四年级英语上册 Unit 2 How much教案1 北师大版.doc

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Unit2 How much? 教学方式和手段:本节课采用任务型教学法、情景教学法、合作学习、实践与操练。教学准备:Pictures of new words, Real articles, etc.教学目标设计(一)知识与技能目标:1、能用正确的语音语调读出本单元的小故事。2、能熟练的用How much is it? and How much are they?询问并回答物品的价钱。3、能够掌握以下单词: robot, kite, doll, toy train, 11 to 20.(二) 情感态度与价值观:1、通过本节复习课,让学生对礼貌用语加以重视并能使用。如: Please, Thank you! Etc.2、在情景教学中,让学生敢于并能乐于张口说英语。增强学习兴趣。教学重难点:词汇:数字11到20, robot, kite, toy train, doll, boat.句型:- How much is it? - Its _ yuan. - How much are they altogether? - They are _ yuan. Heres the money. Heres your change.教学过程:课题 Unit2 How much?授课教师授课日期教学目标要求1、能用正确的语音语调读出本单元的小故事。2、能熟练的用How much is it? and How much are they?询问并回答物品的价钱。3、能够掌握以下单词: robot, kite, doll, toy train, 11 to 20.4、培养学生用英语交流的习惯。教学重难点词汇:数字11到20, robot, kite, toy train, doll, boat.句型: 1、- How much is it? - Its _ yuan.2、- How much are they altogether? - They are _ yuan.3、Heres the money. 4、Heres your change.教具准备录音机、 多媒体、 卡片、 实物教 学 过 程TeacherStudents 备注Greetings:Good morning,EveryoneStep1: Listen to a song and do the action.Good morning, Ruby Sing a song and do the action. 歌曲和舞蹈可以激发孩子的学习兴趣。Step2:Review the story1. Show 5 pictures and ask Students “Whats this?”“Can you remember How much is it? ”“How much are they altogether?”2. Watch the cartoon and read the story.3. Role play:ask four Ss to read the story.Step3: Review numbers1. Let Ss look at the price and let them say numbers.Ask: “What number is it?”2. Let Ss look at cards and say numbers from 11 to 20.3. Look at screen (思考数字的拼写规则。)Step4:Listen and match1.Review words: ice-cream, hamburger and coke.2.Let Ss listen to a dialogue and write the price on the paper.3.Check the answer.Step 5: Role play1. Let Ss touch things from the magic bag and guess what it is.T: I have a magic bag. Do you want to see whats in my bag?T: Ok, I need one Ss to touch it and ask me the price.T:What is it? You should ask me?2. Let them watch a video.(之前录好关于买东西的小对话。)3. Work in pairsAccording to this video, two students in one group,they should ask the price of the picture.(图片是课前发给孩子的,每组一份。)4Ask one or two groups to performance.Step 6:Draw lotsThere are four lots that is about the knowledge of Unit2 in a box. Let Ss draw lots and follow the order.“Its a _.”“Its _ yuan.”“They are _ yuan.”Read after the video.“Its _.”“ eleven,twelve,thirteen ”Ss :11到19的大多数数字后面都有 teen.Write the price of the food in the blank.Ss:Yes, I want.Ss:Let me try.Let me try.Ss:Its a _. How much is it?Work with their partner and practice .Draw lots and answer questions.复习小故事,让孩子跟动画一起读,可以纠正他们的语音语调,而且他们喜欢看动画片。数字教学是本单元重点。这部分应让孩子掌握发音以及拼写规则,为今后的拼写单词作准备。练习孩子的听力,让他们能够找到对话中的关键数字。这部分是对本单元句型进行操练。从中也培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。给他们创造情景,让孩子学以致用。对本节课的小检测。这部分还具有趣味性,既能达到教学目的,也能让孩子感兴趣。

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