2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 课时训练6 2阅读理解+阅读填空+语法填空.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 课时训练6 2阅读理解阅读填空语法填空.阅读理解When Tom Szaky sees a juice container thrown away,he doesnt see rubbish,but he sees a pencil case.Sweet wrappers? A beautiful kite! But these are not the imaginings of a dreamer.For the 28yearold CEO of Trenton,New Jerseybased TerraCycle,theyre a business model.The fasttalking Szaky is leading the new industry of upcycling (升级改造)Instead of recycling,TerraCycle takes packaging headed for landfills (废物填埋地) and reuses itmore or less whole.TerraCycles 85 employees make nearly 200 products,sold at shops such as Petco,Kmart,Whole Foods Market,and Target.Szakys $7.4 million pany,now also moving ahead in Mexico,Canada,the United Kingdom and Brazil,is quite different from the business he founded with his classmate Jon Beyer in 2002 as a freshman at Princeton University.The two entered a business petition with a plan to sell organic plant fertilizers made from worm waste.They lost the petition,but started the business anyway.With their goalto make products entirely out of rubbishsuddenly clear,Szaky knew the time was right to drop out of Princeton.TerraCycles first product used dininghall waste to feed the worms and thrownaway bottles to package the fertilizer.The result: a cheap,green breakthrough.Word spread,and in 2004,Home Depot began carrying the fertilizer in its Canadian stores.To Szaky,waste does not exist in nature.TerraCycle is a “second chance” employer of,say,a piece of furniture,an icecream container.As Szaky points out,“The biggest problem with most green,fairtrade,and organic products is that they tend to cost more.At TerraCycle,everything is made from rubbish,and rubbish is free.People should be able to protect the planet without having to pay a cost for that right.”1What is Tom Szaky now?AThe CEO of TerraCycle.BAn employee of Home Depot.CA student at Princeton University.DThe manager of a food pany.2How did Szaky get the idea of upcycling?AFrom his visits to foreign panies.BFrom his studies at Princeton University.CThrough shopping at big stores in America.DThrough the experience of a business petition.3What is the goal of TerraCycle?ATo make cheap and green products.BTo recycle waste materials in another way.CTo make products pletely out of rubbish.DTo change worm waste into organic plant fertilizers.4What is the advantage of upcycling according to Szaky?AThe cost is kept rather low.BMore materials are available.CIt has a large promising market.DIts products are environmentally friendly.【语篇解读】本文介绍了Szaky创立TerraCycle公司对垃圾进行升级改造,从而制造出新产品的经过及理念。1解析:选A。根据第一段中的“the 28yearold CEO of Trenton,New Jerseybased TerraCycle”可知,Tom Szaky是TerraCycle公司的首席执行官。因此,该题选A。2解析:选D。根据第三段中的“The two entered a business petition with a plan to sell organic plant fertilizers made from worm waste.They lost the petition,but started the business anyway.”可知,Szaky从事升级改造产业的想法源于一次商业竞争的经历。因此,该题选D。3解析:选C。根据第四段中的“With their goalto make products entirely out of rubbish.”可知,TerraCycle公司的目标是“完全用垃圾制造产品”。因此,该题选C。A、D两项都是该公司做的具体事情,而非其目标。B项与第二段中的“for landfills(废物填埋地)and reuses it.”的表述不一致。4解析:选A。根据最后一段中的“At TerraCycle,everything is made from rubbish,and rubbish is free.People should be able to protect the planet without having to pay a cost for that right.”可知,升级改造产业的优势在于原材料是免费,制造成本相当低廉。因此,该题选A。B(xx河南中原名校下学期备考检测) Last Saturday,my 8yearold son,Chase,and I were shopping in a supermarket.Chase was busy weighing each new bag of vegetables I collected.I handed him a bag of tomatoes and he walked over to the scale and waited patiently in line.Suddenly,an old man walked up behind Chase,and stepped before him,bumping Chase out of the way. Chase looked shocked and scared.Seeing this I left my shopping cart and walked over to Chase,saying loudly,“Are you all right,honey? I saw what that man did to you.That was very,very wrong.”When the man finished weighing his bag,he turned around too quickly and all of his onions spilled out of his bag and onto the dirty floor.The three of us froze for a moment.Then I got down on my hands and knees and started collecting onions while the old man accepted them from my hands and put them back into his bag.After Chase and I retrieved all the onions,the old man walked away.We didnt discuss the event until we got back in the car.On the way home,Chase said through tears,“Mommy,Ive a frustrating day.That man cut right in front of me.And we had to help him pick up his onions! Why did we do that? That didnt make any sense.”I took a deep breath and said,“Chase,that man seemed to have a very bad mood today.We should forgive him.I was also angry with that man for treating you rudely.I really wanted to kick him.But doing that doesnt make any sense.If we hadnt helped that old man,we might have felt good for a moment,but then I bet we would have felt really sorry for a long time.You and I have a lot of love to share.Maybe that man doesnt have much.People who behave badly still need love.”A cheerful smile appeared on Chases face.It was a smile of a promise kept.It was the best smile I have ever seen.God,it was a good moment.It may have been my best mommy moment ever.5What did the old man do?AHe jumped the queue.BHe hit Chase on the head.CHe hurried away without paying.DHe ran into Chase suddenly.6What can we infer from the passage?AThe author was not angry at all with what the old man had done.BThe old man was very sorry for what he had done to Chase.CAt last,Chase learned a valuable life lesson from the event.DChase didnt help the author pick up spilled onions for the old man.7Which of the following words can best describe the author?ANarrowminded.BBroadminded.CStrongwilled. DBadtempered.