2019年高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)C单元 阅读理解(含解析).doc

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2019年高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)C单元 阅读理解(含解析).doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)C单元 阅读理解(含解析)C单元 阅读理解1C1 人物传记类1C2 故事类4C3新闻报道类4C4广告应用类4C5 文化教育类4C6 历史地理类4C7 社会生活类4C8 科普知识类4C1 人物传记类【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省潍坊一中高三10月第一次月考(xx10)】AMany experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.He was known for making movies that offered sharp social ment. Wilder was one of first directors to do this. Between the middle 1930sand the 1980s,Billy Wilder made almost fifty movies. During that time he received more than twenty nominations(提名) from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He won six of the Oscar awards. His movies have been seen by people around the world.In 1944,Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors. Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945.Ray Milland plays the part of an alcoholic writer in the movie. It shows that alcohol rules his life, yet he does not admit it. He hides alcohol in his home and says he is not drinking.In 1950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevard. This movie told of an aging actress in silent movies. She plans to return to movies though facing many problems. In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilders first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year Itch. In this movie, a married mail wants to cheat on his wife with some of hisfriends.In1959,Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. It was Some Like It Hot. It tells about two jazz musicians being chased by criminals. They decide to wear womens clothes and join a band in which all the musicians were women. Wilder died in March,xx. He was ninety-five. A current Hollywood producer said: “Billy Wilder made movies that people will never forget.”41. The text is mainly about_.A. the background of American movies B. the development of American moviesC. Wilders attitude to American movies D. Wilders achievements in American movies42. What was Wilder famous for according to Paragraph 2?A. His unique style of making movies.B. Sharp remarks on society in his movies.C. More than twenty awards he received.D. Almost fifty movies he produced himself.43. Which of the following made Wilder among the greatest Hollywood directors?A. Double Indemnity B. Sunset Boulevard C. The Lost weekend D. Some Like It Hot 44.When was The Seven Year Itch made?A. In 1944 B. In 1945 C. In 1954 D. In 195545. The text is developed mainly_.A. by following time order B. by making parisonC. by analyzing exact data D. by giving instructions【答案】【知识点】C1 人物传记类 【文章综述】本文主要讲的美国著名电影导演Billy Wilder的人生经历。【答案解析】41.选D,主旨题,根据第一段可以判断是人物传记类题材,讲的主要是Billy Wilder的成就。42.选B,细节题,根据第二段第一句话可知答案:He was known for making movies that offered sharp social ment.43.选A,细节题,根据第三段第一、二句话可知答案:In 1944,Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors.44.选D,细节题根据第四段第三、四句话In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilders first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year Itch.45.选A,推断题非常明显文章各段都出现了时间,所以文章的发展线索是“时间”。【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省莱州一中高三10月月考(xx10)】EJess Owens seemed sure to win the long jump at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin,GermanyJust the year before,he had set three world records in one dayHe was the record holder for the running broad jump with 26 feet 8 14 inchesa record that would stand for 25 years As he walked to the long jump pit,however,Owens saw a tall,blue-eyed,blond German taking practice jumps in the 26 foot rangeOwens was nervousHe was aware of the tension created with his presenceHe knew the NaziS(纳粹)desire was to prove their“superiority”,especially over the blacksThe pressure was obvious,and on his first jump Owens absentlyjumped from several inches beyond the takeoff boardEmbarrassed,he fouled(犯规)on the second attempt,tooHe was only one foul away from being driven out of the gameAt this point,the tall German approached Owens and introduced himself as Luz LongThen an amazing event took placeThe black son of an American farmer and the white model of Nazi manhood chatted in view of the entire stadiumWhat were they talking about? Since the qualifying distance was only 23 feet 5 12 inches,Long suggested making a mark several inches before the takeoff board and jumping from there,just to play it safeAmazing! At the beginning of World War II,this model of Germanys