六年级英语下册 module 9 unit 1 best wishes to you教案3 外研版.doc

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Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you!1教学目标 1. 知识目标:(1)通过本课的学习,学生能掌握词汇:wish, best wishes , primary ,primary school ,message ,keep forever, joy, future, wonderful(2)句型:Best wishes to you! Good luck for the future.2. 技能目标:(1)通过教师的引导,学生能读懂、理解课文大意并回答出相关问题;(2)通过本课的学习,学生能运用目标语句表达良好祝愿,并且能够运用目标语言为同学、老师、朋友写留言。3. 情感目标:(1)通过学习为班级同学写毕业留言,这个有意义的活动来增进学生之间的感情。(2)在小组合作中,增强他们的参与合作意识,培养学生学习的自主性,养成他们乐于交流、乐于合作的品质。4. 学习策略:(1)能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;(2)能积极运用所学的知识进行表达和交流。2重点难点 二.教学重点 :( 1)写留言的格式。(2)学会运用表达祝愿的句子,并为同学们写毕业留言。教学难点:运用表达祝愿的句子,写毕业留言。3教学过程 活动1【导入】导 Warm up and before-reading.1. Greeting and Chant.S: Look at Amy and Lingling.What are they doing?T: Theyre playing games.S: What are they saying?T 1: Good luck to you.T2: Best wishes to you!T3: Ill miss you.T4:S Lets chant together.T 跟着音乐chant)S: Today well learn “Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you!”活动2【讲授】二)While-reading:1.Read the text and answer 小组阅读,讨论并回答)S: Our friend Daming is going to see goodbye to his primary school.What does he want his friends to do?(PPT 展示)T: Write a message.2. Read the message and fill in the blanks.(小组内阅读,找出答案)S: What do they think of Daming?(PPT展示)T1: Youre a naughty boy, but youre lovely.T2: You brought us lots of joy.T3: You are a wonderful boy!T4: S: Who is your friend?What do you think of your friend?T:(说出自己的朋友,并对对方说出自己的评价)3. Read the message and judge “True or False”.(小组阅读探讨)(1).Daming helped Lingling in sport.(2). Daming taught Amy English.(3).Sam wants Daming to come to the UK and watch football games.4. Find out” good wishes to Daming.S: Read the message and find out the messages.T1: Happy birthday!T2: I hope youre well.T3: S: Can you tell me more about good wishes? If on your friends birthday, you can sayT:(总结归纳课前收集的祝福语言)5.听音模仿跟读课文。活动3【练习】练 1.完成练习3。S: Lets look at practise3,say good wishes to your friends.Ill give you an example.T:(小组练习后,互赠留言)2.写毕业祝福。活动4【测试】测 测试小卷

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