2019-2020年高考英语 能力测试基础训练16 日常交际用语.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 能力测试基础训练16 日常交际用语日常交际用语,是高考考试说明中明确规定的考点。根据其使用情况,可分为情景对话和日常用语两大类。从命题形式上看,主要有听力、单项选择、改错等题型。日常交际用语受到语言环境、说话人的身份、语气、表达的感情色彩及情态动词的用法的影响,应把上下文作为一个整体来理解;注意固定套语的用法;注意中、外文化差异;注意口语中的省略形式等。1.Im taking my driving test tomorrow._!A.Cheers B.Good luck Ce on D.Congratulations2.The boys are not doing a good job at all,are they? _.A.I guess not so B.I dont guess C.I dont guess so D.I guess not3.What happened to the priceless works of art? _.A.They were destroyed in the earthquakeB.The earthquake was destroying them C.They destroyed in the earthquakeD.The earthquake destroyed them 4.Its been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much._.A.My pleasure B.Im glad to hear that C.No,thanks D.Its OK5.How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel?Well,_.I will look the word up if it affects my understanding.A.seldom B.very often C.it depends D.if possible6.What about having a drink?_.A.Good idea B.Help yourself C.Go ahead,please D.Me,too7.Waiter!_.I cant eat this.Its too salty.A.Yes,sir B.What C.All right D.Pardon8.Id like to go with you to the cinema,but Im short of money these days.Thats all right._.A.We are friends,and Ill help youB.It will be my treat C.You know Im a millionaireD.Ill pay for myself9.We had a good time in dancing at a disco.Why didnt you go with us?I_there,but my parents told me not to .A.would have gone B.couldnt go C.hadnt gone D.failed to go10.I feel tired,Dad.Tired? _?A.For what B.For which C.From which D.Of what11.Mum,Ive cut my finger.Its bleeding._.A.Let me see B.Dont worry C.Let me have a look D.Be careful12.Can I help you?No,thanks._.A.I just look around B.I am just looking C.I would like to look D.I will buy nothing13.Paul,Id like to have a talk with you at tea break._ Have what with me?A.Yes,please. B.Thanks. C.Sorry. D.Youre wele.14.Whose advice do you think I should take?_.A.Its up to you B.Thats it C.You got it D.You speak15.Im going downtown.e on._.A.Youre wele B.Dont do that Ce with me D.Ill give you a lift16.e in,please.Make yourself at home._Im glad you like it.A.Oh.This picture is so beautiful.B.Thanks.What nice food youve prepared! C.Thanks.You have a nice place here.D.OK.Let me look around your new house.17.How did you find your visit to the museum,Jane?_.A.By taking a No.3 busB.Oh,wonderful,indeed C.I went there aloneD.A classmate of mine showed me the way18.I put him down for a well-educated man?_?I mean that hes a well-educated man.A.Speak louder,will youB.I beg your pardon C.Whats thatD.Will you repeat word for word19.Oh,must you? Stay a bit longer.Its been such fun having you._.Ive got an early start tomorrow morning.A.Thanks anyway B.No problem C.All right D.Never mind20.I didnt know this was a one-way street,officer._A.Thats all rightB.I dont believe you. C.How dare you say that?D.Sorry,but thats no excuse.21.Would you mind not littering in the classroom?_.Ill pick up the waste paper.A.With pleasure B.Thanks C.No,not at all D.Yes,thats right22.You must be excited about going to France for schooling._,but Im afraid I cant do well because my French is poor.A.Never mind B.I dont know yet C.Well,I ought to D.Certainly not23.Excuse me.Can you spare me a few minutes?