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2019-2020年高三11月调研测试英语试题(无答案)本卷顾欢 张丽 汪惠华考生注意:1本试卷分为第I卷(第1-11页)和第II卷(第12页)两部分。全卷共14页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。2答第I卷前,考生务必在答题卡和答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号(区统一编号,9位),并用铅笔在答题卡的相应位置上正确涂写准考证号。3第I卷(116小题,2580小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案不能涂写在试卷上,涂写在试卷上一律不给分。第I卷中的1724小题,第81-84小题和第II卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在答题纸上,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上一律不给分。第I卷 (105分)I. Listening prehensionSection A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Cloudy. B. Rainy.C. Sunny. D. Stormy.2. A. At the coffee bar.B. On the platform. C. At the laundry.D. On the plane.3. A. A writer. B. A book seller.C. A waiter. D. A hairdresser.4. A. The woman got a new watch.B. The woman bought another watch. C. The woman had her watch repaired.D. The woman got her receipt.5. A. It was out of date.B. It was appealing. C. It was bad-looking.D. It was expensive.6. A. Living standard.B. Food safety. C. Natural disaster.D. Financial crisis.7. A. Give him a lift.B. Check the calendar. C. Send for a doctor.D. Count the cost.8. A. He sleeps late in the morning.B. He has trouble falling asleep. C. He watches too much television.D. He plays video games every night.9. A. Asking the way.B. Repairing a machine. C. Exchanging money.D. Buying metro tickets.10. A. It was marvelous.B. It was awful. C. It was hard to understand.D. It hurt the audience.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Brighton. B. Bristol.C. London. D. Glasgow.12. A. 15. B. 19.B. 24. D. 78.13. A. By having the highest number of residents. B. By having people eat health food and take exercise. C. By having people walk or cycle to work every day. D. By having personal trainers and yoga clubs.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Woman Missing After Tornado Hits Town B. Injured Woman and Missing Cat Result of Tornado C. Frightening Storm Causes Damage D. Woman Offering Reward for Missing Cat15. A. He kept shouting and crying for help. B. He broke the window with a fire extinguisher. C. He knocked on the garbage disposal(粉碎机) D. He signaled for help through the window.16. A. A Canadian family was lost after their car broke down on weekend drive. B. The family had to feed on raw food as they were trapped in the mountain. C. The whole family had to stay inside the car because of the snowstorm. D. The father walked 15 miles to get help and finally rescued the whole family.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.plete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer. Since lunch Fred has drunk 17 cups of coffee. He drank so much coffee simply because he felt 18 in the class. According to the ladys opinion, too much coffee is likely to cause 19 disease. Studies have shown that coffee makes you work fast but not 20 better.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.plete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Whats the name of the pany? 21 .What is the most important thing for the customers? 22 of the animals.What other service is offered? 23 .What is the biggest problem now?To get 24 for the pets.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best pletes the sentence.25. People from all walks of life agree_ the importance of maintaining online safety. A. with B. to C. on D. for26. _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. Which C. What D. It27. _people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day. A. Several million B. Many millions C. Several millions D. Many million28. The second question, probably too easy for you, doesnt need _. A. to answer B. answering C. answer D. be answered29. We reached Kings Cross ten minutes early and took a taxi to Trafalgar Square, _ at 4:45. A. arrive B. arrived C. arriving D. having arrived30. _ your age, sex, or family history, the surest way to protect yourself is to avoid smoking or to quit smoking. A. Whatever B. Whether C. What D. Whichever31. Because of the heavy rain, it was already time for lunch break _ she got to her office. A. since B. when C. that D. until32. He will have been learning English for eight years by the time he _ from university next year. A. will graduate B. will have graduated C. graduates D. is to graduate33. None of them raised any objection _ the farewell party in the school hall. A. to hold B. holding C. to holding D. to be held34. For safetys sake, all the handbags _ are carried on board have to be carefully checked. A. that B. which C. with which D. in which35. Nowadays consumers are getting more and more sensible and buy only _they need, in spite of all the advertising they see. A. where B. which C. when D. what36. Most of us dont see much chance _ the well-known runner will recover from his injury in time for the next race. A. until B. which C. that D. if37. _ the performance of his puter, he upgrades his software every week. A. Improving B. Improved C. Improve D. To improve38. We would like to go and thank him ourselves, but we _ out his address yet. A. havent found B. hadnt found C. didnt find D. dont find39. As the days went by, there was growing doubt in her mind about _ the police would find her stolen car. A. how B. whether C. where D. that40. At last we found a house, in front of which _. A. stood a tall tree B. was a tall tree there C. a tall tree stood there D. a tall tree was thereSection BDirections: plete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. levelsB. appealC. oppositionD. popularE. issuesF. surprisingG. demandH. timelessI. similarJ. exploreWhen Jane Austen (1775-1817) wrote her novels in England, she was writing about a world that most of us would not recognize.But today Austens books are in greater 41 than ever. In the last 10 years, five of her six novels have been made into Hollywood films, while her books continue to be best-sellers. So why is Austen still 42 ?Richard Jenkyns, a professor of English at Oxford University, argues that her novels still 43 to people because they focus on issues that are as relevant today as they were when she wrote them.Her novels are about women trying to find a perfect husband, but also 44 issues surrounding marriage, friendships and the family. “The stories are fairly 45 . They are about human interaction which we are all familiar with.” Jenkyns says.The most famous book Austen wrote is Pride and Prejudice, a love story about Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy. At first these two do not get on. They eventually fall in love, but must still overe 46 to their relationship from their families. All of Austens books are easy to read, making them popular with children and adults, but they work on different 47 so people can take what they need from them, author Kate Henry says.“You can choose to see the politics and feminism (男女平等主义) in them, but if you dont want to take on those 48 you can turn a blind eye to it.” she says.Austen is often hailed (赞扬) as the greatest romance writer in the English language, so it is 49 she remained unmarried. “Maybe she was too much of a romantic, waiting for the perfect man,” Kate Henry says.III. Reading prehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. In recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive. Some experts claim the 50 is to make jobs more varied. But do more varied jobs lead to greater 51 ? There is evidence to suggest that 52 variety certainly makes the workers life more enjoyable, it does not 53 make him work harder. As far as increasing productivity is concerned, then variety is not an important factor.Other experts feel that giving the worker 54 to do his job in his own way is important, and there is no doubt that this is true. The 55 is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its plicated machinery which must be used in a 56 way. Thus while freedom of choice may be important, there is usually very little that can be done to 57 it. Another important consideration is how much each worker 58 to the product he is making. In most factories the worker 59 only one small part of the product. Some car factories are now 60 with having many small production lines 61 one large one, so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his own. It would seem that not only is degree of worker contribution an important factor but it is one we can do something about.To what 62 does money lead to greater productivity? The workers themselves certainly think this is important . But perhaps they want more money because the work they do is so boring. Money just lets them enjoy their spare time more. A 63 argument may explain demands for shorter working hours. Perhaps if we succeed in making their jobs more 64 , they will neither want more money, nor will shorter working hours be so important to them50. A. answerB. courseC. attemptD. system51. A. interest B. suppliesC. productivityD. benefit52. A. whileB. becauseC. sinceD. how53. A. speciallyB. actuallyC. suddenlyD. quietly54. A. judgmentB. directionC. freedomD. fort55. A. secretB. skillC. strengthD. problem56. A. amusingB. dullC. changeableD. fixed57. A. masterB. supplyC. createD. demand58. A. contributesB. devotesC. sticksD. objects59. A. occupiesB. equipsC. contributesD. sees60. A. preparingB. experimentingC. experiencingD. considering61. A. rather thanB. other thanC. in additionD. regardless of62. A. qualityB. extentC. differenceD. affection63. A. pleteB. friendlyC. familiarD. similar64. A. plicatedB. interestingC. importantD. essentialSection BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C or D. Choose the one that suits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AHaving devoted so many years by the sea, in the hospital bed, Adams father began to look like a beached fish. His condition went from fair to stable and from stable to serious. Friends went from saying, “Hell be home in a day.” to “Hell be home in a week.” In his fathers absence, Adam helped out at the pier(码头), working evenings after his taxi job. When Adam was a teenager, if he ever plained or seemed bored with the pier, his father would shout, “What? This isnt good enough for you?” And later, when hed suggested Adam take a job there after high school, Adam almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isnt good enough for you?” And before Adam went to war, when hed talked of marrying Marguerite and being an engineer, his father said, “What? This isnt good enough for you?” And now, regardless of all that, here he was, at the pier, doing his fathers labor. Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. It is not until much later, as the heart weakens, that children understand: their stories, and all their acplishments, sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives. Finally, one night, at his mothers urging, Adam visited the hospital. He entered the room slowly. His father, who for years had refused to speak to Adam, now lacked the strength to even try. “Dont sweat it, kid,” the other workers told him. “Your old man will pull through. Hes the toughest man weve ever seen.” When the news came that his father had died, Adam felt the emptiest kind of anger, the kind that circles in its cage. In the weeks that followed, Adams mother lived in a confused state. She spoke to her husband as if he were still there. She yelled at him to turn down the radio. She cooked enough food for two. One night, when Adam offered to help with the dishes, she said. “Your father will put them away.” Adam put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said, softly, “Dads gone.” “Gone where?”65. In Paragraph 4, the writer indicates that . A. children like moving away from them parents B. children often feel regretful because they leave their parents C. children wouldnt have achieved so much without their parents support D. children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them 66. The underlined sentence probably means “ ”. A. Dont give it up B. Dont touch it C. Dont let him down D. Dont worry about it67. Which of the following is not true according to the story? A. Adams father worked at the pier for many years. B. Adam married Marguerite because of the war. C. Adam worked as a taxi driver. D. Adam appeared to be bored with his fathers job when he was a teenager.68. From the last part of the passage, we learn that . A. Adams mother liked to listen to the radio B. Adam often helped his mother wash the dishes C. Adam and his wife lived in his mothers apartment D. Adams mother missed her husband so much that she was at a lossBWestminster AbbeyBroad Sanctuary, SW1Underground: Westminster, St Jamess Park; Bus: 3, 11, 12, 24, 29, 39, 53, 59, 76, 77, 88, 109, 155, 168, 170, 172, 184, 503Open: Daily 8:00-18:00 (Mar. Dec., Tuesday till 20:00)Entrance freeLocated next to the Houses of Parliament in the heart of London, Westminster Abbey is a gothic church and place of worship. The building of the present Abbey was started by King Henry III in 1245. The oldest parts of the building date back to 1050. Westminster Abbey has hosted many royal weddings including the wedding of The Queen and Prince Philip in 1947 and the wedding of Prince William and Kate in xx. It is a traditional place of coronation(加冕礼)and burial for English monarchs38 monarchs have been crowned at the Abbey. There are many tombs there, including those of Queen Elizabeth I, “Bloody” Queen Mary, naturalist Charles Darwin, many poets and writers.St. Pauls CathedralLudgate Hill, EC4Underground: St. Pauls; Bus: 6, 8, 11, 15, 22, 25Open: Daily 8:00-19:00 (17:00 from Oct. to Mar.)Entrance freeDesigned by the great architect, Sir Christopher Wren, St. Pauls Cathedral was built following the Great Fire of London of 1666, which destroyed the gothic cathedral on the site at that time. It is an inescapable attraction for all travellers to this great city and the most recognizable gothic cathedral in England. Its choir(唱诗班)is internationally famous. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married here in 1981.Buckingham PalaceSouth end of the Mall (SW1)Underground: St. Jamess Park, Victoria, Hyde Park Corner, Green Park; Bus: 2, 11, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30, 38, 52, 73, 74, 137 Buckingham Palace is Queen Elisabeth IIs official residence, and has been the official residence of Britains monarch since 1837. The State Rooms at Buckingham Palace have been opening to the public for the Annual Summer Opening, in August and September, since 1993. The Queen is not at Buckingham Palace when it is open to the public; she goes to one of her country residences. The State Rooms are extremely grand. You can see many of the treasures of the Royal Collection: paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto; and beautiful examples of English and French furniture.The Tower of LondonTower Hill, EC3Underground: Tower Hill; Bus: 42, 78Open: Mon. Sat.9:00-18:00; Sun.8:00-19:00Parts of the Tower of London are over nine centuries old, as building began under William the Conqueror in 1078. Famous as a prison in the distant past, the Tower has also been a royal residence, a zoo and an observatory. It is now a museum and many thousands of people visit it every year in particular to see the Crown Jewels. Only by going inside can you experience nearly a thousand years of history and hear the myths and legends that make it “a day out to die for”.69. The two places you can visit by getting off at the same underground station are .A. Buckingham Palace and St. Pauls CathedralB. Westminster Abbey and the Tower of LondonC. the Tower of London and St. Pauls CathedralD. Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey70. You can see the inside of all the buildings all the year around except .A. St. Pauls Cathedral B. the Tower of LondonC. Buckingham Palace D. Westminster Abbey71. If the visitor is a jewel designer, which place is probably his top choice?A. St. Pauls Cathedral B. Westminster AbbeyC. Buckingham Palace D. the Tower of LondonCA great number of animals are still hibernating despite the fact that global warming may have made our climate more mild,. Its too bad that humans cant hibernate. In fact, as a species, we almost did.Its apparent that at times in the past, peasants in France liked a semi-state of human hibernation . So writes Graham Robb, a British scholar who has studied the sleeping habits of the French peasants. The weather had no sooner turned cold when people all over France shut themselves away and practiced the forgotten art of doing nothing at all for months on end.In line with this, Jeff Warren, a producer at CBC Radios The Current, tells us that the way we sleep has changed fundamentally since the invention of artificial lighting and the electric bulb.When historians began studying texts of the Middle Ages, they noticed something refer

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