五年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you put in your bag学案 外研版.doc

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Module10Unit1 What did you put in your bag? 学吧目标学生能够掌握本课的主要单词:trip, clothes, shoes, present, ticket, passport, toothbrush, airport, leave, beach, met。 2.学生能理解并运用句型向别人询问发生过的事情。Where did you go?When did you go there?What did you do there?Who did you meet there?3. 学生能够区别过去式和将来时的用法。Where will you go?When will you go there?What will you do there?Who will you meet there? 预学单一、 预学思考1.假如这个暑假你要去美国看望你的好朋友,你需要准备那些东西呢?请列个清单吧! 2.把你所学过的特殊疑问词写下来吧! 3.听课文,找出文中的特殊疑问句。 二、我的困惑 _ _共学单一、 预学反馈1.一起分享你为出国旅游列的清单吧!2.说一说你所知道的特殊疑问词。3.同桌互评:看谁能准确流利地读出书中的特殊疑问句。正确:流利:4.互帮互助,解决困惑。二、探索分享活动一1.共同学习:Where did you go?When did you go there?What did you do there?Who did you meet there?2.小组合作,互问互答。3.展示交流成果。活动二1.共同复习:Where will you go?When will you go there?What will you do there?Who will you meet there?2和小伙伴互问互答。3.展示交流成果。活动三1.听录音,整体感知课文。2.听音,回答以下问题: What did Daming put in his bag? _Where did Daming go tomorrow? _ When will Daming leave tomorrow?_ Who is going to go to America?_3.听录音并跟读课文。4.组内分角色朗读课文,比比谁读得最好! 延学单一、 我是超级调查员。 namequestionImotherfatherWhere didWhen did What did Who did二、将调查结果写出来,看谁的书写最漂亮。 I went to England last year. I went there last August. I studied English. I visited the Tower Bridge. I saw Big Eye and the Big Ben. I met Huw there. My mother


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