_A.Whats on? B.Whats up? C.What is it? D.Whats more?24.Hey,look where you are going!Oh,_.A.Im terribly sorry B.I am not noticing C.thats all right D.I dont mean to do it25.Jack! _! You are wanted on the phone.Oh,Im ing.Thank you.A.Take it easy B.Dont worry C.Be careful D.Hurry up26.Good morning,Grand Hotel.Hello,Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th._A.What can I do for you? B.Just a minute,please. C.Whats the matter? D.At your service.27.I had a really good weekend at my uncles._.A.Oh,thats very nice of youB.Congratulations C.Its a pleasureD.Oh,Im glad to hear that28.Im very sorry I cant go to your birthday party._.A.Its very nice B.Can I help you C.It doesnt matter D.Certainly29.What do you think of your headmaster?_.A.I like him B.Hes not very tall C.He is very kind D.He often smiles30.Would you mind me smoking here?_.Its non-smoking area here.A.Yes,please B.Im afraid.Ive to say yes C.No,please D.No,you cant31.Time,please._,my watch doesnt work.A.No trouble B.No problem C.Sorry D.Sure32._?About six yuan a kilo.A.How old B.How much C.How often D.How many33.Look! There is some dirt on you left hand._.Ill go to wash it away.A.So is there B.There is so C.So there is D.So it is34.Thank you for your delicious food,Mrs.Green._,Mr.Smith.Im glad you enjoyed it.A.All right B.OK C.No,not at all D.Thank you35.It looks as if it is going to rain._,or we wont be able to go for a picnic.A.I hope not B.I think so C.Im not afraid D.I dont believe so36._,please,your room is on the third floor,sir.A.Go there Be here C.Get up D.This way37.Did you close your door when you left your room?_.A.I hope so B.True C.Sure D.Believe it or not38._.Thanks,I certainly will.A.Happy New YearB.Dont forget to wash your clothes C.Please send my regards to your parentsD.Let me help you39.Hello.Is that Bob speaking?Sorry,he isnt in.Can I take a message?Yes,_.A.Im Tom B.Thank you C.This is Tom speaking D.Tell him Tom called40.I have a serious toothache,doctor._.Let me give you an examination.A.It doesnt matter B.Thats OK C.Take it easy D.Dont worry41._ are you getting on with your classmates?Very well.They are all friendly to me.A.What B.How C.Who D.Why42.Would you please ask Joan to ring me back,Mr.Green?Sure._?I think so.A.Have you told himB.May I speak to Joan C.Does she have your number D.Why43.Do you mind my turning off the light?_.Im reading the end of the story.A.No,not at all B.Of course not C.Id rather you didnt D.Yes,please44.She isnt your old classmate,is she?_.I have never seen her before.A.Yes,she is B.No,she is C.Yes,she isnt D.No,she isnt45.Do you know _he is?Its said he is a doctor.A.who B.which C.what D.whom46.Where_my watch? I cant find it anywhere.I_it right here.But now its gone.A.did you put;have put B.have you put;was putting C.have you put;put D.were you putting;have put47.Do you still remember_he came to Changsha?Yes,he came here by air.A.how B.when C.where D.why48.Were going to have a picnic this weekend.Are you serious?_.Mr.Zhang is ing to join us,too.A.Yes,I have never been more seriousB.Yes,we do C.No,were not goingD.No,we arent49.Look out! Your hair will get caught in the machine.Thank you._ so close to it.A.I think I am B.I dont know I am C. I didnt know I was D.I had thought I was50.Do you think I can use your pen?_.A.Yes,go on B.No,do please C.Yes,you could D.But Im using it myself51.May I have the honor of dancing with you?_.A.Thank you all the same B.Good idea C.Its kind of you D.With pleasure52.Happy New Year!