2019-2020年高一英语 My first day at senior high教学案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 My first day at senior high教学案 外研版课题Myfirstdayatseniorhigh课时5授课班级考点、知识点1. 复习一般现在时的三种不同的2学习以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词学习目标1.掌握含有-ed结尾的词的发音规则并能准确读出2. 学习以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词3. 熟练写出含有一般现在时的句子和段落重、难点1. 学习生词及其构词法2. 学习以-ing和 ed结尾的形容词3. 复习一般现在时的用法,和现在进行时的比较学习内容学生活动PERIOD 1: INTRODUCTION,VOCABULARY for READING (Activity 1 & 2 on Page 2)头脑风暴,学生集中思考自主预习课文问题提出,让学生思考。布置课后家庭作业教学设计Task 1: Talk about the favorite or difficult subjects and the reasonsPre-task BrainstormingAsk students to bring out as many words about the subjects as possible(work in pairs)then collect the answers from studentsTask-cycle Learn the new words and review the old ones by usingActivity 1 Classify the words about the subjects science subjectslanguagesacademic subjectsyour favourite subjectYour difficult subjectsCheck the answers by raising the questions in Ex 1 on page 1 or the Ex 6 on page 68Post-task:Describe the favourite or difficult subjectsActivity 1 collect some expressions or sentence patterns that can be used to describe the likes or dislikesTask 2 Describe the English study in Junior School ( Warming-up of the Reading )Activity 1 Discuss the 3 questions in Ex1 on page 2 in pairs1.What are the main difference between Junior High school and Senior High school?2. Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than at Junior High school?3.Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?Activity 2 Guess the meaning of the words and discuss the English study1. Read the questions in Ex 2 and ask Ss to guess the meaning of the following of the words 2. Ask Ss to answer those questions and learn more words 3. work in pairs and get Ss to share the answers by asking and answeringHomework Work book Ex 6,7,9 on page 68学习内容学生活动PERIOD 2: REA DING学生对话题的猜测仔细阅读课文,找出相应答案。结合已有语法,让学生运用新语法进行操练。Pre-task Prediction1 Ask Ss to discuss what Li Kang will mention about his first day at Senior High -predict the topic2 Ask Ss to predict what Li Kangs first day will be like-use some adjectives to describeTask-cycle ReadingActivity 1 Scanning Ask Ss to do Ex 3 on page 2-Find the answers to the 3 questions QuestionsAnswers1What are difference between Li Kangs Junior High school and this school?2What are the two things that the English teacher thinks are important to do in class?3What are the two things that the English teacher wants to improve?Discuss and check the answers in pairsActivity 2 Skimming1Do Ex 4 on page 3 -learn how to paraphrase the difficult sentences 2Do Ex 5 on page 4-learn the new words and ask Ss which words appear in the text and read out the sentences with the words3 Read the text again and deal with some language points in the text and give Ss a few minutes to raise the questionsUseful words and expressions:as big as, as many girls as4 Ask Ss to re-order the following jumbled sentencesA My new school is very good and I can see whyB The English class is really interestingC My name is Li KangD Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwritingE The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazingF There are 65 students in my class-more than my previous class in Junior HighG The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms ShenH I like her attitude very muchPost-taskActivity Retelling Retell the text -Li Kangs First Day at Senior High with the help of some key wordsPERIOD 3: GRAMMAR 1& 2, Pronunciation ed Task 1 Revision of the present tenses and make good use of them Activity 1 Do Ex 1 on page 4 - help Ss to understand the different use between present simple tense and the present continuous tenseActivity 2 Read the text- My First Day at Senior High and classify the sentences with the present simple tense and the present continuous tenseTask 2 Make good use of the adjectives ending in ing and edActivity 1 Brainstorming ( a petition between groups, writing as many words ending in ing and -ed)Activity 2 Do Ex 1 on page 6 -Read My First Day at Senior High again and underline the adjectives with ing or ed endingsPERIOD 4: LISTENING AND VOCABULARYEVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTIONActivity 1 Ask Ss to discuss about their language learning. Raise the following questions Do you think it is easy/ difficult to learn Chinese/ English / other languages? Why or why not? Which part is the most interesting / difficult for you? Why?Activity 4 Role play Pair work. Suppose one day on the way to school, you and one of your former classmates meet each other and you two start to talk about your study in school. You can begin the conversation like this: A: Hi, XXXB: Hi, YYY, how are you doing? PERIOD 5: SPEAKING , CULTURAL CORNERTask 1 pare the School SystemActivity 1 Warming up-Ask Ss to answer the question to test their existing knowledge and to stimulate the interest in reading. What do you know about the high school system in the US?Task 2 Speaking -Talk about the two school systemsActivity 1 Ask Ss to turn to page 10 -Learning to learnActivity 2Get Ss to look at the photos from a US high school and ask them to describe what they can see from the pictures.Activity 3Get Ss to answer the questions Activity 4Get Ss to discuss Which school system is more interesting and attractive? Why?What do you imagine the perfect school system to be like? If you are the Minister of Education in China, do you think it is necessary to make some changes of the school system? And in what way?教学反思对于第一课时的安排是为整个模块学习做好话题内容和词汇方面的准备和铺垫。目的在于为学习创造气氛,激发兴趣。在学习生词时,训练联想,对比和归纳等认知策略,训练用英语进行初步思考。阅读课主要是对学生的阅读能力加以训练,不要对文章进行肢解,逐字逐句的讲解翻译。在教学过程中,还应该更关注学生的状态投入,让学生尽量以小组合作和小组探究的形式进行必要的自主学习。


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