六年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 I don’t believe it教案 外研版.doc

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Lesson plan for Module7 Unit1(I dont belive it!)Background information:Students: Luxun primary school students, Grade 6Lesson duration: 40 minsTeaching materials: Module 7, Unit 1 I dont believe it!English Book 7, Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressType of the lesson: Listening and speaking Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: By the end of the class, students will be able to:1. Learn some new words: believe, lucky, bamboo, CD-ROM, copy, and can write the word day.2. Pronounce the word say and says/a: / correctly. 3. Understand the new stentences well: Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. Do snakes like music?Ability aim: By the end of the class, students will be able to:1. introduce animals features by using the sentence (Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.) in oral expressions.2. use the sentence (Do snakes like music?) to ask whether their conjecture about animals is right.Emotion aim: Cultivate students interest in Chinese eating habit.Learning strategies:1. Individual learning strategy: learn new words with pictures. 2. Cooperative learning strategy: work with partner or group members. Focal points: 1. Key vocabularyhealthy, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato 2. Key structureshave / has gotDifficult points:1. The usage of have / has got.2. The singular, plural,and uncountable form of nouns.Teaching Methods: Bottom-up approach to listeningTeaching model: The 3-stage model Teaching aids: pictures, recorder, tape, PPT, chalks, blackboard.Teaching ProcedureLead-in (4 mins) Teacher begins the lesson by showing the students pictures of food and asking questions, “Are you hungry now?” “When we are hungry, what can we do?” “When we are thirsty, what can we do?” to lead in the topic Healthy Food.Step 1. Pre-listening(11mins) 1. Write the words food and drink on the blackboard. 2. Ask a student “What did you eat yesterday?” in order to classify the food into 3 kinds, fruit, vegetable and meat. Blackboard layout as follow,3. Ask students “What the food?” students may repeat“Fruit, vegetables and meat are food.”4. Ask students “What fruit/ vegetables/ meat/ drink do you know?”, and write their answers on the blackboard. When talk about juice, explain the expressions of different kinds of juice.(e.g. apple juice) 5. Ask students to open their book and finish the three activities(Activity 1, 2, 3) individually. Then call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.(e.g. Picture 1 is fruit, and in picture 1 there is an apple, a melon and an orange.) Activity 1 Work in pairs. Match the words with the pictures. Answers food: 1;2;3 drink:4 Activity 2 Label the food in the pictures with these words. Answers fruit:1 meat:3 vegetables:2 Activity 3 Label the food and drink with these words. Answers a. melon b. apple c. orange d. chicken e. pork f. beef g. tomato h. potato i. carrot j. onion k. water l. milk m. Juice 6. Explain and show the singular, plural, and uncountable form of nouns. Then ask students to write the plural form near the words on P26, Ativity 1, and then ask students to read the words on PPT. Step II. While-listening (15mins) 1. Do Activity 4 . Teacher ask “Do you know Betty? What Betty and her mother have got?” then play the recording and ask students to focus on the shopping list. . Play the recording again for them to check. Call back the answers from the whole class. . Ask students work in pairs and make dialogue.(e.g. A: Have they got any apples? B: Yes, they have.) Answers oranges beef onions apples pork carrots melons tomatoes milk chicken potatoes juice 2. Do Activity 6 . Ask students to read the four sentences in Activity 6 silently, then one student to read loudly. . Play the recording for the students. . Call back the answers from the whole class. Answers 1. juice 2. meat 3. Yes, they have. 4. No, they havent. .Play the conversation again and pause after each phrase, point out the grammar point. . Ask students to read these dialogues after the tape individually, and then put them into groups of four to practice the dialogue. Step III. Post-listening1. Do Activity 7(10mins) Play the recording once without stopping. Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line. Ask the whole class to repeat. Ask students to practice in pairs. 2. Do Activity 8. Choose six words in Activity 4. Work in pairs and make dialogues. Ask students to choose six words secretly and not tell anyone. Read the example with the class. Then pair them to make dialogues. Ask some pairs of them to present the dialogues.Homework: Practice the conversation in Activity 5 and sounds in Activity 7. Blackboard Layout: key words and sentences


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