2019-2020年高考英语 语法与词汇题的命题特点及应试策略.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 语法与词汇题的命题特点及应试策略一、语法和词汇知识概述 语法和词汇知识题主要考查学生对英语基础知识的掌握程度及运用能力。近几年来,语法和词汇知识题的命题越来越灵活,要求考生在特定的语境中理解和运用语言,突出语言的交际性和实用性。二、高考语法和词汇知识题命题特点及趋势预测 高考语法和词汇知识题有以下几个明显的特点: 1)强调动词,突出重点。与动词有关的题在15题中一般占5-8题。考点涉及到动词的时态、语态、情态动词、非谓语动词等。 2)语境仿真,讲究活用。高考语法和词汇知识题有很高的效度和区分度主要原因是高考题的语境真实,能有效地测试考生掌握词汇内涵和分析语境的能力。 3)考点全面,分布合理。高考题有较强的综合性和较宽的覆盖面,通常一题兼顾多项知识点的考查。常考考点有被动语态、简单句、名词性从句、省略句和倒装句等。选考考点有名词、主谓一致、数词、虚拟语气等。 4)设题灵活,干扰加大。高考语法和词汇知识题中有相当数量的是根据学生的思维定势而设计的“陷阱题”,主要通过增加句子的复杂程度、改变句子的正常结构、利用相似易混的句式结构等来设计干扰信息,误导学生的思维。解题总的原则是化繁为简,去枝留干,恢复原状,细心审题,分辨差异。“陷阱题”的主要设题方式有: A增加冗余信息 设题者通过增加限定语、同位语、插人语、定语从句等成份,增加句子的复杂程度,造成学生的视觉差异,从而导致思维错位。解答这类题时,我们只要去掉冗余信息(插人语、同位语等),答案就一目了然了。如: 例题1 I can hardly imagine so pretty a girl like you _ boxing. A. like B. to like C. liking D. to have liked 【解读】此题实则考查动名词的复合结构,答案为C。可简化为:I can hardly imaginea girl liking boxing. 例题2 The girl devoted all her spare time she had _ others. A. to help B. helped C. to helping D. help 【解读】易误选A。本句的主干结构为devote one s life/ time/ energy to doing sth.,其中she had为定语从句修饰time,故选A作目的状语是错误的。答案为C。 例题3 The manager decided to give the job to _ he believed had a strong sense of duty. A. whoever B. whomever C. who D. those 【解读】去掉冗余信息(插人语he believed),我们可以看出后面是一个宾语从句,且宾语从句缺少主语,故答案为A. 例题4 In _ old society many young women died by so strange and cruel _ custom. A.;a B.;the C. the; a D. an; a 【解读】society既可用作可数名词又可用作不可数名词,如具体指某社会则前面加定冠词。custom为可数名词,前面有两个形容词strange, cruel修饰,增加了难度和迷惑性。此处结构为soadj.a(an)n.,所以正确答案是C。 B变换句式结构 设题者通过改变句子的正常结构,如利用省略句、强调句、疑问句、被动句、倒装句等特殊结构,造成某种搭配的假象,达到干扰目的。解此类题,我们只要恢复它的原状即可。如: 例题5 -Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?“ -OK. Between the two white buildings _ the post office. A. are lying B. he C. lies D. lay 【解读】学生很容易把buildings当作句子的主语。实际上这是一个倒装句式。恢复原状:The post office _ between the two white buildings我们可以看出句子的主语是post office,故答案为C。 例题6 The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand,_ all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had lost B. would have lost C. would lose D. should have lost 【解读】本题中had they been done by hand实际上是一个省略句式,相当于if they had been done场hand,用来表示一个虚拟的条件,而且这个条件状语的位置也比较特殊,位于主句的主语和谓语之间。故答案为B. 例题 7 Every minute is made full use of _ at our lessons. A. to work B. working C. having worked D. being worked 【解读】有些同学一见到介词,后面马上用名词或动名词,这恰恰落人了的陷井。此题of的宾语实际上是every minute,如果把它变为主动式,答案就显而易见了:We make full use of every minute to work at our lessons故答案为A。 例题8 Who would you rather _ with you tomorrow, Tom or Smith? A. have to go B. have go C. have gone D. had go 【解读】答案为B。可以把它变为陈述句:I would rather have Tom go with me tomorrow. go是省去了to的不定式作宾语补足语。 例题9 The Smiths have three sons, one a baby,_ twins of thirteen. A. another B. other C. the other D. the others 【解读】该题使用了省略句式,有相当大的迷惑性。one a babyone son is a baby, the others twins of thirteenthe other sons are twins of thirteen,所以答案为D。 例题10 _ he will leave for Beijing. A. It will not be long before B. It is before long that C. It is before long D. It was before long that 【解读】易受思维定势的影响而错选A。