_.A.The same as you B.You do too C.The same to you D.You have it too53._ if I got up late?You would miss the train.A.How B.What C.Which D.Why54.Mr.Zhang,everyone is here except Tom.He is ill in bed._.A.He is unlucky B.I hope it doesnt matter C.Im sorry to hear that D.Thats OK55.When you meet a foreigner for the first time,you can say“_?”A.How do you do B.Are you married C.Whats your weight D.How old are you56.Will you do me a favor?Yes,_.A.I will B.Im glad to C.I can D.I must57.Which one would you like better?_.Would you show me another?A.No one B.Not any C.Neither D.None58.Would you like some more coffee?_.A.Yes,I wouldB.No,I wouldnt C.No,thank you all the same D.No,just a little59.Can I help you?_.A.Thank you B.Yes,Id like to buy a pen C.No,you may not D.No,I have nothing to do60.Im afraid Ive lost my watch.Oh,_? I think you have to buy a new one.A.are you B.do you C.have you D.is it true61.Sorry,I didnt pass the exam this time.Well,_.A.I dont think so B.better luck next time C.it cant be true D.I cant believe it62.Shall we go to the cinema?Yes,but wait a minute,please._I must make a phone call first.A.OK. B.All right. C.Nothing serious. D.Why?63.Oh,its youe in,please._.Thank you very much.You have a very good place here.A.Long time no see B.Take it easy C.Make yourself at home D.Dont worry64.Why didnt you buy the diamond necklace?I _.But I didnt have the money.A.bought B.would have bought C.would D.had bought65.Why werent you at home yesterday?_.A.I was,sir B.No,I was,sir C.But I was,sir D.Yes,I was,sir66._,monitor?No,Jack isnt here.Hes ill in bed.A.Is anyone absent B.Wheres Jack C.Is Jack ill today D.Is everyone here today67.You know what? Ive just beaten the school record in the high jump._A.Congratulations! B.So you can. C.With pleasure. D.Are you really?68.Lets go to the party together.Will seven oclock do?_.A.Youre wele B.Do it C.Its been a pleasure D.Fine69._Dont mention it.A.I hope you will pass the exam.B.Its very kind of you to help me. C.Would you mind opening the door?D.What about going out for a walk?70.Which half shall I take?You can take _.They are exactly the same.A.each B.all C.either D.both71.Who is Harry?_? His house is next to yours.A.Dont you meet him yet B.Didnt you meet him yet C.Havent you met him yet D.Hadnt you met him yet72._?Can you give me some medicine,doctor?A.Hello B.Can I help you C.How are you feeling D.How can I help you73.Will you please tell us something exciting about London?Yes,_.A.not at all B.Im ing to that C.youre wele D.thats all right74.Do you mind if I take the chair away?_.A.No,please dont B.No,go ahead C.Yes,of course D.Yes,please75.Who do you think is the greatest writer in the world?_.A.Yes,I know B.Im afraid I dont know C.I dont think so D.No,I dont understand76.Where shall we meet?_?A.Why not to meet at the school gateB.Why not meeting at the school gate C.What about meet at the school gateD.What about meeting at the school gate77.My husband never touches dishes._.A.Neither does mine B.So does mine C.Neither is mine D.So is mine78.Why dont you call Ann?I_call her just now,but her phone was busy.A.shall B.do C.could D.did79.Ill have a look at the skirt._! Please take your time.A.Oh,sorry B.Bad luck C.No hurry D.So it is80.Do you mean I have to finish the work within two days?_.A.Thats all B.Thats right C.Thats all right D.Thats good81.Whats going on?_.A.Im going on reading the bookB.Lets go dancing C.No,we wont go on.We need a restD.The tall building is on fire82.You look pale,Joan.Whats wrong with you?Why? _.A.Im not myself B.Im quite myself C.Fine,thank you D.I feel sick83.Are you hungry now?No,not _.I had a bowl of noodles an hour ago.A.at least B.the least C.a bit D.a little84.Would you go to the cinema with me?