四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 11 When Is It教案 冀教版.doc

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Lesson 11: When Is It? 教学目标:1. 知识与技能:本节课主要复习上节课内容,掌握生词yesterday , today , tomorrow 和句式When is _ ? _ . 了解怎样用英语表示新年、春节、国际劳动节、教师节、儿童节、国庆节等节日。要求学生能够读、说出并听懂六个节日的英文表达,以及用语When is it? It is_.能运用所学句型进行对话表演和口语交际。2. 过程与方法:.由于上节课才刚刚学过了序数词,可能有的学生对于日期的表达法还不能熟练掌握,因此在学这部分之前,这些内容进行适当复习。在此基础上引出新课内容。在教授新课过程,充分发挥学生学习的主动性。总之,通过本课的学习,培养学生的学习兴趣,使他们建立起学习英语的自信心,让他们在活动中学习英语,感受英语学习的快乐。 3. 情感态度与价值观:使学生了解传统节日和法定节日,培养爱国主义情怀。二、教学重难点:教学重点:掌握四会单词,要求学生能够读、说出并听懂六个节日及昨天、今天、明天的英文表达,以及用语When is it? It is _. What day is it? What day is tomorrow? It is _. What day was yesterday? It was _ .教学难点:使学生能够运用所学内容进行实际交流,达到能够灵活运用。三、教学过程教学过程Teaching Process 教学媒体Teaching Media教师活动Teachers Activities学生活动Students Activities设计意图Design Purpose课程导入(Warm up and lead in)日历Step 1Greeting:T:Hello,everyone. How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?T: Im fine,thanks. Step 2 Review教师拿出日历提问:What day is it? 重点复习first , second , third, fifth , ninth , twelfth.T: What day is it? Ss: .Ss greet with teachers and review what they have learned.To make students be polite and lead in the new text呈现新课(Presentthe new lesson)录音机,多媒体,课件,日历。Step 1 Learn New Words 教师打开今天的日历。T: This is today. 教师板书:today. 学生读单词:today。T: What day is it? Ss: Its Monday, July twelfth. T: What is the date?Ss: It is July twelfth.教师再次提醒学生问日期用:What is the date?教师翻开当天的日历提问学生:T: What day is tomorrow? Ss: Tuesday, July thirteenth.教师翻开前一页的日历提问。T: What day was yesterday?教师领读单词:yesterday. 讲解因为是过去的一天,所以用was. T: What day was yesterday?Ss: Sunday, July eleventh.Step 2 教师打开日历任何一页提问学生。使学生能够熟练回答。然后教师播放课件:Lesson 11-2 (见优秀课件),阅读课文。Step 3 T: Ok, Do you know some holidays in each month? Ss: Yes.T: Lets review the twelve months.教师播放视频资源:月份。Step 4教师出示图片(见图片资源)。提问。T: This is New Year. When is New Years Day? Ss: January first.T: When is Spring Festival?Ss: T: When is Ss: Step 5 教师播放课件:Lesson 11-1 (见优秀课件)。学生读课文。Step 6教师出示图片:图片资源。随意出示图片提问学生。What is this? 让学生熟练掌握常见节日的表达。Step 7 Divide students into groups to ask questions among each other.Ss learn new words and new text.Step 1,2 To make students grasp what they have learned last lesson and learn new words. Step 3,4,5,6To make students speak the name of holidays fluently Step 7 To make students grasp what they have learned in todays class.课堂评价Evaluate 多媒体,课件随堂练习:1. Fill in the blank and translate.y_ st_ _ day t_ mor_owt_day2. Answer the following questions.1) When is Childrens Day? 2) When is Workers Day?3) When is National Day?Ss do exercise.To check students learning ability

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