2019-2020年高中英语 Unit30 友人贺产女函书信通.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit30 友人贺产女函书信通December 26, xxDear Cathy,Congratulations on your new baby! I remember when our son was born two years ago. Labor wasnt much fun; thats for sure. After we took the baby home, I was nervous about doing something wrong. I read a bunch of books on taking care of babies. Now I could write a book myself! If you have any problems, dont hesitate to ask me. But Im sure youll be okay.Im sending a little something for the baby. I hope she likes it! Take care of yourself, and say hi to Joshua for me.Happy Holidays,Helen Roberts亲爱的凯西:恭喜你生了小宝宝!我还记得两年前我们的儿子出生时的事情。阵痛很不好玩,那是真的。我们把小宝贝带回家后,我很怕做错事情。所以我看了一些有关照顾婴儿的书。现在我自己都可以写一本书呢!如果你有任何问题的话,不要犹豫来问我。不过,我确信你会做得很好的。我寄了一点东西给小宝宝。希望她喜欢这些东西!好好照顾你自己,并代我向约书亚问好。祝假期愉快海伦罗伯丝敬上2005年12月26日字词解说:1. congratulations 祝贺(恒用复数)congratulate 向某人道贺congratulate sb on-N因某事恭贺某人例:Everyone congratulated the winner on his victory.(每个人都向优胜者恭贺胜利。)2. bear be司vt.生(孩子)动词三态:bear, bore ba:, born bxn Jborne bo:no注意bear的过去分词有borne及born两个:borne只用于“have borne(已生了)及“be borne by(被所生)的两种情况;而born作形容词用,常置于be动词之后。例:That woman has borne eight children.(那个女人已经生了八个小孩子。)John was borne by Mary.(约翰是玛丽生的。)He was born in 1949.(他是1949年出生的。)3. labor 分娩,阵痛be in labor在分娩中4. for sure确定地=for certain例:Can you tell me for sure when you will finish the job?(你可以确定地告诉我你何时会完成这件工作吗?)5. bunch bnnt f :.串,束,捆,堆a bunch of.一串/束/捆/堆例:Tom gave his girlfriend a bunch of flowers.(汤姆送他女朋友一束花。)6. hesitateheziteit vi.犹豫,迟疑hesitate to V犹豫例:Charles hesitated to say what he thought in front of the boss.(查理不敢在老板面前说出他的想法。)

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