如果before引导一个状语从句的话,状语从句的谓语动词应用一般现在时表示将来。本题实际上是一个强调句型,强调简单句中的时间状语before long,恢复原句就是:He will leave for Beijing before long故答案为B. 例题11 Which do you enjoy _ your weekend, swimming or fishing? A. spending B. being spent C. spend D. to spend 【解读】此题考查不定式作目的状语的用法。容易受enjoy后面接动名词作宾语的影响而误选A。enjoy的宾语是which, to spend是目的状语。答案为D。 C. 巧用相似句式 有些句式结构相似而实不同,出题者往往利用这一点来设计 “陷阱”,导致解题错误。做这类题关键在于克服粗心大意、不认真审题的缺点,注重语境,弄懂句意,强化对易混句的辨析,有意识地消除思维定势。 例题12 -I like football. - _ my sister and me. A. So do B. So are C. So did D. So it is with 【解读】如不仔细观察,学生很可能选择A。应该注意这里的me, so does sb句式是一个倒装句,即sb是句子的主语,要求用主格。故选D. 例题13 This is such a wonderful film _ we have never seen. A. that B. as C. which D. what 【解读】易错选A。在such. as引导的定语从句中,as常作定语从句的主语或宾语;而在such. that引导的状语从句中,that不充当句子成分此题seen后面缺少一个宾语,故后面是一个定语从句。故答案为B. 例题14 Tom, _ sure to e tomorrow. A. is B. be C. was D. would be 【解读】答案为B。很明显,Tom在这里并不是句子的主语,而是称呼语。 例题15 -I like coffee with nothing in it. What about you? -I prefer coffee _ sugar. A. to B. for C. with D. than 【解读】此题为破思维定势题,有相当的难度。根据语境 “我喜欢喝加糖的咖啡”,可知选C. 例题16 What have we said _ her so unhappy? A. makes B. to make C. made D. had made 【解读】此题容易误选C,横线前是What have we said,而不是What we have said(注意其中的词序);句末是问号,而不是句号。此题应选B, to make her so unhappy为结果状语。 例题17 In order not to be found, I11 spend the night _ in your room. A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. lock 【解读】由于受spend. doing sth句型的影响,易误选A。lock的逻辑主语I和lock 之间存在被动关系,故用过去分词作伴随状语。答案为B. 例题18 Lily,do you remember the boss in _ pany we worked during the summer holiday? He is ing to see us. A. whose B. whom C. who D. where 【解读】答案为A。此题考查定语从句关系代词的选择。受思维定势的影响,易错选B。需要注意的是关系代词后面紧跟了一个名词,故应选择能作定语的关系代词。 例题19 He got up early, _ to catch the train. A. to hope B. hoping C. hope D. hoped 【解读】to catch the train是目的状语,hope是伴随的一种心理状态,常用现在分词来表示。 例题20 _ nice, the food was sold out soon. A. Tasted B. Tasting C. To taste D. Being tasted 【解读】taste后面有一个形容词nice,故可判定taste在此用作连系动词,连系动词是不能接宾语的,也不存在被动语态。故选B。现在分词tasting作原因状语。 通过以上的分析,我们可以有把握地推测,xx年高考语法和词汇知识题会有以下的特点: 1继续坚持”突出语境,强化语义,注重运用”的命题原则,体现试题的稳定性和连续性。命题以语法为基础,语境为依托,语用为目的,思维为中介而设计。 2考虑到全国自主命题的省市增多,难度会基本上稳定在xx年的水平上。强调基础,顾及全体,摈弃偏、难、怪题,重灵活运用。 3考点会涉及到语法、词汇、常见表达方式等,但会突出对动词的考查,动词的时态、非谓语动词、动词和动词短语的词义辨析为必考项目。虚拟语气已连续六年未考,xx年高考题中,虚拟语气极有可能成为一个重要考点。 4有一定数量的破思维定势的题目。 5高考语法和词汇知识题的题目数量和所占分值可能不再是巧题和巧分。自主命题省市的试卷会有所不同。 6加大词汇知识的考查力度。xx年的高考大纲专门把”词汇知识”列出来,向我们发出了一个明显的信号:有关词汇知识的题的份量会加大。所以同学们要特别注意名词、动词和形容词等词汇的学习和辨析。三、常见考点分述考点一 冠词 冠词为必考考点,在xx年高考15套试题中,考查冠词的有13题(全国卷IV和上海卷未考)。高考侧重于对定冠词的考查,主要考查考生对冠词的基本用法的理解和掌握程度。 例题1 The most important thing about cotton in history is _ part that it played in _ Industrial Revolution. A不填;不填 B. the;不填 C. the; the D. a; the 【答案】C。受play a. . . part in的影响易选D o part被一个定语从句(that it played)修饰,应为特指,故用定冠词the, Industrial Revolution为专有名词,习惯上其前要加the。 【解读】此题考查定冠词的特指用法。定冠词the最基本的用法是特指事物或人。定冠词the在意义上相当于this , that。常用于: (1)特指双方都明白的人或物。例如:Take the medicine把药吃了。 (2)上文提到过的人或事。