2019-2020年高三考前模拟测试英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三考前模拟测试英语试题 含答案英语测试满分150分。考试时间120分钟。一、听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where are the speakers most probably?AIn a library BIn a bookstore CIn the classroom2How many students took the physical exam last month?A300 B200 C1003What might prevent the woman buying the table?AIts quality BIts price CIts design4When is the mans son away from work?AOn Tuesdays and WednesdaysBOn Sundays and MondaysCOn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays5What does the woman suggest about the weather?AIt will be much better than it already isBThe next few days will be sunny and warmCClouds and cold weather are expected第二节 (共12小题;每题15分,满分18分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6What is the relationship between the speakers?AWorkmates BHusband and wife CFather and daughter7Why did the man go to Fortaleza?ATo go on businessBTo do some shopping CTo enjoy the scenery8What is Tommy doing?ATalking with his friendsBWatching TV CPlaying on his puter听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9What color is the first item the man claimed like?ABlack BWhite CDark blue10Where does the conversation take place?AAt a cinemaBIn a coffee shop CAt the Lost and Found11What did the man really want to do in the womans opinion?AHe wanted to get back the coat he had lostBHe just wanted very much to get a coatCHe wanted to buy a second-hand coat听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn the school office BIn the classroom CAt the students home13How long is one course ?A14 weeks B13 weeks C3 weeks14What else does the man ask about the courses?AContent and date BStudent number and date CCost and student number.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15What do we know about the womans document?AIts about 30000 words longBIts written in English CIts a textbook.16Which language requires the highest charge for translation?AArabic BSpanish CEnglish17What does the woman decide to do?ATranslate the document herselfBHire the man to do the translationCLook for another Translator.第三节(共3小题;每小题1 5分,满分45分)请听下面一段独白段,用所听到的独白中的词或数填空,每空限填一个词或一个数。填入的内容要写在答题卡相应的位置上。在听本段独自前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。本段独白读两遍。请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21How long on earth shall I have to wait?Sorry, sirJust a minuteThere _ a table availableAis Bwas Cwill be Dhas been22Hi, Tom_ lecturer is an AmericanHe will teach us _ world history next termAThe;/ BThe; the CA;/ DA; the23Life is like riding a bicycle_ your balance, you must keep movingAKeeping BTo keep CKeep DHaving kept24Whatever happens, Tom, _ drugsAdoesnt take Bnot take Cnot taking Ddont take25Good morningA table for two?_ We are looking for a hotelASorry to hear that BIt doesnt matterCNo, thank you DYes, sounds good26If you dont go after what you want, you will never have _Aone Bit Cthem Dthese27Where have you been, David? Youre late for class again_ My bus got caught in a traffic jamAYes, so what? BWell, how e?CSorry, but I couldnt help DNo, its not my fault28That man is the richest _ pleasures are the cheapestAwhose Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich29_ by reporters about the case, MrSun said Chongqing takes a clear-cut attitude and is taking resolute measuresAHaving asked BTo be asked CAsking DAsked30Sorry, sirAnd youll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, wont you?Thats all rightCoffee _ lasting marks on clothing, Im sureAdidnt leave Bdoesnt leave Chasnt left Dhadnt left31_ he stops driving himself like this, hell have a breakdownAUntil BOnce CSince DUnless32His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out _ he is trying to expressAwhat is Bwhat is it that Cwhat is that Dwhat it is that33Jim is very sick these daysHe coughs so badly,In my opinion, he really _ listen to the doctor and cut down on smokingAshould Bcan Cmay Dneed34Dont you recognize him? Just look upOn the opposite wall _Adoes his photo hang Bhangs his photoCis hanging his photo Dis his photo hanging35Havent I seen you some place before?YesThats _ I dont go there anymoreAbecause Bhow Cwhy Dwhen第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。AExactly fifty years ago my father gave me the words I have lived by ever sinceHe was a physicianI had just started to study law at Budapest UniversityI failed one 36 I thought I could not 37 the shame so I sought escape in the consolation (慰藉) of failures closest 38 , alcohol, always at hand: apricot brandy to be exactMy father called on me 39 Like a good doctor, he discovered both the trouble and the 40 , in a secondI admitted why I had to escape realityThe dear old man then and there made an immediate prescriptionHe 41 to me that there can be no real escape in alcohol or sleeping pillsor in any drugFor any 42 there is only one medicine, better and more43 than all the drugs in the world: work!How 44 my father was! Getting used to work might be hardSooner or later you 45 It has, of course, the 46 of all the narcotics (麻醉药)It bees habit-formingAnd once the habit is formed, sooner or later, it bees 47 to break ones self of itI have never been able to break myself of the habit for fifty years36Aexperiment Bclass Cexamination Dlecture37Asurvive Bunderstand Cexpect Dfeel38Apetitor Bfriend Cworkmate Drelative39AangrilyBsecretlyCunwillinglyDunexpectedly40AbottleBboxCparcelDbowl41AwhisperedBexplainedCannouncedDscreamed42AillnessBweaknessCsorrowDdisappointment43AfortableBconvenientCavailableDreliable44AfoolishBhappyCcruelDright45AsucceedBworkCregretDfinish46AformBqualityCpriceDside-effect47AimportantBnecessaryCimpossibleDunavoidableBWhat if you have a problem with something you ordered at an online store?If you want to return something