六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Sports教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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第一单元单元教学内容在本单元中,讲述了Jenny ,Li Ming和 Danny一起打篮球和乒乓球耳朵故事。在这些小故事中,学生将学习一些描述运动项目及运动衣着用品的词汇。在学习这些词汇的基础上运用句型描述有关的小场景以及对话。单元教学目标1.理解并熟练朗读课文,能够用正确的语调朗读一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,把握课文的语言环境。2.能在日常生活中灵活运用简单的交际用语。培养学生学习英语的兴趣。单元教学重点掌握本单元的重点单词,和重点句子。单元教学难点学会运用一般过去式表达自己的意愿。课时安排本单元共7课时:第一课时:lesson1 Ping-pong and Basketball第二课时:lesson2 At the Sport Shop第三课时:lesson3 Lets play第四课时:lesson4 Did You Have Fun?第五课时:lesson5 A Basketball Game第六课时:lesson6 A Famous Football Player 第七课时:Again ,Please!教导处审核意见课题:Lesson 1 Pingpong and Basketball 授课教师:教 学 目 标a. 我会听、说、读、写四会单词:adminton, pingpong, soccer and basketball.b .我会大声朗读课文,理解课文大意。c我能理解重点句型:_is my favourite sport. Do you have_? Lets go to the _(location)to _(V.) _(N.) d.我能搜集和整理更多体育名词和体育用语。教学重点句型:_is my favourite sport. Do you have_? 的理解和运用。我会听、说、读、写四会单词:adminton, pingpong, soccer and basketball教学难点句型:_is my favourite sport. Do you have_? 的理解和运用。教具应用教学过程二次备课Class Opening and ReviewLets guess. If you want to make supper/take a bath/watch TV/read books/buy things/play ping-pong. Where do you go? I go to the kitchen/the bathroom/the livingroom/the library/the store/the gym.用单词卡片Whats your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes is _.也可以直接提问学生:Today is warm/cool,what are you wearing?Whats your favourite clothes?New Concepts利用复习二中的句式引出Whats your favourite sport?学习单词sport,出示单词卡片,联系朗读,拼读。并让学生模仿回答My favourite sport is ping-pong/badminton.学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习单词 basketball,soccer.带入句式进行练习。可以是连接式练习,也可以小组练习。告诉学生回答这个问题还可以使用一个更简单的句式I like _ best.两人一组做问答练习。 让学生根据已有知识说出踢足球,打篮球都用play.If you want to play basketball, what do you wear?学习服装词汇I wear shorts,T-shirt.并引出runners,出示单词卡片,拼读单词,并让学生练习用这些词说一个句子。两人一组练习这组句式。听录音两遍,注意any和some,either 和too的读音和用法。9. 完成下列题用所给的词语的正确形式填空。1.Would you like _(learn)to play basketball?2.I always wear a T-shirt, _(runner) and shorts to play basketball.3.Lets _(go) to the store.4.Can you teach me _(ride) a bike布 置作业板书设计 Lesson 1. Ping-pong and Basketball Whats your favourite sport?My favoutite sport is _.I like _ best.What do you wear?I wear _ ,_ and_ to play _.教导处审核意见课题:Lesson2.At the Sports Store 授课教师:教 学 目 标a.能四会单词need,any,or;理解any,some的用法;b.能灵活使用句子We need some ping-pong balls. Do you have any balls? Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt? I like this one. Do you like these runners or those runners? I want these runners.教学重点要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式教学难点要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式教具应用教学过程二次备课Class Opening and Review分给学生不同的球,让学生自己说出I like to play _. My favourite sport is _./ I like _ best.T: Whats this/that?S: Its a T-shirt?T: Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?S: I like this one.T: What are these/those?S: They are runners.T: Do you like these runners or those runners?S: I like/want these runners.New ConceptsIf I want to play ping-pong,we need some ping-pong balls.Say “need”,please.让学生利用 need 造句。Do you have any balls? Say “any”,please.讲清some和any的用法,都跟可数名词的复数或不可数名词,如:some/any shorts;some/any soup;some用在肯定句中,any用在否定和问句中,举例说明。完成下面习题。改错: these book this runners some ballthose pencil that T-shirts any soups选词填空:Do you like _T-shirt or _T-shirt?Do you like _shorts or _shorts?We need _ ping-pong balls. Do you have _ balls?(any, some, these, those, this, that)布置作业Activity book继续完成上面练习题板书设计 Lesson2. At the Sports Store We need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any balls?教导处审核意见课题:Lesson 3.Lets play 授课教师:教 学 目 标a. 