哪里,他们还没有决定。(3)As to the journey,we must decide about that later.关于旅行的事,我们要以后再决定。(4)I wanted to go to Tokyo for vacation,but as it is,Ill be lucky if I can go camping here.我本想去东京度假,但事实上,如果能在这里野营就不错了。归纳拓展as to/for至于,关于as follows如下as usual照例,照常as it is/was事实上;照现在/原来的样子即时跟踪(1)This years summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.More information is as follows.今年的暑假班将从7月25号到8月15号。更多信息如下。(2)Do you both agree with me about the arrangement of the meeting?He quite agrees with you. ,I am not so satisfied with it.A.As a result B.As followsC.As for me D.As usual答案C解析答语句意为:他完全同意你的意见。至于我,对此事并不是那么满意。1.upon doing sth.语境感悟(1)(教材P42).he or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top.他/她一到达山顶,就会体验到一种愉悦感和成就感。(2)Upon hearing the teachers talk,the children probably felt that it sounded too good to be true.(xx浙江)听到老师的谈话,孩子们可能觉得这听起来好得令人难以置信。(3)Upon his return from Beijing,he began his research work.他一从北京回来就开始他的研究工作。(4)The moment she saw the snakes,she turned pale.一见到蛇,她的脸就变得苍白。归纳拓展教材原句中的upon doing sth.一就,在后立即,upon可用on替换。意义相近的表达方式还有:the moment/minute/second/instant.;immediately/directly/instantly.;no sooner.than.;hardly.when.;as soon as;once即时跟踪(1)No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain.我刚到家天就下起雨来。(2)Upon/On reading the letter,he began to cry.一读到那封信,他就哭了起来。2.It is/was/has beendonethat.语境感悟(1)(教材P42)In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.科学研究已经证明VR技术可以用于治疗有社交障碍的人。(2)It is said that he has been to Japan.He is said to have been to Japan.据说他去过日本。(3)It is reported that a space station will be built on the moon in years to e.(xx安徽)据报道, 未来几年将在月球上建造空间站。归纳拓展教材原句中的it has been shown that.已表明,it是形式主语,that.为真正的主语(从句)。其结构为:It is/was/has beendonethat.。类似的结构还有:It is believed that.据认为It is said that.据说It is reported that.据报道It is required that.规定It is thought that.人们认为注意:“It is said/believed/reported/thoughtthat从句”可转化为“原主语从句的主语be过去分词不定式”的句式结构,此时不定式可以根据所在句子的语境采用一般式、进行式或完成式。即:Sb.is said/believed/reported to do/to be doing/to have done。即时跟踪(1)It is believed that hard work can lead to success.人们相信努力工作就能成功。(2)A new bridge is reported across the river in your hometown.Yes,and it brings us great convenience.A.to be building B.to be builtC.to have built D.to have been built答案D解析句意为:据报道你家乡的河上建了一座新桥。是的,而且它给我们带来了很大的便利。因为build的动作发生于报道之前,所以应用不定式的完成式体现动作已完成,且桥是被建,故选D项。3.同位语从句语境感悟(1)(教材P43)An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.有人提出不同意见,认为一些用户可能会对RealCine失望,因为虚拟现实毕竟不是真的。(2)The news that he was admitted to Beijing University excited us all.他被北京大学录取这一消息使我们大家兴奋不已。(3)He told us the truth that he fell down from his bike.他告诉了我们他从单车上摔下来这一事实。(4)He sent us a message that he wouldnt e the next week.他送信来告诉我们说,下周他不来了。归纳拓展教材原句中,that引导的是同位语从句,进一步解释说明argument的具体内容。为了避免句子的“头重脚轻”,故把that从句放在后面,构成分隔式同位语从句。常见的后跟同位语从句的名词有conclusion,doubt,information,news,opinion,order,possibility,problem,promise,question,report,suggestion,truth,theory,thought,wish,word等。易混辨析同位语从句与定语从句的区别同位语从句与定语从句形相似而实质不同,主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)被修饰的词不同。同位语从句的前面一般是数量有限的、表示抽象意义的名词;而定语从句的先行词是指人或物的名词。(2)从句的作用不同。同位语从句表示同位名词的具体内容;而定语从句是对先行词名词的限制、描绘或说明。(3)引导词的作用不同。引导同位语从句的that是连词,在从句中不承担任何成分,但不能省略;而引导定语从句的that为关系代词,在从句中承担句子的某种成分,当承担定语从句中的宾语时,that可以省略。即时跟踪(1)写出下列句子是定语从句还是同位语从句The suggestion that the new rule be adopted came from the chairman.同位语从句This is the plane that will fly to Tokyo in the afternoon.定语从句The news got about that he had won a car in the lottery(彩票).同位语从句(2)We all breathed a sigh of relief when the news came no one was injured in the accident.A.why B.that C.whether D.which答案B解析句意为:当事故中没有人受伤的消息传来的时候,我们都松了一口气。这里是同位语从句,说明news的内容,“no one was injured in the accident”是一个完整的句子,所以用that连接同位语从句。.单词拼写1.The house looks very old,but in reality(事实) its quite new.2.Tom played a passive(被动的) role in his marriage.3.Lets enjoy the happiness we had at the moment.4.Every one should feel confident of succeeding in learning English.5.I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience(便利).选词填空1.The gas gave out an unpleasant smell.2.I enjoy swimming.But as to my brother,he enjoys playing football.3.The heavy rain added to the difficulty in saving the buried people.4pared with his handwriting,my handwriting is much worse.5.She put forward a good plan which shocked all the people present.完成句子1.On/Upon hearing they were not ing,we felt disappointed.听到他们不来了,我们感到很失望。2.Ive got a feeling that one day hell be famous.我有种感觉,总有一天他会成名的。3.Who do you think helped me hand in my homework?你认为是谁帮我交了作业?4.Not only is this young man clever but he is hard working.这个年轻人不仅聪明而且勤劳。5.It is reported that she is one of the best teachers in the school.据报道,她是这个学校最好的老师之一。.单项填空1.The manager put forward a suggestion we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.(xx天津,11)A.whether B.that C.which D.what答案B解析考查同位语从句。句意为:经理提了个建议我们应雇个助手。要做的工作太多了。分析句子结构可知,空格后的同位语从句用来解释说明suggestion的具体内容,从句中不缺成分且意义完整,故选B项。2.The bomb exploded the police officer started his car.A.soon B.directly C.presently D.shortly答案B解析句意为:警察刚一启动车,炸弹就爆炸了。四个选项中只有B项可以用作时间状语从句的引导词,directly相当于as soon as(一就)。3.Im going to advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.(xx天津,12)A.put B.make C.take D.give答案C解析句意为:我打算利用这次观光机会来探索这座城堡的历史。take advantage of是固定搭配,意为“利用”,符合语境,故选C项。4.Thats all I have to say.Is there anything youd like to ,John?A.talk B.require C.add D.deliver答案C解析句意为:我要说的就是这些,约翰你还有什么要补充的吗?talk谈论;require需要;add添加;deliver递送。由句意知选C。5.He is one of my previous students and always es to see me whenever .A.he is convenientB.he will be convenientC.it is convenient to himD.it will be convenient to him答案C解析句意为:他是我以前的一个学生,每当他方便的时候,我都会来看我。要表达“如果你方便”时,句子主语一定不能够说成if you are convenient.,而应该用it作形式主语,即:if it is convenient for /to you。他方便时就是it is convenient to him。.单项填空

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