例如: He bought a house. Ive been to the house (3)指世上独一无二的事物,如the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth等。 (4)与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如the dollar美元;the fox狐狸;与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人,如the rich富人;the living生者。 (5)用在序数词和形容词最高级及形容词only, very , same等前面。例如: That s the very thing Ive been looking for那正是我要找的东西。 (6) 用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级等专有名词前。例如: the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国;the United States美国 (7) 用在表示乐器的名词之前。例如:She plays the piano她会弹钢琴。 (S) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人。例如:the Greens格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (9)用在习惯用语中。例如:in the day, in the morning, in the sky, in the dark, in the distance, in the middle(of),in the end, on the whole, by the way, go to the theatre等。 例题2 Mr Smith,theres a man at _ front door who says he has _ news for you of great importance. A. the;不填 B. the; the C不填;不填 D不填;the 【答案】A, front door应为谈话双方都知道的地方,故为特指,用定冠词the, news 是不可数名词,在此为泛指,不用冠词。 【解读】此题后半部分考查零冠词的用法。英语中,下列情况下通常不用冠词: (1) 国名,人名前通常不用冠词。如:England,Mary, (2) 泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用冠词。例如: They are teachers (3)抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词。例如: Failure is the mother of success失败乃成功之母。 (4)物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词,当表示特定的意思时,需要加定冠 词。例如:Man cannot live without water离开水人就无法生存。 (5) 在季节、月份、节日、假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词。例如: We go to school from Monday to Friday我们从星期一到星期五都仁课。 (6) 在称呼或表示官职、职位的名词前不加冠词。例如: The guards took the American to General Lee. (7) 在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词; (8)当两个或两个以上名词并用时,常省去冠词。例如: I cant write without pen or pencil没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。 (9)当by与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,常不用冠词,如by bus, by train;有些个体名词前不用冠词,如school, college, prison, market, hospital, bed, table, class, town, church, court等,直接置于介词后,表示深层含义。例如: go to hospital去医院看病 go to the hospital去医院(并不一定是去看病) 例题3 I think _ knowledge of the Internet ismust in our work today. A. a; a. B. the; an C. the; the D不填;a 【答案】A。由于受不可数名词不能加不定冠词a(an)的影响,易误选D, a knowledge of意为“对有很好的了解”,为固定用法。must在此用作名词,表示”必要条件”之意,故前面加不定冠词。 【解读】此题考查学生在具体语境中正确使用冠词的能力,涉及到不可数名词的可数化问题。 不可数名词前一般不加不定冠词。但某些物质名词和抽象名词如:tea, rain, water, snow, ink ,soup, coffee,surprise, pity, pleasure, joy, education, history, love, courage, success, failure, beauty, knowledge等前常加不定冠词用来表示”一种”、”一类”、“一场”、”一阵”、”一番”、“具体的人或事”等意。如: What a big supper he had! He was really hungry He is a success他成功了。 例题4 -Some people dont want to talk about it. They say that that is all _ history. -But we Chinese shouldnt forget _ humiliating history of China. A. the; the B不填;the C. the; a D不填;不填 【答案】 B. that is all history “那皆已成历史了(一切都过去了)”;第二空用the特指“中国的那段屈辱的历史”。 【解读】考查学生的冠词活用能力。有些习惯上不加冠词的名词在特指的情况下,可加定冠同。