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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习每日一题第01周名词高考频度: 难易程度:【命题解读】名词是中学英语的主要词汇之一,也是历年高考的重要考点。研究近年的高考题我们不难看出,名词部分主要考查名词的词义辨析和习惯搭配、名词的数(可数与不可数、单数与复数)、名词的所有格、抽象名词的具体化、物质名词的量化、名词和冠词的搭配以及主谓一致等。在高考试题中,名词常结合其他项目一起考查,考查题型以短文改错、完形填空、语法填空为主。【命题预测】预计xx年的高考名词在完形填空、短文改错及语法填空中仍会占有重要地位。【复习建议】在学习过程中,要掌握常用名词的基本用法,注意一词多义和旧词新义。另外要多归纳总结,做题时要结合语境。1. (xx全国新课标卷I语法填空)This trend, which was started by the medical munity(医学界) as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical munity was trying to fight.【答案】effects 2.(xx浙江卷单项填空)It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your _.A. conditionB. ineC. creditD. status【答案】C【解析】句意:准时付电费很重要,因为付晚了会影响你的信用。condition条件;ine收入;credit学分,信用(卡);status地位,状态。故选C。【名师点睛】名词最常考的命题形式是名词词义辨析,对于同义词辨析,我们平时一定要注意积累。由做题经验可知,同义词辨析大多是在具体语境中,由关键固定短语来判断的。真正的词义辨析题很少。常考的名词词义辨析词有:custom风俗习惯;habit个人习惯;tradition传统;scene场景;scenery自然风景(总称);view特定位置的景观;sight人文或历史景观;skill技能;ability能力;talent才华;strength优势,长处等。本题中的credit属于一词多义,有时也会考查熟词生义。3.(xx全国新课标卷I语法填空)Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asias biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top 61 (attract). The nursery team switches him every few 69 (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, 70(the) other is with mum she never suspects.61.【答案】attraction【解析】考查名词。 形容词top后面跟名词形式。69.【答案】days【归纳总结】修饰复数名词的词和短语包括:many,few,a few,several,a number of,hundreds of等。修饰不可数名词的词和短语包括:much,a little,little,a bit of等。既能修饰复数名词又能修饰不可数名词的词和短语包括:more,such,plenty of,a lot of ,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of等。4.(xx全国新课标卷III短文改错)The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me. 【答案】yearyears【解析】考查名词复数。13-19年是复数概念,year是可数名词,故把year改为years。【巧学妙记】(一)名词的数用法口诀名词可数不可数,英语写作中必须分清楚。可数名词有复数,词尾加-s绝对占多数。o,f 结尾复形有两种,man,child等要变词谱。不可数名词无复数,表量要用单位数。用在句中作主语,谓语动词单复数要分清。(二)名词所有格记忆口诀英语名词所有格,表示某物是谁的。有生命名词所有格,词尾加-s前补一撇。复数词尾已有-s的,避免重复只一撇。无生命名词介词of接,时地距名也加-s表示格。复合名词格加后,多人共有后共格。分别所有各加格,层层所有格迭格。【解题必备】一、表示数量的词(组)与名词的搭配1. 修饰可数名词:a few,few,many,a number of,a few,many a,several等。注意:many a 的意思相当于many,但many a 后接可数名词单数。Many a student has such a question. 许多同学有这样的疑问。 A number of students have passed the exam. 许多学生都通过了考试。 Several days ago, I met him in the park. 几天前我在公园里遇到了他。 2. 修饰不可数名词:much,a great deal of,a large amount of等。 We can get a great deal of/a large amount of information from internet. 我们可以从互联网上获得大量信息。 3. 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词:a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a large quantity of 等。 Plenty of the water is polluted. 许多水都被污染了。 Plenty of the rivers are polluted. 许多河都被污染了。二、名词的特殊情况1. 有些名词作不可数名词和可数名词时含义不同work工作works著作arm手臂arms军火glass玻璃glasses眼镜cloth布clothes衣服time时间times次数,倍数sand沙子sands沙滩people人们peoples民族wood木头woods树林brain头脑brains 智力2. 有些单词和短语常用复数形式(1)表示由两个相连的类似部分组成的事物的名词只用复数形式。如:jeans,pants,scissors,glasses等。(2)一些固定短语中的名词只用复数形式,常见的有take turns to do sth,in high spirits,have sports,make friends with,as follows,shake hands with,hurt ones feelings等。(3)一些表示问候、祝贺、感谢等的名词常使用复数形式,常见的有:greetings,wishes,congratulations,thanks等。3. 以-s结尾但不表示复数概念的名词(1)maths,politics,physics,news等名词虽以-s结尾,但不表示复数概念。(2)以复数形式出现的书名、戏剧名、报纸、杂志名、国家名、组织机构、单位名称等也视为单数。The Arabian Nights is a very interesting storybook. 一千零一夜是一本非常有趣的故事书。I. 单项填空1. They have read the paper many times, but it doesnt make any _.A. senseB. valueC. markD. symbol2. Some tourists visiting Tian anmen Square during the holiday left a _ of litter everywhere they went.A. trailB. dotC. chainD. track3. He found a lot of _ were _.A. passers-by;grown-upsB. passer-bys;growns-up C. passer-bys;grown-upsD. passers-by;growns-up4. More than 30 students signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next month.A. 400-metre-longB. 400-metres-longC. 400-metre-lengthD. 400-metres-length5. Its supposed to be the end of the paperback(简装书) and the _ of digital media, but some bookstores are surviving the Internet Age with surprising success.A. deadlineB. dawnC. duskD. departureII. 单句改错1. Once he made up his minds to do something, there was no stopping him. _2. She cleared her throat, took off her glass and dried her tears. _3. She went into my room and got a big surprising when she saw all those books on the floor. _4. Too much homework given by school teachers is the main reasons. _5. Weve called several time about Cleos early morning barking. _I. 单项填空1. A 【解析】考查名词辨析和搭配。句意:他们已经读了论文很多次了,但是它没有任何意义。sense意义;value价值;mark标志;symbol象征。make sense有意义。故选A。2. A 【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:在假期很多游客参观了天安门广场,留下了遍地垃圾。A. trail痕迹;B. dot斑点;C. chain链,束缚;D. track足迹,小道,故选A。3. A 【解析】考查名词复数。句意:他发现很多过路人是成年人。passer-by过路人的复数是passers-by;grown-up成年人的复数是grown-ups。故选A。4. A 【解析】考查名词的数。此处是由数词+名词+形容词构成的复合形容词,其中名词必须用单数形式,故选A。II. 单句改错1. minds mind 【解析】make up ones mind为固定用法,意为下定决心。句意:他一旦下定决心做某事,没有什么可以阻止他。句中的there was no stopping sb是习惯用法,意为什么都无法阻止某人。2. glass glasses 【解析】句意:她清了清嗓子,摘下眼镜,擦干眼泪。根据语境可知,此处用glasses,意为眼镜,而glass 常用作物质名词,意为玻璃。3. surprising surprise 【解析】get a big surprise大吃一惊,为固定搭配。句意:她走进我的房间看到地板上的那些书时感到很惊讶。4. reasons reason 【解析】考查名词单复数。句意:老师布置了太多的家庭作业是主要原因。老师布置作业太多,这只是一个原因,所以使用单数形式。5. time times 【解析】句意:我们已经几次打电话关于Cleo早晨吠叫的事情。这里的time是可数名词,表示次数应用times。进步,在于总结。我在这,总结在哪儿?_


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