_,but I have a lot of homework to do.A.Id like to B.OK C.All right D.No problem85.Please dont let the secret out._.Ill be able to keep it in.A.Yes,I will B.Yes,I wont C.No,I will D.No,I wont86.Hello,Tom.Long time no see! _?A.Whats wrong with youB.Whats the matter with you C.What have you done recentlyD.How have you been recently87.Could you tell me how to improve my spoken English?I_you ask your teacher for advice.A.hope B.advise C.suggest D.wish88.Hello,may I speak to John?_.There is no one here by that name.A.Just a minute B.Hold on C.Wait a moment D.Im sorry89.Its too hot.I want to go swimming now._.Lets go together.A.Oh,yes B.Youre right C.Me ,too D.I see90.Hello,may I speak to John?_,John is ing.A.Dont go away B.Hold on C.Go ahead D.Yes,please91.Hi,Tom._?Great.I went to the Great Wall.A.How was your holidayB.Where did yon have your holiday C.Did you have a nice holidayD.Did you go away on your holiday92.Can I carry the box for you?_,I can manage it myself.A.Yes,please B.Its kind of you C.No,thanks D.Thank you93.Whats the good news?_? I heard you talking about it a moment ago.A.Havent you got it yetB.Dont you get it C.Hadnt you got it yetD.Didnt you get it yet94.How is the old man?_.A.He is sixty B.He is much better C.He is a teacher D.He is Mr.Black95.Let me introduce myself.Im Mary._.A.Im very glad B.Its my pleasure C.Pleased to meet you D.What a pleasure96._?Id like to see a T-shirt.A.What do you like B.Can you help me C.Do you want anything D.What can I do for you97._,can you tell me the way to the station?A.Im sorry B.Excuse me C.Hello D.Beg your pardon98.Thank you very much for the necklace you sent me._.A.Please dont say so B.No,thanks C.No,its not so good D.Im glad you like it99._?Yes,a bit cold,though.A.How is the weather B.Lovely day,is it C.Cold weather,isnt it D.Nice day,isnt it100.Do you want to go out for a walk with me?_.I feel like staying at home alone.A.Not really B.I dont want it C.Great D.Yes,very much【答案】15 BDAAC 610 AADAD1115 CBCAD 1620 CBBAD2125 CCBAD 2630 BDCCB3135 CBCDA 3640 DCCDC4145 BCCDC 4650 CAACD5155 DCBCA 5660 BCCBC6165 BDCBC 6670 DADBC7175 CDBBB 7680 DADCB8185 DACAD 8690 DCDCB9195 ACABC 96100 DBDDA【部分解析】1.祝别人好运!2.guess和hope一样,其否定式的省略式都是在动词后加not,表示后面省略了一个否定式的宾语从句。3.问句中是被动语态,所以回答时与其保持一致。4.根据上下文,答话者是主人,故别人来到你家是你的pleasure。5.“视情况而定。”6.“好主意。”7.对别人的呼唤表示回应。8.意思是各付各的账。9.根据上下文,这里使用的是与过去情况不相符合的虚拟语气。10.be tire of讨厌,厌倦。11.“让我看一看。”12.“我只是看一看。”13.别人的话没听清楚要求别人重复,当然你得表示歉意。14.“你自己决定。”15.“我让你搭便车。”25.表“赶快”,有催促的意思。27.当听到对方讲述一个好消息时的答语。28.针对道歉的答语可用It doesnt matter./Thats all right./Never mind./Thats nothing.30.委婉表达“介意”的用语。若“不介意”,可用Of course not./Not at all.35.通过答语后半部分可知说话人本意并不希望下雨。37.对自己做过的事非常确定。38.根据答语的后半部分,可排除、;根据答语的前半部分,可排除。42.答应捎口信叫某人回电话,询问对方回电话的人是否知道打电话人的电话号码。43.根据答语的后句可知不希望关灯或介意关灯,排除、。而项既不是Do you mind ?的答语,也显得无礼,且前后矛盾。46.上句说明已找过却找不到,涉及放手表对现在的影响;下句只涉及过去有过放手表的行为,没有涉及现在的影响。48.根据答语的后句可知此事当真,应肯定回答。排除、。又因问句为Are you ?所以答语不可用Yes,we do.50.项go on“继续”词义不合;项前后矛盾;项不宜委婉回答。53.原句为What would happen if I got up late?57.从上句中看出应是两者间的比较。60.确认对方所说内容时,根据对方所用时态而定。本句为Have you lost your watch?的省略形式。63.表“别拘束”。因答语有Thank you,、三项都不恰当,故选。73.表“我就会涉及谈论到这一点的”。75.混合疑问句常用来征询对方的看法。do you think可作插入语。实际上应回答特殊疑问句Who is ?78.did在此加强语气,重读,表(过去)确实这样做过某事。82.be/feel oneself表身体很好,感觉正常。83.not a bit“一点也不”;not a little“很,许多”。91.从答语Great“好极了。”可知问句应是“怎么样?”92.不需要别人主动提出的帮助时也应说“谢谢”。为明确还应用No。98.别人收到你的礼物后向你表示谢意时的常用答语。100.I dont really want to go out for a walk的省略表达

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