strength was providing technical assistance and words of encouragement to an enemy both on and off the fieldOwens qualified easily. In the finals,he set an Olympic record and earned the second of four gold medals during the 1936 OlympicsThe first person to congratulate Owens was Luz Longin full view of Adolf HitlerOwens never saw Long again,for Long was killed in World War II“You could melt(融化)down all the medals and cups I have,”Owens later wrote,“and they wouldnt be plating on the 24-carat(开)friendship I felt for Luz Long”61From the passage we know the Owens_A. felt str essed because Luz Long was in the gameBfouled three times in the qualifying petitionCset the world record in running broad jump at the age of 25Dwon three gold medals in the 1936 Olympics62Which of the pictures shows exactly how Owens performed in his first jump? 63What can be inferred from Paragraph 5?ALongs suggestion was impracticalBLong was foolish enough to help OwensCThe US and Germany were at war at the timeDTheir petition would last forever64We can learn from the last paragraph that_ALong stayed in touch with Ow ens BOwens melted down all the medals and cups he had earned CLong lost his life in a batt leDOwens joined the US Army65Which of the following can best describe Luz Long?ABrave and selfless BGreedy and selfishCProud and coldDSmart and confident【答案】【知识点】C1 人物传记类【文章综述】 本文讲述奥运冠军欧文与德国人Long之间的友谊。 【答案解析】61.A 细节理解题。根据第二段提到Owens was nervousHe was aware of the tension created with his presence欧文非常的紧张,他意识到紧张由这的人出现在赛场上导致的,故选A项。62.D 细节推断题。根据第三段提到jumped from several inches beyond the takeoff boardEmbarrassed,he fouled(犯规)on the second attempt,too第二次也犯规了,可知第一次犯规,故选D项。63.C 细节推断题。根据第五段提到At the beginning of World War II,this model of Germanys strength was providing technical assistance and words of encouragement to an enemy both on and off the field在二战出期,德国力量的模型为敌人在这个领域提供了技术和语言上的帮助,故选C项。64.C 细节推断题。根据最后一段提到Owens never saw Long again,for Long was killed in World War II欧文再也看不到Long,因为他在二战中被杀死了,故选C项。65.A 细节推断题。本文提到Long是德国人,当时正在两国交战,他却向欧文介绍自己并帮助欧文,非常的无私和勇敢,故选A项。【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省莱州一中高三10月月考(xx10)】B On Monday, December 10,xx,Google Doodle(涂鸦)celebrated the 197th anniversary of the birth of Ads Lovelace. She is seen by some as the worlds first puter programmer Google wrote on their offcial blog :“We hope todays doodle inspires people to find out more about Ads,and about the contributions made by women in general to science and technology” Lovelace was born on December 10,1815Her father was a poet,and her mother was a mathematician,who arranged for her daughter to be taught in science and mathAda followed in her mothers footsteps,eventually being a mathematician herself At 17,Lovelace became friends with Babbage,a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University,who Ada learned about four years ago from her mother. She became interested in his idea to design a puting device(装置)Babbage and Lovelace wouldwrite letters back and forth to each other about it. In 1843,Lovelace added details to an article describing the machineShe included step-by-step instructions for how the machine would work Whi1e Babbage saw the machine as a calculator. Lovelace predicted a machine that could use symbols and roles to pute more than just mathShe even wrote about it making music:“The engine might create plex and scientific pieces of music”Lovelace imagined that one day it would be possible to use a machine for an unlimited number of tasksThe only limitation would be the creativity of the userThe machine was not actually built until 1991But,Lovelace had envisioned it nearly 100 years before that. It was the worlds first puterLovelace is one of the few female pioneers of the puter ageGoogles Doodle honors her by showing her vision from start to finishIt has Lovelace writing her program with a feather pen alongside puters based on her first ideaThe last machine shown; a modern laptop playing music,just as Lovelace had imagined many years ago46Google Doodle celebrated Lovelaces b irthday to_Ahonour her achievements in puter programmeBintroduce her life and excellent scientific researchCspread her ideas on mathematics and technologyDshow the history of puter development47Babbage and Lovelace became friends mainly because_ABabbage gave her so much helpBLovelace wrote him so many letters Cthey had mon interest in scienceDthey both studied at Cambridge University48Lovelace didnt agreewith Babbage because she believed_Amath problems could be solved by puter Bfuture puters could acplish many tasksCpute rs might be only used as a calculatorDBabbages ideas on puter were impractical49The underlined word“envisioned”in Paragraph 6 can be replaced by_.Adiscussed Bliked Cinvented Dforeseen50What does the text mainly talk about?AThe function of the first puterBA female pioneer of puter scienceCThe start of puter 100 years agoDFriendship between Babbage and Lovelace【答案】【知识点】C1 人物传记类【文章综述】本文第一段提到谷歌涂鸦在xx年12月10庆祝Ads Lovelace她的诞辰,因此她被看作世界上第一位电脑程序的设计者,讲述其中的原由 【答案解析】46.A 细节理解题。