六年级英语下册 module 6 unit 1 it was daming.doc

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Module 6 Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday1教学目标 (一)语言知识功能:谈论收到的礼物语法:一般过去时,动词过去式的规则和不规则变化,短语be interested in, buy sth for sb=buy sb sth, give sth to sb= give sb sth词汇:正确读出on the earth, space, spaceship, surprised在语境中理解并实际运用 be interested in, home, travel, make-made理解并运用有关赠送礼物的表达方式语音:字母a在单词中的发音。/ei/space /?/travel(二)语言技能听:借助图片和视频看懂、听懂课文内容说:能在图片的提示下,描述谁给谁赠送了什么礼物读:能根据发音准确认读本课新单词和句子be interested in, home, travel, make-made, on the earth, space, spaceship, surprised It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a book. It was a book about space travel. Simon was interested in the book, too.能正确朗读本课课文。写:能根据图片、例句提示,完成活动4;能在图片和关键词的提示下完成小练笔“My Birthday Present”(三)情感态度学生能积极思考、探究,积极参与课堂教学活动。(四)学习策略对所学内容进行主动练习与实践,在活动中体验学习。(五)文化意识在特别的日子里,赠送礼物以表达爱与感谢。2学情分析 六年级学生经过几年的学习,已掌握相当数量的短语、句子,总的来看,听说能力稍强,读写能力较弱,综合语用能力总体水平参差不齐。教学中要注意把复习旧知与学习新知相结合,创造性地开展符合学生特点、有个性的多种形式的教学活动。激发学生参与学习兴趣,提高综合语用能力,以期达到较好的教学效果。3重点难点 教学重点1.动词过去式;2. be interested in运用2.运用一般过去时谈论自己收到的礼物,及后续的故事教学难点1.be interested in的理解和运用。2. 运用一般过去时谈论自己收到过的礼物,及后续的故事。4教学过程 活动1【导入】一、Warmupandleadin 1. Greetings.2. Fast reading (Review regular verbs and irregular verbs)3. Look, listen and say. (Ax-1)(设计意图:新师生见面,教师为学生准备礼物,激发学生积极参与课堂教学,同时使学生自然地把注意力集中到本课话题Present;通过fast reading活动,调动学生积极主动的学习情绪,并复习巩固本课中出现的动词过去式,扫清认读障碍;通过活动1的短视频,激发学生谈论礼物的兴趣,为课文学习打好情绪基础。)活动2【导入】二、Task Presentation Present the task: Writing “My Birthday Present” after this class.(设计意图:任务呈现,明确学习目标。)活动3【讲授】三、Text Learning(Ax2) (一)Listen: It was Damings birthday yesterday.(设计意图:第一遍课文视频视听,总体感知课文内容。)(二)1. Listen and read the 1st and the 2nd paragraphsWhat was the book about? (space travel)Did Daming love it? (be interested in)2. Listen and read the 3rd and the 4th paragraphsDid Simon love it? (be interested in)What did they see in the book? (spaceship)3. Listen and read the 5th paragraphWhat did Daming and Simon do after they finished the book? (make-made)(设计意图:第二遍点读笔分段听音跟读,以礼物“书”为线,及问题任务,引领学生进入文本并探究理解课文内容,指导单词认读,训练学生阅读能力。)活动4【练习】四、Practice 1. Read the text by themselves, then read and judge “T” or “F”(设计意图:学生自读课文,内化沉淀。独立思考完成练习,检验学生对课文的理解程度。)2. Practice “be(am, is, are) interested in sth/ doing sth ”(设计意图:突出重点,指导学生综合语用)3. Read new words with sentences, then do the exercises.(设计意图:及时归纳,练习巩固,在语境中增加语言理解和使用的准确性。)4. Lets make a dialogue. (Ax-3)(设计意图:以新课程标准所倡导的“以活动为教学载体,倡导体验学习”为基本设计理念,让学生通过体验、感知、参与,实践和合作的方式达成教学目标。5.Find and write (AX-4) (设计意图:听说领先,读写跟上)活动5【活动】五、Task Completion Read a composition(设计意图:创设图文语境,通过阅读小朋友的英语日记,理清思路,有逻辑的叙述生日礼物这一话题。)Try to write: “My Birthday Present”(设计意图:运用所学语言叙述自己收到过的生日礼物,及礼物后的故事。)活动6【作业】六、Summary and Homework 1.Summary(板书)2. Homework.必做: 1. Listen and read the text.2. Recite the text with the key words.3. Finish P34-4.4. Write “My Birthday Present”选做: 1. Make sentences: “be interested in sth/ doing sth”2. Prepare M6 U2


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