and if you checked what the online store return 48 is, refer to that and follow their 49 If you have a question about your order, 50 for a link to either the online store customer service 51where in most cases you can find a form to fill out or an email addressIf you find a form, plete itThe more 52 you fill it out, the better your problem with your order can be solvedIf you find an email address, send an email explaining your problem with a copy of your order confirmation attached or the information from it 53 to your emailRemember to be polite in your emailIt doesnt 54 to be rudeIt only will make the person who received it mad and less 55 to care about your problem48Aaddress Bpolicy Corder Dplan49Anote Bexample Cinstructions Dexpressions50Alook Bchange Cwait Dlong51Acounter Bdesk Cpart Dsection52Aquickly Bslowly Cpletely Dbeautifully53Aadded Bapplied Csupplied Dpassed54Aprove Bhelp Ccount Dseem55 Apossible Bcurious Cproper Dlikely第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A“Look at that! Janet exclaimed, pointing out the car windowJanets father stopped the car and leaned over to look out her windowA giraffe was standing in a field of tall grassDad handed Janet the cameraWhen Janet finished taking a picture, her father drove forward slowlyThe animals at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center had surprised JanetShe had expected to see only animals native to TexasShe had seen goats, longhorns, and deer before, so she had not been too excited about ingNow, however, she couldnt wait to see what animals from other countries would be wandering aroundSuddenly a small herd of zebras ran out in front of the carWatch out! Janet yelled to her fatherHe stepped on the brakesNow I understand why we were told to drive so slowly, Dad saidYou can never tell what an animal may do!As Janet and her father watched the zebras, one zebra walked toward Janets windowJanet grabbed a handful of food from the bag her father held and dropped it out the windowI hope they dont try to get into the car, she said.Janet was busy watching the zebra when she heard her father gaspShe turned toward him and almost burst out laughingTrying to hold her breath, Janet quickly grabbed the camera and snapped a pictureA giraffes head was just inches from her fathers faceHer father didnt move while the giraffe was eating from the bag in his handAfter a few bites, the giraffe backed out of the open window and walked awayJanets father let out a long sigh and said, Lets go down the road and see what else es to visit usJanet giggled as she thought about the surprised look on her fathers faceIs that another giraffe over there, Dad? she askedRemember, the man at the gate said that they are very friendly! Then they laughed together56Paragraphs 7 and 8 are mostly about _,Awhere Janets father plans to go Ba zebra Janet watches from the carChow much food is eaten from the bag Dan experience Janets father has with an animal57Janet is surprised by the animals at Fossil Rim because she _Aexpected to see only very small animals thereBthought all the animals would be from TexasCremembered seeing more goats and deerDthought the animals would be friendlier58The author tells this story by _Aexplaining the good things and the bad things about feeding wild animalsBdescribing how the animals are alike and how they are differentCdescribing Janet and her fathers visit to the center as it happensDexplaining why people should visit the center on their next vacation59Visitors are instructed to drive very slowly through the wildlife center _Ato keep from hitting animals that sometimes run in front of carsBto keep animals standing nearby from looking into the carsCto feed all the animals that want to get food from visitorsDto make it easier for the centers scientists to study the animalsBMost of us are familiar with one or two kinds of mushrooms, usually white or brown varieties that find their way onto pizzasActually, more than 3, 000 types grow around the world in a wide variety of flavors and sizes They are listed on menus in fancy restaurantsBut many centuries ago, long before pizzas and fancy restaurants existed, people were eating mushroomsAncient hieroglyphics (象形文字) from more than 4, 600 years ago tell us Egyptians called mushrooms the magic food They believed eating them resulted in immortality (永生)Other ancient civilizations in places such as Russia and Mexico thought mushrooms had ingredients that could produce superhuman strength and even help locate lost objectsCenturies ago, people still associated magic with mushroomsBut today we have a more scientific approach to the mushroomLike many other plants, mushrooms serve as a source of food for insects and small animalsMushrooms differ from green plants because they lack chlorophyll (叶绿素) and do not require sunshine to growUntil the 1940s, most mushroom farms were in the Far East, especially China and JapanThen during World War II, many American soldiers tasted the delicious varieties of mushrooms and learned about mushroom farmingAfter the war, they took this knowledge back to the United States, which soon became one of the worlds major mushroom producersHealth and safety are always concerns when growing any cropOne of the plications with mushrooms is that they can be poisonous or nonpoisonousmon nontoxic varieties such as table and field mushrooms are safe to eat and can be purchased in grocery storesChefs use them in dishes ranging from soups to gourmet sauces, and some mushrooms even have medicinal benefitsToday the USA is the world leader in supplying mushrooms, and other major contributors include France, China, Canada, Great Britain, and Italy60The authors purpose in writing this article is to _Atell why people eat mushroomsBpersuade