会单词light,heavy,throw,catch,hit;b.能灵活使用句子The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light. Im throwing/catching the basketball. Im hitting the ping-pong ball.教学重点要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式教学难点要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式教具应用教学过程二次备课Class Opening and ReviewT:Hello, class! Whats your favourite sports? S:My favourite sport is _.T:I want to learn basketball/ping-pong ball. Can you teach me?S:Yes.New Concepts教师右手拿篮球并说The basketball is heavy.左手拿乒乓球并说The ping-pong ball is light.让学生模仿练习。利用准备的实物练习heavy 和light.教师告诉学生篮筐是net,拿着篮球投篮,边投边说Im throwing the basketball. Say “throw,throwing”,please.学生模仿练习。教师没投中就说This is too hard. The basketball is too heavy. 学生模仿练习。教师拿着乒乓球投篮,一下就投中了就说This is too easy. The ping-pong ball is light. 学生模仿练习。然后把篮球传给别的学生并说Im throwing the basketball. Hes catching the basketball. Say “catch,catching”,please. 学生模仿练习。教师又拿起乒乓球拍并告诉学生This is a paddle. Im hitting the ping-pong ball. Say “paddle,hit,hitting”,please. 学生模仿练习。听录音两至三遍,完成下面习题 斜体字的反义词填空。Can you teach me to play pingpang? I want to _it.Im thowing the basketball. You _it.The basketball is heavy. The pingpang is _.Tom is young .Jim is _布置作业一 根据要求写单词:写出现在分词形式 写出反义词hit- heavy- throw- hard-catch- this-learn- these-teach-二 填空:1I want to _ basketball. Can you _ me?2. The basketball is _. The ping-pong ball is _. 1. Im _ing the basketball. Hes _ing the basketball. Im _ting the ping-pong ball.板书设计 Lesson 3. At the GymThe basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.Im throwing/catching the basketball.Im hitting the ping-pong ball. 教导处审核意见课题:Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun? 授课教师:教 学 目 标1. 听、说、读、写以下单词:buy_bought,teach_taught,think_thought,并理解它们运用的区别,运用到自己的生活场景中。2.能够理解并熟练朗读课文,区分不同的时态,并根据所学内容以及自己的积累,创造性地应用。3.用“Where did you go ?”和“what did you do ?”反复练习并做出相应的回答。4.提高学生日常交际中的英语表达能力。教学重点掌握单词,并会在正确时态下运用动词。教学难点区分一般现在时和一般过去时,并能用一般过去时描述身边的故事。教具应用教学过程二次备课Step1.Class opening and review复习动词的过去式2.对话练习:复习几种不同的时态。Step2.New concepts1.播放第二部分录音,同学们小声跟读。出示三组句子,让学生对比每组句子的不同之处,找出 buy_bought,teach_taught,think_thought ,在书写这三组单词时,让记得快的同学介绍有什么好方法帮助记忆。2.播放第一部分录音,让学生跟读,可以根据情况决定播放的次数,根据课文设计几个小问题:a.Where did Jenny and LiMimg go?b.What did LiMinmg buy ?c.What did Jenny buy d.Where did they do in the morning?e.Where did they do in the afternoon?3.交流以上学习成果,老师总结工作一般过去时的运用方法。4.根据本课时设计一些时态填空题,请同学们回答:a.Jenny and LiMimg _(go)to school by bus.b.Miss zhang _(teach)English yestetday.c.Danny _(think)he could throw the basketball easily.d.My mother _(buy)a coat for me yesterday.5.播放录音,学唱英文歌.Step3.Class closing 1.师生共同总结几种时态的运用。2.齐唱英文歌曲。布置作业1.配套练习同步内容。2.掌握动词过去式并灵活运用。板书设计 Lesson 4 Where Did You Go?buy_bought teach_taugh think_thought-what did you do -I /We v.-ed.教导处审核意见课题:Lesson 5: A Basketball Game 授课教师:教 学 目 标1:通过本课学习使学生能认读、掌握、灵活运用player、 team、 game、 win、 lose等词汇。2:能用所学词汇和句子简单描述一场比赛。如:Whats the score? Its _ to _. We win. We lose.3:通过游戏、竞赛等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生充分体验成功的快乐,增强学好英语的自信心。同时激励比赛落后者,使其不气馁。教学重点要求学生认读、掌握、运用本课词汇player、 team、 game、 win、 lose 。教学难点综合运用所学句子描述一项运动比赛。如:Whats the score? Which team wins? Which team loses?教具应用录音机、教学卡片、实物等教学过程二次备课一、Class opening and review1. Greeting.2. Sing a song. “ Oh,what did you do?”二、New Concepts.Part 1 player team and game呈现新知:(1)a. Introduce “player” with Yao Mings picture.Use other playerspictures,lead students say “ He She is a ping-pong soccer badminton basketball player.”T: Who is your favourite player?S: My favourite player is _. He is a _ player.b.