四年级英语上册 Unit 2 What’s your number(Lesson 11)教案 人教精通版.doc

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四年级英语上册 Unit 2 What’s your number(Lesson 11)教案 人教精通版.doc_第1页
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四年级英语上册 Unit 2 What’s your number(Lesson 11)教案 人教精通版.doc_第2页
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Unit 2 Whats your number?Lesson 11一、Teaching aims:1. Knowledge: To learn the new words and sentences.2. Ability: Can use the words and sentences.3. Emotion: To cultivate students good habit of getting up early.二、Important points:New words and sentences.三、Difficult points:Can use English to communicate.四、Preparation:recorder courseware五、Teaching Steps:1、Warm-upRevision1) Lets sing. (Number song)2) Bingo.2、Presentation1) Lets count. To learn the new words. (nineteen twenty)2) Spell and learn the new words. (nine ten )3) Show a new dialogue.4) Look, listen and repeat the dialogue.5) Lets act.3、Practice1) Listen and choose.2) Read and match.4. Knowledge extensionEveryday English5. AssessmentGroup evaluation6. Homework1) Listen and read the dialogue after class.2) Copy the new words.3) Sing the song to your parents.7.Writing design:Unit 2 Whats your number?Lesson 11Wake up! Whats the time? nineteen twentyIts 7:20. Im late. nine tenHave some milk.After-class summary:

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