people to buy more mushroomsCexplain the history and uses of mushroomsDprovide information for staying healthy with mushrooms61What does the word nontoxic mean?AHarmless BTasty CExpensive DPoisonous62What is the warning the author gives about mushrooms?AThey can only be eaten in restaurantsBSome varieties can be poisonousCThey should only be eaten in pizzasDThey must be grown in dark, damp places63How are mushrooms different from green plants?ATheyre colorful, grown in the Far East BThey are a part of peoples dietCTheyre food for insects and small animals DThey dont need the sun for growthCThe following passage is an advertisement for a new gameUse it to answer the following questionsIts Fast! Its Fun!Its a Hand-Held Electronic Pinball Game!Feel the vibrations(振动) as your Rocket Ball glides(滑动) through the universe, scoring points as it glances off Saturns rings or skids(滑行) past JupiterWhenever a et,asteroid or meteor takes a direct hit, your score will soar(猛增,升起)GETTING STARTED1Press ON/OFF to turn on power2Press the clear plastic STAR button to control light, sound, and vibration3Press START/PAUSE two times to begin playNOTE: You can press START/PAUSE once at any timeThen the word P-A-U-S-E scrolls(滚屏) across the screen until you press START/PAUSEagain to restart the game4Press SELECT to play Game OnePress SELECT two times to play Game TwoIf you reach 5, 000 points before all three balls drop into the sun, you are a Rocket Ball Champ!64Which buttons directly control the movement of the Rocket Ball?ALAUNCH and FLIPPERS BSTAR and FLIPPERSCSTART/PAUSE and FLIPPERS DLAUNCH and SELECT65Game Two would probably be preferred by someone who is _Aa new player Ba busy adult Can experienced player Da young child66Which of the following would bring about the most various changes?AGame One with a blue star BGame Two with a black starCGame One with a yellow star, DGame Two with a red star67Rocket Ball could best be described as a game which requires _ in particularAmon sense Bquick response Cstrength DknowledgeD(This selection was originally published in 1992Pluto (冥王星) is no longer classified as a planet)Pluto is in many ways the strangest of the planetsIt is small and has a large moon (called Charon)Its orbit is unusual, which may cause it to have seasons in the sense that when it is close to the sun, the liquid methane(甲烷) on its surface boils to form a kind of atmospheric haze (烟雾). When the planet moves farther away from the sun, it starts to snow solid methanePluto is not darkDespite its great distance from the sun, the surface of Pluto is probably as bright as a moonlit night on EarthThe reason is all that methane, which is as white as newly fallen snowThe discovery of Pluto was more accident than designThe American astronomer Percival Lowell had predicted the existence of a ninth planet (he called it Planet X) based on what he took to be irregularities in the orbit of NeptuneToday astronomers argue that these irregularities werent real, but the result of instrumental errorNevertheless, Lowell produced predictions about where Planet X ought to be (although, to be honest, the predictions changed occasionally when he redid the calculations)In any case, in 1930 Clyde Tombaugh, doing a systemic sky survey that would have found the planet no matter where it was, discovered the planet we now call PlutoBy coincidence, its position was pretty close to where Lowells last prediction said it should beWas it just luck? Well never know68What contributes to the brightness of Pluto?ALight from its moon, Charon BIts great distance from the sunCMethane on its surface DIts closeness to the sun69On Plutos surface, liquid methane boils to form an atmospheric haze, which would be most similar to _.Adarkness Blight Cliquid Dsteam70What effect is produced by including the question Was it just luck? at the end of the selection?AThe question encourages the reader to think about why Pluto is a strange planetBThe question encourages the reader to think about how planets are discoveredCThe question suggests that other planets were found in different waysDThe question suggests that all discoveries are luck, not just design71The selection mainly wants to _Agive a brief introduction of Pluto Btalk about the discovery of PlutoCprove the exact position of Pluto Ddescribe the strangeness of PlutoEI want to be a writer, an inventor, a social worker, and mayor of New York CityMy future is no great mystery (谜) to me, and yours doesnt have to be a mystery either! All it takes is a goal, a little planning, and a lot of self-confidenceI get excited when I think about what I can do, and so should youEvery dream can bee a reality if you work at itYou dont have to limit yourself to doing just one thingI want to do lots of things, like Benjamin FranklinHe was a writer, an inventor, a politician, and a scientistHaving a goal, something you really want to do, is a good place to start in solving the mystery of your future It gives you something to work towardYour goal may seem impossible at first, but if you break it down, it wont seem so hardRemember, a goal is something you really want to do, not what someone else wants you to do Other people can help you figure out your future, tooPeople who do what you want to do are your greatest resourcesTo find out what they do, you can volunteer to help them, do an internship, or even just talk to them Visiting your parents jobs, going to career fairs, and participating in after-school programs are other good options The Internet and the library are great places to research organizations and programs for young peopleYou can also read biographies of people who inspire you, which can help you see how other people reached

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