2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Unit 6 Design单元过关小测 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Unit 6 Design单元过关小测 北师大版班级 号数 姓名: 成绩:一、单句改错:(每句最多两处错误)1. In the morning of last Sunday I got up very early to do my homework.2. Thats because he was absent from the meeting today.3. Mr. Cooper went there by the purpose of exploring the new land.4. In the way, its kind of nice to be working alone.5. The dictionary is of great valuable.6. As far as I known, she seemed do these things on purpose.7. What you said hurt me bad.8. The reason he was late for school was he missed the first bus.9. Can you spare to me five minute?10. She described the accident on detail.二、语法填空:1. This picture will bee more and more _ (value) as the time goes by.2. Mark Twin was a _(type) novelist of his time.3. He was deep in _(think) and didnt notice I came in.4. Why did you leave the guests _(wait) there?5. She believes that shes finally found true _(happy).6. He came up to me _a smile on his face7.When the bear came near him, the fat man_(lie) on the ground,_(hold) his breath.8. There was one ten-minute break _ the performance.9. He drew the_ (conclude) by building on his own investigation10.As is known to us all, he often shows no_(merciful) to others.三、句子翻译:1他没吃完午饭就去上班了。(leave+ 宾语+ 宾补)2. 糟糕的天气把我们的假期给搅了。(ruin)3. 他故意打破玻璃的,不是偶然的。(purpose, chance)4我发现这幅作品很有想象力,很有价值。(imagination,of great n.)5.总之,我真的希望我以前对艺术有更多的了解。(conclusion)四、 短文改错:In the morning of last Sunday I got up very early. Thats why I would pay a visit an art exhibition,where I saw a painting which was a typical example of Chen Yifeis style. And it can date back from many years ago. As is know to us all, Chen Yifeis works are very valuable, and one of his painting sold for US$ 503,000. I also found full of imagination and of great valuable. In order to know more about art,I decided to study the knowledge relate to art hardly.五、 晨读文章(根据语篇中的提示,完成语篇翻译)尽管周杰伦相貌平平,但他很有音乐天赋。他的歌深受年轻人的喜爱,给听众留下了深刻的印象。到现在为止,他出版了很多专辑。他还在影视界取得了不错的成绩,很多人喜欢他的表演。但最开始时,并不是每个人都认为他会有光明的前途。他通过自己的努力取得了很大的成功,以至于现在他是亚洲最红的流行歌星之一。Jay Chou _ _ _ _ music in _ of his ordinary _. His songs,which _ a deep _on the audience,are _ _ young people. Up_ now,a lot of his _ have_ _.He has _ remarkable achievement in the film and TV circles and many people like his _. But in the _,not everybody thought he had a bright future. He works hard and _ himself such a success _ he is now one of Asias _ pop stars.班级 号数 姓名: 成绩:一、单句改错:(每句最多两处错误)1. On2. why3. with4.a5. value.6. I know7. badly.8. why/ that9. Can you spare me five minutes?10. She described the accident in detail.He went to work ,leaving the lunch unfinishedBad weather ruins our holiday.He broke the window on purpose, not by chance.In conclusion (最后,总之),I really wish that I knew more about art.尽管周杰伦相貌平平,但他很有音乐天赋。他的歌深受年轻人的喜爱,给听众留下了深刻的印象(用which引导的非限制性定语从句)。到现在为止,他出版了很多专辑。他还在影视界取得了不错的成绩,很多人喜欢他的表演。但最开始时,并不是每个人都认为他会有光明的前途。他通过自己的努力取得了很大的成功,以至于现在他是亚洲最红的流行歌星之一。答案Jay Chou has a talent for music in spite of his ordinary appearance.His songs,which leave a deep impression on the audience,are popular with young people.Up to now,a lot of his albums have e out.He has obtained remarkable achievement in the film and TV circles and many people like his performance.But in the beginning,not everybody thought he had a bright future.He works hard and proves himself such a success that he is now one of Asias hottest pop stars.


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