2019-2020年高考英语 能力测试基础训练1 名词.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 能力测试基础训练1 名词高考试题中,名词常结合其他项目一起考查,涉及面极广(近年来也出现了直接以名词为考查对象的单项选择题)。考查要点有:词语辨析;名词的数(可数与不可数、单数与复数)与限定;名词作定语;名词的修饰与搭配等。此外,高考试题中还曾在阅读理解中出现过测试常用名词在文中的准确理解的试题。1. The manager has got a good business_so the pany is doing well.A.idea B.sense C.thought D.thinking2. The collapse of the World Trade Centre has put US economy in a difficult_.A.occasion B.case C.situation D.background3. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great _ of goods.A.variety B.mixture C.extension Dbination4.It wont make much _ whether you agree or not.A.difficulty B.trouble C.difference D.matter5.If by chance someone es to see me, ask him to leave a _.A.message B.letter C.sentence D.notice6.No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _ of how life began.A.cause B.problem C.reason D.puzzle7.You must get there within an hour.There should be no _ in sending this information to him.A.question B.problem C.quarrel D.delay8.I cant give you the card without Smiths _.A.agreement B.allowing C.permission D.perfomance9.What impressed me most was that they never lost _.A.hearts B.heart C.their heart D.their hearts10.Where is the new dictionary?Its on the top shelf,out of _.A.reach B.sight C.touch D.order11.Though I spoke to him many times, he never took any _ of what I said.A.remark B.observation C.attention D.notice12.Wheres your sister?At _.A.the Smiths B.doctors C.Mr.Greens D.house of Mr.Green13.Have a _ of these apples.They are sweet and delicious.A.look B.taste C.smell D.appear14.Each man explained the pains that he had felt and they agreed that they had grown worse on their _ A.road B.street C.way D.direction15.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _.A.energy B.source C.power D.material16.I went to buy a _ of China Daily.A.piece B.sheet C.lot D.copy17.Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _.A.intention B.purpose C.attempt D.desire18.This is not a match.Were playing chess just for _.A.habit B.hobby C.fun D.game19.There are usually at least two _ of looking at every question.A.means B.directions C.views D.ways20.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _.A.fact B.reality C.practice D.deed21.She is young for the job, but on the other _,she is well trained.A.way B.situation C.chance D.hand22.Weve missed the last bus.Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi.A.selection B.choice C.possibility D.way23.The football players had no strict _ until they joined our club.A.practice B.education C.exercise D.training24.Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little _.A.wait B.time C.patience D.rest25.The most important_ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.A.point B.sense C.spot D.view26.Id like _ information about the management of your hotel, please.Well, you could have _ word with the manager.He might be helpful.A.some;a B.an;some C.some;some D.an;a27.He told me he had been offered a very well-paid _.A.business B.service C.work D.position28.Each player must obey _, who is the leader of the team.A.captain B.a captain C.the captain D.captains29.It was _ that he had to ask for help.A.such big a workB.a so big job C.a so big work D.such a big job30.He dropped the _ and broke it.A.cup of coffee B.coffees cup C.cup for coffee D.coffee cup31.He gained his _by printing _ of famous writers.A.wealth;work B.wealths;works C.wealths;work D.wealth;works32.The policeman is offering a _ to anyone who can give information about the lost children.A.prize B.reward C.price D.money33.What _! Where did you get them?A.big fish B.a big fish C.a piece of big fishD.big a fish34.Heres my card.Lets keep in _.A.touchB.relation C.connection D.friendship35.He left _ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon.He said he would keep _.A.words;his words B.word;his word C.word;word D.the word;his words36.Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get round London.A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness37.Father went to his doctor for _ about his _ trouble.A.advice;heart B.advices;hearts C.advices;heart D.advice;hearts38.We held a party in _ of our Australian teacher, Meggi.A.prize B.honor C.praise D.pride39.How can I use this washing machine?Well, just refer to the _.A.directions B.explanations C.expressions D.introductions40.When I give up work I shall take a long sea _.A. trip B. voyage C. travel D. journey41.The new law will e into _ on the day it is passed.A.effect B.use C.service D.existence42.Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the window.A.scene B.look C.view D.picture43.Everybody thinks little of the film.In fact, there is no _ of it being tried out in the film festival.A.possibility B.sign C.use D.doubt44.Tom,will you boys play soldiers outside?Theres not enough _ for you boys here.But we can play in the next _,cant we?A.places;place B.room;room C.rooms;space D.house;rooms45.The doctor didnt tell me how many _ I should pay for having my tooth pulled out.A.money B.dollars C.price D.cost46.Is this bridge made of _?Yes, it is made of 2300 huge _.A.stone;stone B.stones;stones C.stone;stones D.stones;stone47.He stays at home every day without a job, but he gets good _.A.salary B.wage C.pay D.ine48.Mum, Im going to visit my aunt.What about a week?A week is too long.Try to be back in a _ of days.A.number B.dozen C.few D.couple49.As a writer,he succeeded in calling_to many of the terrible wrongs that existed at that time.A.attention B.interest C.notice D.strength50.If you dont take away all your things from the desk,there wont be enough _ for my dictionary.A.area B.place C.space D.surface51.Mrs.Green tried hard to find a job but she had no _.A.luck B.time C.hope D.chance52.His daughter is always shy in _ and she never dares to make a speech to _.A.the public;the publicB.public;the public C.the public;publicD.public;public53.I should like to try that coat on,for I dont know if it is my _.A.shape B.model C.design D.size54.The need for an operation,especially an immediate operation,almost always es as a _ to the patient and his family.A.surprise B.happiness C.disappointmentD.shock55.Fast-food restaurants are _ to us all.A.of many helpsB.a great help C.great helps D.much help56.It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their childrens _.A.honour B.trust C.respect D.money57.These young people are now making an active _ to beautify (美化) our city.A.part B.effort C.decision D.plan58.This plan has its weak point,that is to say,it has its _,but on the whole we are satisfied with it.A.question B.shorting C.condition D.progress59.What you like may not be what I like.Yes,one mans meal is another mans _.A.poison B.medicine C.meal D.food60.He said that two _ would e to our school the next day.A.woman scientistB.women scientist C.woman scientistsD.women scientists【答案】15 BCACA610 ADCBA1115 DCBCA1620 DCCDC2125 DBDCA2630 ADCDD3135 DBAAB3640 CABAC4145 ACABB4650 CDDAC5155 ABDDB5660 CBBAD【部分解析】1.a good business sense 是“(有)经济头脑”的意思。2.全句意为“世贸中心的倒塌使美国经济处于困难的境地”。3.variety在这里指可供选择的商品“种类/品种”之多。4.全句意为“你同不同意没有什么区别”。9.lost heart是固定短语,不能加冠词,也不能有复数。11.takenotice of“注意”。13.根据下文可知空格处应是“尝一尝”的意思。23.training在这里表示“训练”之意。25.point在这里是“要点”之意。27.position在这里是“职业工作”的意思。28.此题源自xx年“短文改错”第84小题。根据句意,此处captain是单数表特指,故应加定冠词。35.leave word (with)意为“留言;留下口信”;keep ones word意为“遵守诺言”。39.directions在这里是“使用说明”的意思。41e into effect意为“开始生效”。46.第一个stone是物质名词,不可数;第二个stone表示一块块具体的“石头”,属可数名词。49.call attention to意为“促使某人注意”。52.in public意为“在公共场合”;the public意为“公众”。57.make an active effort to do sth.意为“积极努力做某事”。58.shorting是“缺点”的意思

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