四年级英语下册 Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 20 Where Do You Live教案 冀教版.doc

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Lesson 20: Where Do You Live?一教学目标:1. 知识与技能:听懂并会说重点词汇house and apartment. 能在语境中运用“Where do you live? I live in _.” 理解课文内容, 训练学生语言在语境中的综合运用能力。2. 过程与方法:注重灵活多样,丰富多彩课堂气氛的形成。通过多样的教学活动和教学评价的展开,使学生更好的掌握本课知识。3. 情感态度与价值观:激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。让学生体验成就感,增强信心和克服困难的意志力,促进学生的学习和发展。二教学重难点:教学重点:掌握四会单词:house, apartment教学难点:在具体情境中灵活应用句型:Where do you live? I live in_.三教学设计思路:设置真实的情景吸引学生参与到教师设置的各个环节中,继续激发学生的英语学习兴趣,使培养学生良好学习习惯的同时,提高与他人交往的能力。四、教学过程教学过程Teaching Process 教学媒体Teaching Media教师活动Teachers Activities学生活动Students Activities设计意图Design Purpose课程导入(Warm up and lead in)多媒体,课件Step 1Greeting:T:Hello,everyone. How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?T: Im fine,thanks. Step 2 Teacher asks some students what they wear today. Ss greet with their teacher and review what they have learned last lesson.To make students be polite and review what they have learned呈现新课(Presentthe new lesson)录音机,多媒体课件。Step 1 Play a guessing game: Guess! Where do I want to go?e.g. T: Im hungry. I want to eat a hamburger. Where do I want to go?Step 2Key Conceptshouse, apartment1.Introduction1) T: Im tired now. I want to sleep. Guess! Where do I want to go?S: You want to go home.T: Yes. Come on. Look, this is my home. Its a house. ( use a picture 见图片资源)。2) Read and spell the word. Ask the students talk about the picture and try to make up a sentence with “house”.3)T: Look! Is this my house? S: No. Its an apartment building.T: Is this an apartment building? (use a picture)S: No. T: Its an apartment.教师播放课件:Lesson 20-1 (见优秀课件)。教师板书:a house an apartment Read and spell the new word and ask the students to make other phrases with “an_”. Encourage the students to talk about the picture such as: Where is the apartment? How many apartments can you see?Step 3Where do you live? I live in _.1.IntroductionT:Look, this is my house. I live in a house.Where do you live? S: I live in a/an house /apartment. (Help the student to answer.)2.Practice the drills“Where do you live? I live in_.” In pairs.3.Play a chain-game with “Where do you live? I live in_.”T: Lets look at the text.教师播放课件:Lesson 20-2 (见优秀课件)。Step 4 Make an investigation with a chart.Give each student a chart with some questions and ask them to investigate their friends and fill in the chart by themselves.Step 5教师播放歌曲:House .swf (见优秀课件)。Students Step 1 借助游戏复习学过的where句型和一些地点名词,为本课句型的学习进行铺垫。Step 2从游戏中自然过渡到新课的内容,活泼的课堂教学气氛,在极短的时间内吸引住学生,“课伊始,趣亦生”Step 3在单词教学中融入语句的训练,启发学生的思维,锻炼他们的语言表达能力,把单词放到有意义的语句中加以记忆,培养学生的语感也是学过句式的复习与巩固。Step 4让学生在小组活动中一一参与语言的交际、实践,巩固新的句式,锻炼语言的交际能力。游戏始学生始终保持强烈的兴趣和信心,敢于参与语言实践。Step 5 使学生在歌曲中掌握单词,获得学习乐趣。课堂评价Evaluate 多媒体,课件随堂练习:Fill in the blanksh_ _ se a_ _ rtmentb_ _ lding p_ _ k Answer the following questions 1) Where do you live?2) Is it near school? Students do exercise.巩固本节课所学到的重点知识。

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