四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do(第一课时)教学设计 陕旅版.doc

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四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do(第一课时)教学设计 陕旅版.doc_第1页
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四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do(第一课时)教学设计 陕旅版.doc_第2页
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unit8whatcanyoudo 1教学目标 1.能听懂、会用What can _do? I/They/It can_.并能就进行某项动作或活动的能力进行问答。2.学生能够在教师创设的模拟情境中,灵活自如的运用所学的词汇、句型,并能进行相应的替换练习,达到学以致用的目的。2学情分析 四年级的学生已经具备英语的一些基本听、说、读、写基本技能,因此本课重点在于激发学生兴趣,在老师创设的情景中积极思考,大胆开口表达,运用所学句型描述自己或他人的某些活动。3重点难点 教学重点:能听懂、会用句型What can _do? I/They/It can_.进行某项动作或活动的能力的问答。教学难点:能在创设的情境中灵活自如的运用所学词汇、句型进行交流。4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】unit8whatcanyoudo Step1.Greeting:T:Hello! Boys and girls. Nice to meet you .Step2.Warming up:Please look at me. Do you know ? What can I do? Yes.I can dance/hear/see/speak/take photos/open the door. Lets say a chant together.Hear Hear I can hear. See See I can see.Speak Speak I can speak. Jump Jump I can jump.Step3. Leading In:I can do many things at home. Im helpful. How about you? What can you do?Step4. Presentation:Ask and answer:T: What can you do,s1? I can _.What can he do? He can _.What can she do? She can _.What can they do? They can _.Show some pictures ask and answer:What can the fish do? What can the horses do?What can the monkey do?Listen to the tape learn to read the new dialogue.Ask and answer.Play the dialogue in different roles.Make a new sentences with the patterns.Step5. Practice Activities:work in pairs.Make a new dialogue and act it in groups.Step6: Summary:Step7:Homework:The blackboard design:What Can You Do?What can you do? What can you do?I can _. They/It can _.活动2【作业】unit8whatcanyoudo use these centences make a new dialogue

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