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者通过讲述自己和儿子在超市购物时的一次不愉快的经历,教育自己的儿子为人处世要大度。5解析:选A。事实细节题。根据第一段中“Suddenly,an old man walked up behind Chase,and stepped before him,bumping Chase out of the way.”可知那个老头子在插队,故答案为A项。6解析:选C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段作者对儿子的教诲及最后一段中“A cheerful smile appeared on Chases face.”可知答案为C项。根据倒数第二段中“I was also angry with that man for treating you rudely.”可排除A项;根据第二段中“After Chase and I retrieved all the onions,the old man walked away.”可排除B、D两项。7解析:选B。推理判断题。那个老头子对待自己儿子的方式很粗鲁,可作者在他需要帮助时还是帮助了他,由此可见作者很大度,故答案为B项。.阅读填空The job interview is an important part of your job search because its an opportunity for the employer to figure out if youre right for the job.The following tips may help you prepare for your job interview.Dress for success.Professional business clothes are always appropriate,regardless of the type of job you are applying for.Be there on time.Try to arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to be safe.Find out ahead of time where youre going and how long it will take you to get there.Drive or travel the route a day or two ahead,at the same time of day as you will on the day of the interview.1._ Have a backup (备用) plan.Let your personality shine.If youre excited about the job,dont be afraid to show it.Employers want passionate employees,so be yourself.Be confident.2._ But just dont let your nerves overpower your interview.Eye contact and a calm,clear speaking voice are excellent ways to show your confidence.Watch your body language.During your interview,relax and sit naturally,but dont slouch (没精打采地坐) in your chair or lean on the interviewers desk. Be polite.3._ Remember,this is your first introduction to the organization,so be polite to everyone you meet and turn off your cell phone.Listen and ask for clarification (阐明),if you need it.Remember to listen carefully to the interview questions so that you can actually answer the questions,and never interrupt.4._Let them know what you have to offer.When answering the questions,let the employer see what you have to offer to his organization.Talk about your past experiences and achievements honestly,and tie those experiences to how they can help you contribute to his organization.5._ Although you want to be open and honest in your interview,avoid talking about your personal or financial problems.AThink before you speak.BConfirm how often the buses run.CThis begins with a smile and a firm handshake.DIf you believe in yourself,you will surely succeed.EFeeling nervous in an interview is perfectly normal.FMake sure you have enough to answer the questions.GIf you dont understand something,just ask for explanation.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了求职面试时应该注意的几个细节。1解析:选B。该段的主题是“准时到达”。根据本段中所讲的事先要考虑路程所需的时间和出行的方式,可以提前一到两天开车或走一下路线和下文的“Have a backup (备用) plan.”可知,该题选B项。2解析:选E。根据该段中的“But just dont let your nerves overpower your interview.”可知,空处与该句为转折关系,故E项“面试中感到紧张是很正常的”符合语境。3解析:选C。根据空后的内容及本段的主题“Be polite”可知,此处是指求职者见到面试官时,会以一个微笑、一次紧紧的握手开始,以示有礼貌。因此,该题选C。4解析:选G。根据该段的主题“Listen and ask for clarification(阐明),if you need it.”以及之后的建议可知,G项表达的内容“如果你不明白某事,就请求面试官作一下解释”是对前句的补充说明。因此,该题选G。5解析:选A。本段提到尽管你想在面试中敞开心扉、诚实坦率,但也要避免谈论个人或经济上的问题。该句暗示“说话前要三思”,A项与之吻合。因此,该题选A。.语法填空(xx河北百校联盟模拟) Do you have sleeping problems? If so,then these tips may help you fall asleep fast.Set aside the thought 1._ you have to fall asleep.The more you think 2._ it,the harder you will fall asleep.The foods you eat also play 3._ important part.Avoid eating or drinking things like chocolates,coffee,tea and energy drinks.If you have to,then have them in the morning and never in the afternoon,4._ (especial) before going to bed.Dont eat too much at night.A full stomach will make it more difficult for you 5._ (fall)asleep because your body is working more time to digest the food you ate.Make a 6._ (fix) time to go to bed.For example,by 9 oclock in the evening you should already be in bed.Do this even if youre not sleepy yet.Once 7._ (follow) this routine,you will gradually see that you feel 8._ (sleep) when its 9 oclock.Make your room fortable for sleeping.You should also take note that the sleeping environment also affects your sleep.It must be in the room 9._ its not noisy.Otherwise,you will find 10._ difficult to fall asleep again after waking up.【语篇解读】文章介绍了几种有助于快速进入睡眠的方法。1考查同位语从句。设空处引导同位语从句,对thought进行解释说明,从句中不缺少成分,故用that引导。that2考查动词短语。think of/about意为“考虑”,符合语境。of/about3考查冠词。play an important part意为“起重要作用,扮演重要角色”。an4考查副词。由语境和句子结构可知应填副词especially。especially5考查非谓语动词。make itdifficult/easy etc.for sb.to do sth.中的it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的不定式短语。to fall6考查形容词。设空处作定语修饰time,fixed意为“固定的,不变的”,符合语境。fixed7考查现在分词。句意:一旦你开始这样做的话,就会逐渐发现自己在9点的时候就觉得困了。根据语境可知应用following。following8考查形容词。feel为系动词,后接形容词。sleepy困的。sleepy9考查定语从句。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the room,从句中缺少地点状语,故填关系副词where。where10考查代词it。find it difficult to do sth.,其中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的不定式短语。it

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