四年级英语上册 unit 1 Lesson6 Streets教案2篇 冀教版.doc

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Lesson 6 Streets教学目标:能听、说、读、写单词street, traffic lights做加法练习,并用英语读出每个等式。明白信号灯代表的意思,并能用英语表示。教学重点、难点:能听、说、读、写本课的单词。掌握加法练习的表达方式教具、学具准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机,活动手册教学过程:ReviewGreetings and sing song “the wheels on the bus” (用来激发学生和集中学生的注意力)Lead in: Guess what is it in the box? Then teacher take the bus/car/bicycle/cab/bus/people/many buildings and traffic lights out, stick them on blackboard, at last, draw a street, read and spell the words. Question: How many lights on the traffic lights? What colour are they? Read is stop. Yellow is wait. Green is go.(用猜谜语的形式引起学生的好奇心,再以直观的图片教具给学生一个整体的感知,有利于学生的接受与理解。)Chant:Red light! Red light! Stop! Stop! Stop!Green light! Green light! Go! Go! Go!Yellow light! Yellow light! Wait! Wait! Wait!(减轻学生记忆的负担,把需要记忆的内容诗歌化,学生更喜欢这种方式)Today, I want to go to the shop. I want to buy books with my friends. How many books are there in the shop? I need three English books and four story books. How many books do I need? 出示等式 347 (read it many times) Three plus four equals seven. Look at the blackboard, lets add and say:3+4=7 8+2=10 13+8=21 20+16=36 22+25=47 40+19=59 Open books,read after the radio, practice with your partner Make up a dialogue; go to buy some things with friends or family, you must use “street, traffic lights” and “add”. Homework: draw a picture and do some adds.Lesson 6 streets教学目标:1知识目标:(1)学习本课新单词street, traffic lights, stop, wait, plus, equals(2) 用英语正确的表达数学加法算式。2能力目标:能够熟练掌握单词 street, traffic lights,能听说读写句型 plusequals以及traffic lights的功能。3情感目标:培养参与意识,激发学习兴趣,培养学生养成遵守交通规则的 良好的行为习惯。教学重、难点:本课中出现的生单词,以及学会熟练正确使用plusequals的句型结构。教具学具:实物,地图,卡片,录音机以及磁带。教学过程:Step1. Greeting: hello,boys and girls,how are you today?Step2. Revision: 做拍数游戏: Review the words. 数词 one to hundredStep3. Lead in : 出示类似教科书第十二页上面的图片,让学生用英语说出图片中的事物如:what is it? It is a blue car 在学生说完学过的事物后,教师指着图上的街道和交通信号灯问 what is it? 如果学生答不出可出示新单词。(这个环节首先是为了练习以前学过的句型what is it? It is 在巩固的同时引出新词比较自然。)Step4.The new lesson: 第一部分what is it?1教师指着地图上的街道介绍street.2在信号灯的顶端画一个红色圆圈。问:what colour is it?学生回答红色。问学生红色信号灯表示什么意思?师板书:stop 同样出示绿色和黄色的信号灯。分别说明green is go,yellw is wait.3练习:学生听老师的指挥分别做walk go donwalk turn left turn right(这个练习着重复习表示动作的几个单词)4介绍单词:add plus equals 出示卡片3+4=7教师做示范3plus4equals7。5小组进行练习。将学生分成3组。第一个学生写出一个加法算式,第二个学生读出来,第三个学生算结果。6播放录音学生跟读。7拓展巩固:教师在黑板上写出7-3=4,seven reduce three equals fourStep4 结束课堂教学:教师书写若干数学算式,学生用英语表达。板书设计: Lesson 6 streetsStreet traffic lights plusequals green is go three plus four is seven red is stop yellow is wait seven reduce three equals four课后反思:

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