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2019-2020年高中英语听说训练9北师大版必修Part A模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。Zoos are also vital for education,enabling people to see beautiful wild animals that they would never otherwise get to see.Seeing an animal in the flesh has a much greater impact than seeing one in a picture or on TV,and teaching them about the threats to their species,which hopefully encourages them to respect and protect animals.The money they bring in is used to pay for the animals food and care and to fund breeding programmes,as well as the employees wages.Some also goes towards funding the protection of animals in the wild,and their habitats.Zoos are also vital for education,enabling people to see beautiful wild animals that they would never otherwise get to see.Seeing an animal in the flesh has a much greater impact than seeing one in a picture or on TV,and teaching them about the threats to their species,which hopefully encourages them to respect and protect animals.The money they bring in is used to pay for the animals food and care and to fund breeding programmes,as well as the employees wages.Some also goes towards funding the protection of animals in the wild,and their habitats.答案vitalvaItleducationedukeInenablingIneIblIfleshfleimpactImpktthreatsretsspeciesspiizencourages InkrIdIzprogrammesprrmzemployeesImplIizhabitatshbIttsPart B听录音回答问题1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第1题。对话仅播放一遍。W:Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to give up his job.M:Dont be too sure.He told me that he was trying to sell his house.听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍:Question 1:What does the man believe Jack will do?Question 1:Answer 1:2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第23题。对话播放两遍。M:Good morning,Mary.How are you getting on with your school life?W:Morning,Tom.I passed my swimming test,and I have started living in the school dormitory.M:Why dont you live at home?W:I want to save some time.It takes me forty minutes from home to school every morning and fifty minutes from school to home every afternoon because of the traffic jam.听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍:Question 2:What is Marys good news?Question 2:Answer 2:听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍:Question 3:How long does Mary spend on her way home in the afternoon?Question 3:Answer 3:答案Question 1:What does the man believe Jack will do?Answer 1:Jack will give up his job.Question 2:What is Marys good news?Answer 2:She passed her swimming test./She did very well in her swimming test./She went/got through her swimming test.Question 3:How long does Mary spend on her way home in the afternoon?Answer 3:Fifty minutes.Part C故事复述(一)听录音,注意速记,将信息补充完整,并根据速记复述故事。录音读两遍。Mr.Smith works in a hospital.His medical skills are good and he is a popular doctor in the hospital.And he is often busy in the daytime.So he hopes to have a good rest at home.He lives in a building outside the city.All his neighbors keep quiet except Mike,who moved there last month.The young man lives just upstairs.He likes musicand bought a piano last week.He always plays the piano after supper.He cant play well,so he makes a lot of noise.Mr.Smith cant stand that.Two weeks later,Mike is ill.He has to go to the hospital.Mr.Smith looks him over and says,“If you stop playing the piano at night,youll soon be all right.”After the young man left,a nurse asks,“Does playing the piano have something to do with his recovery,Mr.Smith?” “Yes,” says Mr.Smith,“Hes one of my neighbors!”Mr.Smith .His are good and he is in the hospital.And he is often .So he hopes toat home.He outside the city.All his neighbors Mike,who last month.The young man lives just.He and last week.He always after supper.He cant play well,so he .Mr.Smith that.Two weeks later,Mike.He has to .Mr.Smith and says,“If you the piano at night,youll .”the young man left, asks,“Does playing the piano his recovery,Mr.Smith?” “Yes,”says Mr.Smith,“Hes one of !”(二)复述故事根据速记的内容口头复述故事。答案(一)works in a hospital;medical skills;a popular doctor;busy in the daytime;have a good rest;lives in a building;keep quiet except;moved there;upstairs;likes music;bought a piano;plays the piano;makes a lot of noise;cant stand;is ill;go to the hospital;looks him over;stop playing;soon be all right;After;a nurse;have something to do with;my neighbors(二)略Part D问题翻译1.睡眠不足对我们的健康有什么影响?2.吸烟为何有害我们的健康?3.身心健康的人更长寿,是吗?答案1.What effect does lack of sleep have on our health?2.Why is smoking harmful to our health?3.Those who stay healthy both physically and mentally tend to live longer,dont they?

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