引导学生总结出 “某些动词后加er 表示的人”For example: play-player teach- teacher.T: Whats the score? Its _ to _.You win. You lose.T: Read it together(2)Introduce “team” with a picture of Yao Mings team.T: What does the letter “ea” sound?T:在哪些单词中ea还读i:呢? (3)Introduce “ game” with a picture of Yao Mings team playing a basketball.T: Here is a basketball game. Do you want to watch?T: How many teams in a basketball game?S:Two teams.2. Practice.T: Talk about these pictures. Eg: This is Yao Ming. He is a basketball player. He plays on a basketball team.This is Yao Mings team. Yao Mings team is playing a basketball game.part 2 At the gameT: Look! Yao Mings team is playing basketball game. How many teams in a basketball game? What are they? One team is White team and the other team is orange team.The game is very fun. And the people say,“Go,Yao Ming,Go,Rockets .”Do You know the meaning?T:Who gets the ball and puts the ball in the net?So Whats the score?3. Student Book N1.T: Theres a basketball game in our lesson. Please open your books.T: Listhen to part1,and then answer my questions.(Picture1) Who is Bob?How old is Bob?Is he a bus-driver?What is he?When does Bob play basketball?(Picture2) Whats a team?What is Bob wearing?(Picture3) Which team is Bobs team,Blue team ororange team?What does Bobs team do?T: Whats the score? Its _ to _ Which team wins?S: We win.T: Follow the tape again. Read part1 together.Student Book N2.(1) Listen to part 2 first,and then discuss these questions in group of four.Q1: Where does Bobs basketball game play?Q2: What does Bobs team wear?Q3: At 815,Whats the score?Q4: Which team wins?Q5: Which team loses?Q6: Who puts the ball in the net last?T: Whats the score?S: Its _ to _. we win!(2) Introduce these sentences. “Whats the score?” “They jump up and down.” “ Go,Bob” “Go,Blue team.(3) Follow the tape.三、Class closing.T: Today we have learned something about a basketball game.What about it for you ?布置作业1、Read the text and introduce the game to your partner.2、Finish the exercises .板书设计Lesson 5: A Basketball GameWhat did you do this evening ?Who won lose ?教导处审核意见课题:Lesson 6 A famous Football Player 授课教师:教 学 目 标1、在阅读中培养学生的阅读能力,在听故事中提高学生的听力水平。2、学习和运用一般过去时讲述故事,提高学生语言运用能力。3、培养学生热爱运动、热爱生活的情感。教学重点在阅读中培养学生的阅读能力,在听故事中提高学生的听力水平。教学难点学习和运用一般过去时讲述故事,提高学生语言运用能力。教具应用资料教学过程二次备课Step 1: Class opening and review1. Greeting.2. Sing a song. “ Oh,what did you do?”3. Review the past tense .Step 2:New Concepts. T Lets read the topic of the text together .Do you want to know who was the famous player ?S :Sure .T :Please look at the questions and read the text.Show the questions :A:Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs ? B:Why did the coach give him a football as a gift ?C:When did he win the World Cup ?D:What can you learn from Pele ?S:Read the text loudly .S:Talk after read the text in pairs .S:Answer the questions and try to speak the story .T:Look for the words of the past tense and the setences about them.T:Can you talk about the story by oneself ?S:Say freely .Step 3:Practice.1Review the past tense .2. Finish the exercises.Step 4: What can you learn from the text ?布置作业1Review the past tense .2. Finish the exercises.板书设计Lesson 6 A famous Football Playerwas liked couid used saw thought would gave played wanted ran dug asked said won 教导处审核意见课题:Again Please 授课教师:教 学 目 标1掌握本单元的单词,并能对这些单词进行总结,归纳记忆。2. 灵活运用自己积累的单词和句型。教学重点掌握本单元的单词,并能对这些单词进行总结,归纳记忆。教学难点灵活运用自己积累的单词和句型。教具应用资料教学过程二次备课Setp1. Listen and tick 1. 播放录音。2. 学生独立完成。3. 集体反馈。Step2. Listen and match1. 播放录音。2. 学生完成连线。3. 集体反馈。Setp3. Read and write 1. 小组合作读会单词。2. 独立完成填空。3. 交流反馈。4. 熟读句子。Setp4.Look and write1. 指名读单词。2. 完成填空。集体交流。布置作业1. 记忆本单元单词。2.掌握本单元句型。板书设计Again Pleasebasketball ,ping_pong ,throw ,catchI like to These those heavy light asked answered this that审核意见

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