四年级英语下册 Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 31 Are You Ready for a Chant教案 冀教版.doc

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四年级英语下册 Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 31 Are You Ready for a Chant教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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四年级英语下册 Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 31 Are You Ready for a Chant教案 冀教版.doc_第2页
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Lesson31Are You Ready for a Chant?Teaching Aims:1 . Master vocabulary: our their we they ; Learn a chant“I My Chant”and a story “The Diffos”. 2 . Train the ability of listening, spelling, reading and acting.3 . To invent real-world situations to learn so that the students will attend to the lesson and feel inspired to practice. Ss help each other in pairs or groups, the development cooperates the spirit.Important &difficult points:I My ChantTeaching Tools: Courseware, radio and tape. Teaching steps:一、 Class opening and Review: 1.Greeting. 2.Sing “I Am Drawing” 二、 Key Concepts:3.Teach the“I My Chant” . Play the audiotape ,Ss follow words and pictures in their students books. Then teach the chant line by line to the students. T sings one line or part of a line and get Ss to repeat after you . Use the pictures in the students book to help Ss remember the words. 巩固sb like(s)to sth 句型. Write the words on the blackboard: I , my, you, your, we , our, they, their, he, his, she, her4.Practice in pairsMake sure the students can say and understand the structure before I let them practice, and then have them practice the structure with some limited substitution.5.Story: “The Diffos”.(1)Prepare to read.Use some questions to prepare, such as: =www.xxJXsj.cn=Do you have any unusual likes or dislikes?Do you know anyone who does?Do you think the people in this story are unusual? Why?【阅读前的铺垫,使孩子们在日常的交流中得到了充分的锻炼,也使学生为阅读故事做好准备。】(2)Read Play the tape of the story and get Ss to listen carefully and rearrange their story all ordingly.Feedback: ask individual s to read out the story in the correct order.(3)Group DiscussUse some questions to reinforce the main idea of the story.What do the Diffos do thats different from other people?Would you like to live with the Diffos? Why or why not?In the story, do the other students like the Diffos to sing in the library ? Why not?Do you like this story? Why or why not? 【读故事讨论的形式加深了学生对故事的理解,利于他们在现实中运用所学知识。】Feedback: hear from a few group spokes people of their groups ideas. 6. PracticeDo the activity book No1 &2三、Class closing 7.Homework: Role-play about the story. Lesson 31 Are You Ready for a Chant? I , my, you, your, we , our, they, their, he, his, she, her

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