四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Meet my family! PB Let’s talk课后作业 人教pep.doc

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Lets talk & Draw and say一、选出下列单词的对应词,写在四线三格中。hissisterfathersheaunt1. mother 2. uncle 3. he 4. her 5. brother 二、单项选择。() 1. Is this your father?_. A. No,it isB. Yes,he isntC. Yes,it is() 2. _ is his job?Hes a football player. A. WhatsB. WhatC. How many() 3. Whats your _ job?A. unclesB. uncleC. uncles三、选择正确的译文,将其序号填入题前括号里。() 1. 你叔叔做什么工作?A. Whats your aunts job? B. Whats your uncles job?C. Whats your fathers job?() 2. 这是你妈妈吗?A. Is this your mother? B. Is this your brother? C. Is this your sister?() 3. 我的妈妈是一名护士。A. My mother is a nurse. B. My mother is a doctor. C. My mother is a teacher. A. Yes,it is.B. He is my baby brother.C. She is a teacher.D. Yes,he is.四、给下列句子选择正确的答语。() 1. Whats her job?() 2. Is this your aunt?() 3. Who is the baby?() 4. Is your uncle a driver?五、Lucy正在Jane的家里看照片,她想知道Jane的叔叔和婶婶是做什么的。请选择合适的选项补全对话。 A. Is this your sister?B. Whats her job?C. Whats your uncles job?D. Shes a nurse.E. Yes,it is.Lucy:Hi,Jane. Is this your uncle?Jane:1. _Lucy:2. _Jane:Hes a football player. Lucy:3. _Jane:No,its my aunt. Lucy:4. _Jane:5. _答案:一、二、13C B A三、13B A A四、14C A B D五、1. E2. C3. A4. B5. D

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