2019-2020年高三英语复习 Unit3 Travel Journal练习 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语复习 Unit3 Travel Journal练习 新人教版必修11._middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I _.从中学起, 我姐姐王薇和我梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行。2. Wang Wei soon got _.使表兄弟也对骑车旅行感兴趣。3._ first had the idea_.是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的源头行走到入海口。4.After_,we_. 大学毕业后,我们终于有了机会骑自行车旅行。5. Although she didnt know_, (旅行的最佳方式) she insisted that _.(她来合理安排这次旅行)6. The employee insisted that he _nothing wrong and would never _the boss. 这个员工坚持认为他没做错事情,并且不会向老板屈服。7. I told her the air would be hard_.我告诉她空气稀薄呼吸困难。8. (一旦她下了决心), nothing can change it.9. _(爬山) was hard work, but as we looked _us, we _.(景色让我们感到惊奇)10. A _ person always tries to finish the job, _ hard it is.一个有决心的人总是会尽力完成工作,不管它有多难。 II用所给词适当形式填空1. As far as I am concerned, the plan _. (carry) 依我看, 这项计划难以实施。2. At the moment, he preferred _. (think)此刻, 他宁愿不考虑未来。 3. Dont let yourself _ things you dont really need. (persuade) 不要被说服买你并不需要的东西。4. He doesnt seem _ the situation he is in. (care)他似乎不在乎自己目前的处境。 5. _, I took the plane instead of driving my car. (wait) 由于迫不及待地要见到父亲, 我改乘飞机而没有开车。6. _is his personality, so you neednt worry about him. (give)从不屈服是他的个性7. He insisted that he _and that he _. (do; set) 他坚持认为他没有做错任何事并且坚决要求释放他。8. _, hell be wele. (when)不管他何时再来,都会受到欢迎。9. _ever since we met at school. (be) 我们一直是好朋友。10. His father is a very stubborn person. Once he decides to do something, _is impossible. (mind)他的父亲是一个很固执的人。一旦他决定做事, 改变他的主意是不可能的。III.短文填空Once Li Ming _ his mind,(决定)nothing can be done to _.(改变主意) He _ traveling,(喜欢) so he _ to Hangzhou with his friend,Wang Wei. (决定骑车)But Wang Wei _ (喜欢开车不喜欢骑车)and he is very_. (固执)Book 1 Unit 3 keysis difficult to carry outnot to think about the futurebe persuaded into buying/to buy to care aboutHardly/Not waiting to see my fatherNever giving inhadnt done anything wrong/ (should) be set freeNo matter when he es againWeve been good friendschanging his mindmakes upchange his mindis fond ofdetermines to cycleprefers to drive rather than cyclestubbornis familiar withadvantages persuade

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