六年级英语上册 Unit 6 The turtle is faster教案 广东版开心.doc

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Unit 6 The turtle is faster.一、教学目标1) Vocabulary: hippo, elephant, turtle ,snail , bigger, smaller, faster, slower2) Target: Is a hippo big ? Yes, its big. Is an elephant big ? Yes, its very big. Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo? An elephant is bigger.重点比较级难点Which is 比较级,A or B? A/ B is 比较级.教具Picture Cards, 课件二、教学过程一、 Warm up1、Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you today?2、Sing a song: Is this a dog? 3、Review the animals. Point to the picture. (Sports Meeting)PPTT: This is a .S: .二、 Lead in 1、T: Good! Today the animals are going to have a sports meeting. Who is the winner? Do you want to know? Lets learn Unit6. And then you will know it. PPT Unit 6 The turtle is faster. 2、Write down the topic.贴图。3、小组竞赛。三、 Presentation1、Point to the picture. (A hippo) PPT T: Look! Here comes an animal. Whats this? S: Its a hippo. T: Is a hippo big? S: Yes, it is. T: Oh yes, its big.板书:Is a hippo big? Oh yes, its big.2、Point to the picture. (An elephant) PPT T: Whats that? S: Its an elephant.S: Is an elephant big? (Put the card 引导S问) T: An elephant? Yes, its very big.板书:Is an elephant big? An elephant? Yes, its very big.3、Show the picture. (A hippo VS an elephant) PPT T: Wow. Lets look. A hippo is big. An elephant is big, too. Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo? S: An elephant. T: Good! An elephant is bigger.板书:Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo? An elephant is bigger. 4、指图归纳T: The hippo is big, but the elephant is bigger. Big,bigger. The hippo is big, but the elephant is bigger. 5、Do the action. (big VS small) 板书small smallerT: Which is smaller, an elephant or a hippo?S: A hippo is smaller.6、Point to the picture. (A turtle) PPT T: Oh! Whats that? S: Its a turtle.T: Is a turtle big? S: No, it isnt. T: Yes, a turtle is small.7、Point to the picture. (A snail) PPTT: Oh. Here comes a snail. Is a snail small? S: Yes, its small. (引导S说)8、Show the picture. (A turtle and a snail) PPT T:Look! The Sports Meeting begins. What are the turtle and the snail doing? S: Theyre running. T: Yes. The turtle and the snail are running. Theyre having a race.9、Point to the picture. (A turtle VS a snail) T: Which is faster, the turtle or the snail? S: The turtle.T: Good! The turtle is faster. 板书 fast faster10、Point to the picture. (A turtle VS a snail) T: The turtle is slow, but the snail is slower.板书slow, slower. The turtle is slow, but the snail is slower.11、指板书说单词PPT big/bigger, small/smaller, fast/faster, slow/slower, (做动作)12、Lets chant: Big, bigger, the elephant is bigger.Small, smaller, the hippo is smaller.Fast, faster, the turtle is faster.Slow, slower, the snail is slower.13、小结:形容词比较级的变化规则。PPT四、 Practice1、Compare and write. Ask and answer: fast, fasterModel: The is But the is Write down the sentences after the model. Check.2、Reading.Point to the picture. Listen to the text.Read the questions.Read the text and write down the answers. Check.3、Writing. Write a text after the model: The bear isCheck and show out.五、 思想教育Advertisement1. When the buying stops, the killing can too.2. Wild animals are our friends.3. I think we should try our best to protect the wild animals.六、 Summary. 收获七、 Homework.1、Listen to the tape, repeat and read U6 V、T .2、Read your writing to your parents.3、Compare the things or the people and write it down. 八、 Blackboard design:Unit 6 The turtle is faster. big-bigger Is a hippo big? small-smaller Yes, its big. fast-faster Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo? slow-slower An elephant is bigger.The turtle is slow, but the snail is slower.教学反思本单元开始学习形容词的比较级,多数学生能够熟练运用。比较级的定义:大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更”,用于两者之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更”,比较级前面一般用much, even, a little修饰,其中even, much 只能修饰比较级。 本节课的教学设计合理,课件制作精美,学生很有兴趣,所以学的开心,教学效果良好。但是教学内容多了点,时间较紧迫。作文的教学有点难度,成绩差的学生就不太会写,要加强练习。

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