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2019-2020年高一英语寒假作业第七天美文晨读Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time方向就是目标。没有目标的人生中,你将一无是处。你可以试着在纸上写下你的目标并制定一些实现它的计划。这样的话,你就会明白自己如何来安排时间并合理的来利用。而你还应该由此认同:只要你对你的方向坚持不懈,你一定能成功。、词组互译A英译汉:1hold a celebration_2after graduation_3traditional Chinese medicine _4reception desk_5a letter of invitation _6congratulate sb. on sth._7even if _8make contributions to_9go to church _10dress up_B汉译英:11中秋节_12元宵节_13端午节_14春节_15农历月份_16向要求_17已婚_18用来装饰_19从毕业_20参加_、短文改错A most interesting thing happened to me last winter. During my winter vocation, I spend my lucky money on a special gift for Grandma. One Friday afternoon, I went to a cell phone store and chose a larger button phone special designed for seniors. I gave them to my grandma when I came to visit her at the weekend. Upon receive the phone, Grandma was very happy and eager learn how to use it. I had patiently explained all the important functions she needed. Grandma learned carefully but wanted to have a try straight away. Under my help, she successfully called her good friend. That afternoon Grandma proudly told all the neighbor that she could make calls with the new phone I bought her. They all praised what thoughtful I was.21. _ 22. _ 23. _ 24. _25. _ 26. _ 27. _ 28. _29. _ 30. _ 、完形填空When I turned 40, my husband secretly planned a surprise party for me. Ill never forget my feeling 31 I entered the restaurant and saw loving friends among flowers and music and a large display of photos. I hurried from one table 32 the next, greeting each guest. Then suddenly at the back of the room I caught sight of a gentle, smiling man with snow-white hair and a kind, blue-eyed woman on his arm.“Mom, dad,” my 33 became wide. They had flown to Los Angeles from Chicago just hours before. I burst into tears at the sight of these two who, more than 34 else, had taught me that being there for another person is the 35 gift we can give.A year later, my husband and I were invited to an unusual wedding. The night before the wedding, I decided to 36 my friends and beg off. “Kathy, this is Karen.”“Youre 37 , arent you?” she broke in, almost begging (乞求). I 38 and at that moment the sight of my parents at my 40th-birthday party came into my mind.“Yes, of course,” I said. “Well be there.”So we 39 And I was grateful we did. We werent in our seats a minute before Kathy came up, happy but with 40 She told me how much our presence meant to her. Kathys parents didnt make it as well as her son. I saw 41 in her eyes.I see now that ones presence 42 be a duty. It is, in fact, something that we owe one another, whatever the 43 To be therein personfor the sad or happy events of our friends and dear ones makes 44 .When we are truly 45 for other people, important things happen to them and to us. We are renewed in love and friendship.31AthoughBwhenCifDsince32AtoBinCatDon33AnoseBforeheadCeyesDears34AeverybodyBnobodyCsomebodyDanybody35AheaviestBcheapestCsmallestDgreatest36AcallBhelpCvisitDjoin37AdrivingBingCgoingDreturning38AresistedBprayedChesitatedDrefused39AhadBwentCwaitedDwere40AtearsBsurpriseCsmilesDpride41ApuzzleBfortChurtDhonor42AmustBcanCmayDwould43Aprize BwageCbillDcost44Aa problem Ban opportunityCa differenceDan impression45ApresentBhappyCthankfulDeager、翻译句子46据报道他获得了全额奖学金。(be reprted)_47老师要求我们要把理论与实际相结合。(apply)_48服务员给他端上了一杯啤酒。(serve)_49我相信你会完成这个任务的。(depend on)_50在这个晚会上,他穿的非常潇洒。(dress)_51这个实验的结果有助于我们研究的成功。(contribute)_52学生们准备开个联欢会来庆祝新年的到来。(celebration)_53我们对这种噪音污染非常重视。(takeseriously)_54用英语发表演讲我没有任何困难。(difficulty)_55 你对你的薪水满意吗?(satisfied)_一、词组互译A英译汉:1举行庆祝会2毕业之后3传统中药4接待处5邀请函6向祝贺7即使8为作贡献9做礼拜10盛装打扮B汉译英:11the Mid-Autumn Festival12the Lantern Festival13the Dragon Boat Festival14the Spring Festival15month of the lunar year 16ask sb. for sth.17be married 18decorate. with.19graduate from. 20take part in. 21.spendspent 22.specialspecially 23.themit 24.receivereceiving25.eager后加to 26.去掉had 27.butand 28.UnderWith29.neighborneighbors 30.whathow.3135 BACDD 3640 ABCBA 4145 CBDCA. 46. He is reported to have received a full scholarship.47.The teacher requires that we should apply theory to practice.48.The waiter served him a glass of beer.49.I will depend on you to finish the task.50.He dressed smartly in thin party.51.The result of the experiment will contribute to the success of our research.52.The students will hold a party in celebration of the ing new year.53.We take this noise pollution seriously.54.I have no difficulty in making a speech by English.55.Are you satisfied with your salary?

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