如:Shanghai(上海),the Shanghai you see today(你今天所见的上海);history(历史),the history of Qing Dynasty(清朝史);in bed(躺在床上),on the bed(在床上);in hospital(住院),in the hospital(在医院);in front of(在前面),in the front of(在前部)。 例题5 _ as she is,she has turned _ professional writer. A. A teenager; a B. Teenager;不填 C. Teenager; a D. A teenager;不填 【答案】B, as引导的让步状语从句中,如果作表语的名同在句首,名词前不能加不定冠词。turn后面的名词作表语也不加不定冠词。 【解读】此题主要考查零冠词的习惯用法。易误选A。有些可数名词在某些用法中是不能加冠词的,应当牢牢记住。如:Girl as she is, she is determined to bee an astronaut尽管她是个女孩,但她决心当一名宇航员。 He entered the room, book in hand他手里拿着一本书,进了教室。 Man is fighting a battle against the pollution,人类正在进行一场反对污染的战争。 例题6 This is _ most delicious fruit, and it tastes _ best when its fresh. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 【解读】此题易错选B。关键在于这些学生不能准确判断most是不是形容词的最高级形式。有些同学一见到most就认为是在考查形容词的最高级形式,而误选了B, 【答案】A。第一个空fruit没有比较的范围,most短语不是真正意义上的最高级,此时most相当于副词,意为“非常、极其”,前面使用不定冠词。,表示类别;第二个空是fruit与自身不同时期进行比较,best为最高级形式,前面加定冠词the, 【总结】高考对冠词的考查主要是围绕冠词的基本用法进行的。所以我们要对冠词的基本用法有一个明确的了解。不定冠词常用于泛指,表示类别,而定冠词主要用于特指。零冠词的用法和习惯搭配也是值得考生注意的一个问题。考点二 名词 名词为选考考点。在xx年高考15套试题中,考查名词的有6题,绝大多数考查的是名词词义辨析,这一点同学们要高度重视。有关名词的考查内容有:名词的复数形式;名词的可数性和不可数性;名词作定语;名词所有格等。 例题1 The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees. A. virtues B. features C. properties D. characteristics 【答案】A。全句的意思:经理高度赞扬了他的雇员所表现出来的诸如忠诚、勇气和坦率等美德。 【解读】这是道名词词义辨析题,做名词辨析题要花一定的苦功,需要我们细心体会,认真比较,在大量的阅读中揣摩它们的细微差异,从而掌握它们的用法。 例题2 Niagara Falls is a great tourist,drawing millions of visitors every year. A. attention B. attraction C. appointment D. arrangement 【答案】B. attraction “具有吸引力的人或物”,也可引申为“胜地”。attention”注意”,appointment“约会”,arrangement“安排”。根据句意,应选B。 【解读】本题考查名词词义辨析。高考中考查的名词通常是一些一词多义性名词,考查旧词新义是高考题的一个特点,故学习词汇的过程中应全面综合地掌握一个词的多层意义。 例题3 Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire 【答案】B。attempt尝试; intention意图、打算; purpose目的;desire渴望。 【解读】此题考查名词词义辨析。高考中通常不会选一些学生非常熟悉的名词来考,而是选一些学生不易掌握的边缘名词来考。故扩大阅读视野,增加词汇量就显得十分重要。 例题4 There are three _ in our clinic. A. woman doctor B. woman doctors C. women doctor D. women doctors 【答案】D。以man/ woman为前缀所构成的复合名词的复数形式,应前后都变为复数形式。 【解读】考查复合名词的复数形式。复合名词单数变复数,一般在中心主体名词后加-s。如:rade-in-arms rades-in-arms战友;looker-on lookers-on旁观者;runner-up runners-up亚军。 如果没有中心名词,直接在单词末尾加 -s变成复数形式,如:grown-up grown-ups成年人;sit-in sit-ins静坐示威的人。 例题5 He is provided withHe needs various A. food, food B. food, foods C. foods,foods D. foods, food【答案】B a food表食物的总称时为不可数名词;表种类时多为可数名词。 【解读】此题主要考查在特定语境中,不可数名词的可数用法。不可数名词一般情况下无复数形式,也不在其单数形式前面加不定冠词。但某些不可数名词如表示若干类、数量之多、某种具体的情形时,则可把该名词改为其复数形式,或在这个不可数名词前面加不定冠词。如:Two coffees, please.请来两杯咖啡。 The first Chinese manned spaceship landed on the Gebi sands safely. After many failures,they found out the cause of the SARS. 例题6 He dropped theand broke it. A. cup of tea B. teas cup C. cup for tea D. tea cup 【答案】D。tea为无生命的东西,作定语修饰另一名词表功能或用途。 【解读】此题考查名词作定语的用法。通常无生命的东西可以直接作定语修饰另一个名同。如: a stone bridge石桥;paper money纸币;diamond necklace钻石项链;silkdress丝绸服装;cotton goods棉制品;girl student女学生;adult actor成人演员;weather report天气预报;home news国内新闻。 注意:有些名词作定语时,通常只用复数。如:clothes shop服装店;goods train货车;sports field运动场。 