根据第一段提到She is seen by some as the worlds first puter programmer她被看作是世界一流的电脑设计者,故选A项。47.C 细节理解题。根据第四段提到At 17,Lovelace became friends with Babbage,a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University,who Ada learned about four years ago from her mother. She became interested in his idea to design a puting device(装置)可知他们成为好朋友,因为有共同的爱好,故选C项。48.B 细节理解题。根据第三段提到Babbage and Lovelace wouldwrite letters back and forth to each other about it. In 1843,Lovelace added details to an article describing the machineShe included step-by-step instructions for how the machine would work两人谈论这事时不再通信,1843年Lovelace写了文章来描述这个机器,而第四段提到Whi1e Babbage saw the machine as a calculator.而Babbage只把它看到一个计算器,在第五段提到Lovelace imagined that one day it would be possible to use a machine for an unlimited number of tasks故选B项。49 D 词意猜测。根据第六段提到The machine was not actually built until 1991But,Lovelace had envisioned it nearly 100 years before that. It was the worlds first puter这个机器直到1991年才产生,但Lovelace在100年前就预见它,故选D项。50.B 主旨大意。本文第一段提到谷歌涂鸦在xx年12月10庆祝Ads Lovelace她的诞辰,因此她被看作世界上第一位电脑程序的设计者,讲述其中的原由,故选B项。【英语卷(解析)xx届吉林省吉林市高三第一次摸底考试(xx10)】第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The music industry is never short of teen pop stars with wonderful looks,61_it doesnt often find one like US singer Taylor Swift. “Beneath Taylor Swifts not-a-girl, not-yet-a-woman sweetness hides a very62_(skill)songwriting technique (技巧),” writes Leah Greenblatt with Entertainment Weekly.Songwriting, the country singer explains, is “how I deal with problems. I am used to63_(write)about things that really influences me most.” So in her songs, there is always64_true and honest. They seemlikestories from65_diaryandthat certainly helps Swift attract her audience.She66_(sell)more than 13 million copies worldwide of her first two albums, 2006s self-titled debut (首张专辑) and 2008s Fearless. Shes the youngest artist ever to67_(name)Artist of the Year at the American Music Awards. Not surprisingly, there were great expectationsforher third album, Speak Now,68_came out late last month, where she again returned69_herownlife for material. “The 14 songs are all about the last two years. when life was a little bit bigger and70_(crazy),” says Swift. “So Ive written about the lessons and confusion and heartbreak and all the different things that go along with being 18, 19 and 20.”【答案】【知识点】C1人物传记类【文章综述】本文讲述的美国音乐人Taylor Swift的音乐创作故事。61. but此处表转折62. skillful形容词作定语63. writingbe used todoing习惯做某事64. something一些诚实和真实的东西65. a / her都可以66. has sold“到现在为止已卖出“现在完成时67. be named“被称为”68. which定语从句69. to固定搭配70. crazier。A little bit修饰比较级【英语卷(解析)xx届黑龙江省哈六中高三10月月考(xx10)】BWhen his book The Little Prince began, Conor Grennan was planning a year-long trip around the globe, a journey that began with a three-month voluntary service in the Little Princes Childrens Home, an orphanage (孤儿院) in Nepal.Arriving there, Conor was immediately weled by all the children even though he had no previous experience in working with children. He quickly grew to love the job. But it wasnt long before Conor came to learn that the children were not orphans at allthey were actually children who had been separated from their parents by a child trafficker(贩子).This realization turned Conors global journey into a strong desire to try to find a way to reunite these children with their families. As a part of his efforts, Conor did a great amount of work when he was back in America. He started up a non-profit organization called Next Generation Nepal (NGN), raising funds in order to buy a house in Nepal as another childrens home. Then, back in Nepal, he began a life-changing trip into remote villages. It is really aamazing to read about Conor municating with the children and to read his descriptions of each of them. He made me truly care about the kids. I wanted them to be able to reunite with their families, too! Unfortunately, this was simply not possible for some of the children. But there were some lucky ones. Jagrit, for example, had thought for years that both his parents were dead. So, Connor was surprised when he visited Jagrits