五年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams教案 外研版.doc

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五年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams教案 外研版.doc_第2页
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Module1 Unit2 We bought ice creams.一、 教学内容1、 词汇:send, email, ran, love2、 语句:We bought ice creams.3、 课文学习二、 教学目标1、 全体学生能理解词汇:send, email, ran, love2、 全体学生能运用词汇:email, ran, love, 部分学生能运用词汇:send3、 全体学生能运用:We bought ice creams.这类语句来谈论和描述过去发生的事情。4、 带领学生感知语音:/i:/, /i/, /e/等。三、 教学重难点1、 重点:本单元单词的掌握。能用:We bought ice creams.这类语句谈论过去发生的事情。2、 难点:使用动词过去式描述过去发生的事情。四、 教学准备1、 Cards 2、Tape(点读笔)3、CAI(课件)五、 教学过程一) Warming up1、 Greetings2、 Chant (拍着拍子说。Unit1)二)Review ( the past tense verbs ) Come come came We came back.Go go went I went to the park.Buy buy bought We bought ice creams.Drop drop dropped I dropped my ice cream.Run run ran I ran to the bus.Meet meet met We met John in the 三)Lead inT; Lingling is in London now. Where is Daming? Is Daming in London too? Lets have a look. ( 导入SB Unit2 活动1)1、 Listen and understand, then answer the questions.(刚才老师提的问题)2、 Words teaching: send, email. (并对“send”进行运用训练)3、 Listen and repeat.(注意语音语调)四)Text learning1、播放课文录音,请学生理解课文大意。2、利用单词卡片学习生词:ran, love, 并对这两个词进行运用训练。3、Listen and repeat. (播放录音,学生跟读)4、Underline the past tense verbs in the text. (课件出示)5、Fill in the blank. (选词填空)went dropped met bought ran Yesterday Lingling to the park with Sam and Amy .They John in the park .They ice creams. Then they went home by bus . Lingling to the bus .But she her ice cream. 6、Finish SB U2 Activity3. (Answer the questions)1、Did Ling go to the park yesterday? Yes, she did.2、Did she meet John? Yes, she did.3、Did they buy ice creams? Yes, they did.4、Did they go home by bike? No, they didnt.5、Did Lingling walk to the bus? No, she didnt.6、Did Lingling drop her ice cream? Yes, she did.五)训练巩固1、完成SB Unit2 活动C.2、Listen and say, then sing六)Summy (小结) 全体学生学会运用:sb.+ 动词过去式+ 其他。这类语句来描述过去发生的事情。七)Homework1、Read the text. (向家人展示自己朗读课文的情况)2、Finish 课堂同步P2-43、Sing to your family. 4、Finish writing.( 按要求完成语句书写)教学反思: 本课涉及到一般过去时态的用法和许多动词过去式,学生掌握起来有一定的难度,所以我花了很多时间让学生掌握动词过去式和重点句型,我通过一首Chant, 既活跃了课堂气氛,又复习了动词过去式,对于课文的学习,我采用了“听一听,找一找”的教学方法,学生带着老师的要求和学习目标去上这堂课,注意力集中,重难点突出,效果比较好。

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