例题7 There is _ at the foot of the hill. A. a dangerous crossroad B. dangerous crossroad C. dangerous crossroads D. a dangerous crossroads 【答案】D.“十字路口、交叉路口”常用复数形式。 【解读】此题考查单复数同形的名词。中学英语中,单复数同形的名词有:Chinese, Japanese, sheep, deer, fish, means, works(作”工厂”解)等。主谓一致问题往往是单复数同形名词考查的重点。正确判断这些名词是单数还是复数是关键所在。如: 例1All possible means _(have /has)been tried. 例2. Every possible means _(have/has) been tried 从例子1中可以看出,means在这里是复数,应用have. 例2中every后面应接单数形式,此处应用has. 例题8 _ center has been set up to giveon scientific farming for the nearby farmers. A. Information; advice B. An information; advice C. An information; advices D. information; advices 【答案】B。易错选A。有些同学只注意到information,为不可数名词,但没有看到information实际上是用作定语,修饰center; advice为不可数名词,不能用复数形式。 【解读】此题主要考查辨析名词的可数性和不可数性。有些名词貌似可数名词,实为不可数名词,这些名词往往成为高考考查的重点。如:fun, news, bread, bamboo, chalk, equipment, advice, information,progress, wealth等。 【总结】1)名词变复数的不规则变化,名词作定语,名词所有格的用法,抽象名词的具体化等需重点掌握。2)名词词义辨析是最重要的考支,要注意在语境中掌握同义名词的细微差异。考点三 数词 数词为选考考点。在xx年高考15套英语试卷中,只有广西卷考查了数词。数词的考点主要有:数词作程度状语的表达方式;分数的表达方式;模糊概数的用法;dozen和score的惯用法;年代、世纪、年龄的表达法等。 例题1 My ruler is _ his. A. two times as longer as B. twice the length of C. three times longer of D. twice long than 【答案】B。易误选A和D, A项longer应为long; D项long应为longer。根据上面的分析,答案选B, 【解读】此题考查数词作程度状语的表达方式。倍数及分数作程度状语的表示法为:倍数分数+ as + adj.(原级) + as.;倍数分数 + the + n.+ of;倍数分数 + adj的比较级 + than.。注意下列程度状语在句中的位置。如: This island is two-fifths larger than that one这个岛比那个岛大五分之二。 He is two years older than I他比我大两岁。 There are 30% more boys than girls in our class我班上的男生比女生多30% , This dictionary costs twice as much as that one这本字典花的钱是那本字典的两倍。 例题2 He bought _ copies of the magazine. A. two dozen of B. two dozens of C. dozens of D. two dozens 【答案】C, dozens of表示”许多”,修饰可数名词。 【解读】本题考查重点数词的用法。注意score和dozen的用法。 1) score(二十),表示实际数量时不加”s,但可加of。如:ten score of books (200本书)。但当表示不确定的概数时加”s,加of; 2) dozen(一打,十二)也有类似的用法:表示实数时,不加s,不用of。当名词前有 these, those和修饰词时要用of,如:two dozen pencils(两打铅笔),a dozen of these books(一打这样的书)。当表示不确定的数时加s,加of,表示”数十”。 例题3 It is my _ birthday today. Will you please e to the party this evening? A. fifteen B. fifteen s C. fifteenth D. fifteens 【答案】C。基数词表示数量;而序数词表示顺序,句意思应是”第十五个生日”,故应用序数词。 【解读】此题考查序数词。要注意拼写特殊的序数词。如:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twentieth, thirtieth等。 例题4 _ foreigners e to visit China every year since China opened her door to the outside world. A. Hundreds and thousands of B. Hundreds of thousands of C. Hundreds or thousands of D. Hundreds upon thousands of 【答案】B。英语中”成千上万”的表示为;hundreds of thousands of,故答案选B, 【解读】此题考查概数的表示方法。当表示不确切的数量时,我们就使用概数。表示法为: tens of/ hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of/ dozens of/scores of名词”,这些词的前面不能有具体的数词,但可有many, some, several等,如”数百名学生”可表示为:several hundreds of students. 例题5 He moved to Germany in _,when he was in _. A. the late 1990s; his sixties B. late 1990s;his sixties C. the late 1990s;his sixty D. late 1990s; his sixties 【答案】A。句意:在二十世纪末期,当他六十多岁时,他搬家到了德国。 