village and was introduced to the boys father!Conor successfully found many of the families of the children and also found his future wife while in Nepal.25. What do we know about the Little Princes Childrens Home? A. Many children ended there due to illegal trade. B. The children in it are all orphans. C. It is worldwide profitable organization. D. it has many branches all over Nepal.26. In order to help the children, Conor _. a. decided to remain single b. set up the organization NGN c. visited some remote villages d. gave up his plan to travel worldwide e. gave up his plan to travel worldwide A. a, b, d B. b, c, d C. b, c, e D. c, d, e27. It can be learned from the text that Conor Grennan _. A. is a friend of the author B. likes teaching very much C. has already settled in Nepal D. is the author of The Little Prince【答案】【知识点】C1 人物传记类【文章综述】文章讲述了作家ConorGrennan在创作 The Little Princes这本书的过程中,付出了很大的努力来帮助被拐卖的孩子们。他的所作所为深深地触动了本文的作者。【答案解析】25.A。解析:细节理解题 根据第二段最后一句they were actually children who had been separated from their parents by a child trafficker(贩子). 可知,这些孩子是被贩卖后与父母分开的。26.C。解析:细节理解题 根据第三段第一句Conor放弃了全球旅行的计划,转而想办法帮助孤儿院的孩子与父母团聚。第三第四句He started up a non-profit organization called Next Generation Nepal (NGN), raising funds in order to buy a house in Nepal as another childrens home. Then, back in Nepal, he began a life-changing trip into remote villages. 可知,他创立了NGN非赢利组织,还去边远地区找线索。27.D。解析:判断推理题 根据第一段When his book The Little Prince began, Conor Grennan was planning a year-long trip around the globe,和倒数第二段第一句It is really aamazing to read about Conor municating with the children and to read his descriptions of each of them,可推断出Conor Grennan 就是这本书的作者。【英语卷(解析)xx届广西省桂林中学高三10月月考(xx10)】BWhen Frida Kahlos paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such ments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly,she is actuallya much bigger nametoday than she was during her time.Born in 1907 ina village near Mexico City, Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine(脊柱)bee bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but noting was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Riveras strong influences on Kahlos style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlos works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.25. What does theunderlinedphrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 mostprobablymean?A.Afar better artist.B.Afor more gifted artist.C.Amuch stronger person.D.Amuch more famous person.26. The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by.A. polioB. her bent spineC. back injuriesD. the operations she had27. Kahlos style had bee increasingly independent since the.A.1930sB. 1940sC. 1950sD. 1970s28. What is authors attitude toward Kahlo?A. Devotion.B. Sympathy.C. Worry.D. Encouragement.【答案】【知识点】C1人物传记类【文章综述】本文讲述的是艺术家Kahlo的成长历程,身残志坚,她的作品后来才被人们所喜爱和重视。25 .D.词义猜测题。通读全文,我们可以用better 和gifted来描写她,可知D项正确。A:一个更好的艺术家;B:一个更有天赋的艺术家;C:一个更强大的人。26.C.推理判断题。文章依据就是school bus accident。.27.B. 细节理解题。根据第三段中”but her later works from the 1940sshow less influence from her husband.”可知B项正确。28.B. 推理判断题题。本文描述Frida Kahlo 从小患病,之后出车祸,作品在早期未受到足够的重视等一系列故事,从中可以体会到作者始终对Frida Kahlo 抱以极大的同情。 A.:忠诚; C:担忧; D:鼓舞。【英语卷(解析)xx届广东省佛山市佛山一中高三9月月考(xx09)】ASamuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student from Cornwall, England. He never studied the piano. However, he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them. He learns a piece of music by listening to it in parts. Then he thinks about the notes in his head. Two years ago, he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata(奏鸣曲)by Beethoven. He surprised everyone around him.Amazed that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly, his teachers say Samuel is unbelievable. They say his ability is very rare, but Samuel doesnt even realize that what he can do is special. Samuel wanted to bee a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents, but music teachers told him he should study music instead. Now, he studies law and music.Samuel cant understand why everyone is so surprised. “I grew up with music. My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. About two years ago, I suddenly decided to start playing the piano, without being able to read music and without having any lessons. It es easily to meI hear the notes and can bear them in mindeach and every note,” says Samuel.Recently, Samuel performed a piece during a special event at his college. The piece had more than a thousand notes. The audienc


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