四年级英语上册 Lesson 5 How Many Do I Have教案 冀教版.doc

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Lesson 5 :How Many Do I Have?一 教学目标:1. Knowledge and skills: have the standard terms How many, is to make the students can learn in life and actively use How many. Accurate reading and writing the 100 less than locals. 2. The process and the method: in the teaching of the game, using digital song, performance and so on many kinds of form, and combining the actual life. Improve the students interest in study, and enhance the interest of study, and make students learn in the happiness. 3. Attitudes and values: let the students are good at observation of life, attention side Numbers, life is going to dealing with figures, feel the importance of a number. 二教学重难点:Teaching important points: 100 less than 10 integer times the number of English expression ten 10 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 100 Teaching difficult points: How many? Sentence patterns and accurate reading and writing the 100 less than locals.三学法引导 Through dialogue and exercise stimulates the student to study the interest in English 教具Recorder ,Multimedia courseware , cards四教学过程:Step 1 Class opening 1.Greetings: T:Hello! Boys and girls!. 2.Review Words little competition: the teacher shows last lesson learned words of the physical or pictures, students speak its name in English fast. Quick response of the students replace teachers, lead the whole class to continue the game of words small competition. In the game, the expression of the practice figure and draw out sentences How many_? 3. Learning digital expression There is a pencil-case on the desk, inside have a pencil. T: I cant find my pencil-case. Where is it? Ss On the desk. T: Thank you .Where is my pencil? Ss Its in the pencil-case. T: Oh, I have one pencil.(Ask one student) Where is your pencil? S: On the desk. T: Give me, please. Now I have two pencils(板书) You say it, please. The other students in other products with practice and blackboard writing books, erasers, markers After practice, the teacher says I want more and more markers, do you want to count with me ? T: What else do you have? Please find out the cards under your chairs. The teacher shows digital CARDS, with the same Numbers of students to read out the digital plus the back of the design read. If the teacher shows fifty-four, who took the student to stand up to 54 card read fifty-four cats. Step 2 Professor important concept :How many ? . 1:Lead into:How many ? . After a few group practice, ask a studentWhat do you have? S:I have 16 ms. T: Can you say it, again? How many ms?(point to 16) S:19 ms. T:(举起三块橡皮)Look! How many erasers do I have? How many? One, two, there. How many eraser? There erasers(板书划线部分) show them two booksHow many books do I have? Ss Two books.2. Practice how many patterns, summary sentence pattern characteristics. T: How many boys are in our class? Ss: twenty-one boys. T: How many girls are in our class? Ss: sixteen. 3. Watch video resources How many ? 4. T: Ask and answer in your group. 5.Consolidate. Read the text T: Lets read the text. How many books does Danny have? The students to read the text first, second picture, then answer the question. T: First, How many books does Danny have? S; Eight books. Students read the third, four pictures (hint students, there are also says 有) T: How many books are there on the desk? S: sixteen books. The last part: T: What happened? S: Danny falls down. Step 3 Drill Read the all of the test by themselves. Step 4 Practice Step 5Class closing 板书设计 :Lesson 5:How Many Books Do I Have? ten 10 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 100 How many _? 课 时作业设 计 1. 对划线部分进行提问 1.I have two books. _ 2) There are five people in my family. _ 2. 写出下列数字 28 30 25 16 100 82 78. _

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