【解读】“二十世纪后期”的正确表达方法是:in the late 1990s或in the late 1990s”;“在某人六十多岁时”的表达式为:in ones sixties, 【总结】数词在高考中是选考考点,多为惯用法。考点四 代词 代词为必考考点。在xx年高考15套试题中,考查代词的共19题(全国卷III和湖北卷未考)。重点考查不定代词和替代词的用法。it的用法也是一个常考点。 例题1 No bread eaten by us is so sweet as _ earned by our own labor. A. it B. one C. that D. ones 【答案】C。 bread是不可数名词,且是”通过自己的劳动赚取的面包”,是特指概念,故用that。 【解读】此题考查替代词that和one的区别。注意one(s) ,that(those)的区别: one ( ones)只能代替可数名词,可代替人或物。一般用来代替某一类中的任何一个,即泛指。但如前面被定冠词修饰,亦可特指。 (2)that( those)可代替可数名词或不可数名词,一般代替物。用于特指,多为后置定语。 例题2 If you shut _ eye,you can see it better. A. another B. the other C. other D. others 【答案】B。一个人只有两只眼睛,故用the othe:表示”两者中的另一个”。 【解读】此题考查other, others与another的用法区别。三者都是不定代词,它们在含义上有单复之别,在用法上有泛指、特指之别。其具体用法大致可归纳如下: (1) 单数形式有:another/othern.(单数)(泛指不定数量中的另一个或类似的一个),the other + n.(单数)(特指两者中的另一个);复数形式有:other + n.(复数)/ others(泛指另外的或其他的人或物);the other n.(复数)/the others(特指一定范围内所有另外的或其他的人或物). (2) another 后通常接单数可数名词,当名词前有数词修饰时,才可以接复数名词,表示”再,又”;other表示”再,又”时则位于数词之后。如: Hes written another two books他又写了两本书。 He s written two other(此处也可用more代替other) books他又写了两本书。 (3) others与some对比使用时,others表示some(一些)的含义。如: Some say yes, and others say no有人说对,有人说不对。 例题3 Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show _? A. it B. nothing C. none D. no one 【答案】C。 none特指no mercy,故选C。 【解读】此题考查none和nothing的区别。nothing一般用来表泛指,而none常特指一定范围内的人或物,后面常接of。如: Nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. The baby asked for more milk, but there was none left in the bottle. 例题4 The couple are so warm-hearted thatof them spares efforts to helpethers. A. both B. either C. neither D. none 【答案】C. couple表示”夫妻两人”,可排除D。 spare no efforts为习语,意为”不遗余力做”,此处否定前移,所以必须用有否定意义的代词。句意为:这对夫妇如此好心以至于他们不遗余力地帮助别人。 【解读】此题考查both, either, neither和none的区别。neither指的是”两者都不”,含全部否定的意义;eithe:指”两者中的一个”;both指的是”两个都”;none指的是”都下(三者或三者以上)”,含全部否定的意义。例如: None of us have been to the moon我们当中没有人去过月球。 Neither of us has visited the zoo我们俩人都没有参观过动物园。 -Which tie would you prefer, the black tie or the red tie, madam? -I11 take both, to have a change sometimes. 例题5 She works as a typist in a pany. However, she doesnt like the work, because _ calls for patience and speed A. which B. it C. they D. she【答案】13o it在此为指示代词,指代前面提到的work, 【解读】it是代词考查中的一个重点。要注意它的用法。 it作代词可以代替上文中提到的事情或情况。如: He took the medicine bought in the drugstore, and it did work it的这种用法要注意和由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句用法的区别。关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句与被修饰的词语之间要用逗号分开,且不用连词连接;而it作替代词时,it所在的句子与被替代的句子分别为两个独立的句子,或者用并列连接词加以连接。试比较: He failed in the exam, and it worried him他考试没有及格,这使他很发愁。 He failed in the exam. It worried him. He failed in the exam, which worried him 例题6 The artist said,“_ is a pleasure to be invited to give the performancehere.” A. She B. It C. Which D. There 【答案】Bo it用作形式主语代替后面的不定式。 【解读】it可作形式主语或形式宾语,代替不定式、动名词、主语从句或宾语从句。it这一用法一直是高考命题的热点。如: It is necessary for you to buy a puter你很有必要买一台电脑。 例题7 Animals do not talk in


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