2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4《Behind beliefs-Project》教案1 牛津译林版选修9.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4《Behind beliefs-Project》教案1 牛津译林版选修9.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4Behind beliefs-Project教案1 牛津译林版选修9课 题M9U4 课时9-9Project主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1Enable students to learn something about White Horse Temple.2. Provide students opportunities to use what they have learned to finish a project by working together.教学重、难点1. Make sure students can understand the text fully.2. Make sure that students should grasp some important words and phrases.教、 学 具slides预 习 要 求Preview the new words in the project.教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step 1 lead-in:Ask students questions to evoke the topic of the class:Do you know any historic religious sites in China? Where is it located? Have you ever heard any stories about it? Step 2 Reading prehensionPart A1. Please answer the following questions: Do you know any historic religious sites in China? Have you even visited any of these sites? Do you know which Buddhist temple is the oldest in China? Where is it located? Have you ever heard any stories about it? (The oldest Buddhist temple in China is the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, Henan Province.) What will you write about if you want to tell other people about a historic religious site? (The things that need to be covered include: where the site is located, when it was set up, why it was set up, who set it up and its importance in history.)1. Read an article from a history book about the oldest temple in China. First read the instructions and then the article and take notes . pare your notes to decide who has got the most important information about the historic site. 3. What is the name of the temple? (The White Horse Temple.) Where is the temple located? (It is located in Luoyang, Henan Province in the east central part of China.) Why is it called the White Horse Temple? ( To remind people of the white horse that the Buddhist readings and images had traveled on from India.)4. Divide the article into several parts and give the main idea for each part. Part 1 (Paragraph1) brief introduction of the White Horse Temple Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5) the story behind the temple Part 3 (Paragraph 6) the architecture of the White Horse Temple Part 4 (Paragraphs 7-9) the importance of the White Horse Temple5. Do Parts B1 and B2, Part D1 and D2 on p127&p129 in Workbook Part B1. Discuss the questions in Part B in groups of four and present your report to the whole class.2. Read the dialogue in Part A on page 130 and the newspaper article in Part B on page 131 in Workbook so you will know more about this subject.Step3. language points:1. remain vi 剩下,遗留 e.g. After the fire, very little remained of my house. vi 留待以后去看,去做,去说 e.g. Much work remained to be done. vi逗留,留下 e.g. Ill remain to see the end of the game. link v. 保持,仍是 e.g. The door remained closed.2. (L7) When the emperor woke up, he asked his officials to interpret his dream and tell him what it meant.(Let students analyze the plex sentence and use)3. (L31) It was the White Horse Temple that first brought the meaning of temple to the word si. ( Let students analyze the emphasize sentence and use)(05天津)It was _ you do rather than what you say _ matters.A. that, what B. that, which C. what, that D. what, this4. (L41) It is called the Qiyun Pagoda and it is the first known Buddhist pagoda in China.( Let students analyze the pound sentence and use) Homework _ (finish), we went to bed very early.Step4 Homework:1. Read the article again.2. Choose any of religious sites to write a report about it cooperating in groupsSs discuss and answer the questions.Ss may express opinions freely.Ss read the article again and work in pairs by asking each other questions about the White Horse Temple. Check the answers together.Consolidation:(02全国)Having a trio abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remained _ whether they will enjoy it.A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen


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