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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习Unit2Cloning讲义新人教版选修重点单词1mercial adj.商业的;贸易的2straightforward adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的3breakthrough n突破4procedure n程序;步骤;手续5cast vt.扔;投;掷6altogether adv.总共;完全地7arbitrary adj.任意的8impact n撞击;冲击;巨大的影响9moral adj.道德(上)的;伦理的10pulsory adj.必须做的;义务的;强制的11shortly adv.立刻;不久12bother vt.打扰vi.操心n烦扰13initial adj.最初的;开始的14vain adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的15restore vt.恢复;使恢复原状;重建16merely adv.仅;只;不过17adore vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱18undertake vt.着手;从事;承担undertook(过去式)undertaken(过去分词)undertaking n任务;事业19object vi.反对;不赞成objection n不赞成;反对;异议objective adj.客观的;无偏见的20obtain vt.获得;赢得obtainable adj.可获得的;能取得的21forbid vt.禁止;不准forbade/forbad(过去式)forbidden(过去分词)22accumulate vi.& vt.积累;聚积accumulation n积累;增加23retire vi.退休;离开retirement n退休24assumption n假定;设想assume vt.假定;设想25regulation n规则;规章;法规regulate vt.调节;管理26popularity n受人喜爱;流行popular adj.流行的;通俗的;受欢迎的27strike vt.& vi.& n打;撞击;罢工struck(过去式)struck(过去分词)28resist vt.抵抗;对抗resistance n反抗;抵抗resistant adj.有抵抗力的;抵制的29decoration n装饰decorate v装饰;布置30reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的reason n原因;道理重点短语1.pay_off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清2.cast_down 沮丧;不愉快3object_to 反对 4.in_favour_of 赞成;支持5owe.to 把归功于 6.(be)_bound_to_(do) 一定或注定(做)7strike.into_ones_heart 使刻骨铭心 8.from_time_to_time 不时;偶尔9bring_back_to_life 使复生;使复活 10.in_vain 白费力气;枉费心机11in_good/poor_condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)重点句型1.Then came.倒装句和that引导的同位语从句Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had bee seriously ill.(教材P12)2whether.or.无论还是However, scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.(教材P12)语法要点复习同位语1从句作同位语The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.(教材P11)2名词(短语)作同位语Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the life of the original sheep.(教材P12)1undertakevt.(undertook;undertaken)着手;从事;承担;接受;同意It is a difficult task to undertake.(教材P11)这是一项很难完成的任务。(1)undertake(2)undertaking n任务;事业The project undertaken(undertake) by the young engineer on his own turned out to be very successful.由那位年轻工程师独自承担的项目最终获得了巨大的成功。Mr Collins undertook to_look(look) after the children while his wife could go to the fit club with two of her friends.柯林斯先生承担了照料孩子的任务,这样他妻子就能够与她的两位朋友去健身俱乐部了。2objectionn不赞成;反对;异议On the other hand, Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.(教材P12)另一方面,多莉的出生引起了一阵强烈的反对,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了巨大的影响。(1)(2)(3)objective adj.客观的;无偏见的Pearson is your best friend, so I have no objection to him ing(e) to stay.皮尔逊是你最好的朋友,所以我不反对他来小住。We object to being_blamed(blame) for something that we havent done. 我们反对因与我们无关的事情而受到责备。I objected that he was too young for the position.我表示反对,他太年轻不适合这个职位。His object of studying English is to know more about Britain and British.他学习英语的目的是要更多地了解英国和英国人民。【提示】 object表示“反对”,为不及物动词,接宾语时后面需加介词to;oppose表示“反对”,为及物动词,接宾语时后面不需加介词to。be opposed to表示“反对;和相反”。3forbidvt.(forbade/forbad;forbidden)禁止;不准Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning.(教材P12)有些政府开始改革法律制度,禁止进行克隆人的研究(1)forbid(2)I will forbid you to_leave(leave) unless you apologize for what you have done.如果你不为自己所做的事情道歉,我就不允许你离开。The manager forbids smoking(smoke) during office hours.经理禁止在办公时间抽烟。He was_forbidden(forbid) to leave the house as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被禁止离开房子。【提示】forbid后不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语,但可直接跟动名词作宾语,也可用forbid sb to do sth形式,有类似用法的单词还有:allow, permit, advise等。4owevt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于;应感谢You owe the lady an apology. (教材P13)你必须向这位女士道歉。(1)(2)owing tobecause of因为,由于(后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,构成介词短语,表示原因)These early settlers owed their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.这些早期移民把他们的幸存归功于艰苦劳动和追求成功的决心。Owing(owe) to her assistance, we succeeded in starting the engine.多亏她帮忙,我们成功启动了引擎。5bothervt.打扰vi.操心n烦扰;令人烦恼的事或人However, the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists.(教材P14)然而,之后她患上了严重的肺病,这个问题困扰着科学家们。(1)(2)put sb to any bother给某人添乱Heathcliff was used to being outside all day, and did not bother to_wash(wash) or change his clothes.希斯克里夫成天在外面待惯了,也不上心换洗自己的衣服。He didnt want to bother her with his financial problems on their honeymoon.他不想在他们的蜜月期间因他的经济问题使她扫兴。It bothers me that he hasnt been telling me the truth.他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。What bothers(bother) me most is that he seems to take no interest in his work.最使我伤脑筋的是,他似乎对自己的工作毫无兴趣。He is really a bother, for he is always putting others to any bother.他确实是个极为讨厌的人,总是给别人添堵。【提示】bother作“麻烦;困难”讲时是不可数名词;作“令人烦恼的事物;讨厌的人”讲时是可数名词。【比较网站】这组词都表示“使人不得安宁/心烦意乱”bother指干扰别人的正常生活或工作而使之不太安宁,可能是故意的,含有令人讨厌的意味。disturb指使人失去正常秩序而一时得不到安宁,精力不能集中,语气比bother弱。trouble常指在心情上失去平静而感到忧虑、苦恼或行动上带来不便,也常用于礼貌的请求。annoy常指重复性的行为使人生气。常用被动语态,表示为某事烦恼、生气。1pay off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a breakthroughthe cloning of Dolly the sheep.(教材P11)但是,科学家的决心和耐心最终得到了回报,这就是1996年具有突破性的克隆羊“多莉”的诞生。【一词多义】写出下列句中pay off的含义。It took them three years to pay off the debt.偿清Her design won the first prize in the petition.Years of patience and hard work had at last paid off.得到好结果pay for付的钱;因而受惩罚pay back偿还;报复He had to work parttime so as to pay for his education.他不得不做兼职来支付学费。That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.能够回报人们给我的帮助让我感到很开心。2in favour of支持;赞成Is it in favour of cloning or against it? (教材P12)赞成克隆行为还是反对克隆行为?(1)(2)favo(u)rable adj.赞成的;有利的;讨人喜欢的(3)favo(u)rite adj.最喜爱的(只用于名词前)nC心爱的人/物(4)There were 247 votes in favour and 152 against.有247票赞成,152票反对。Im all in favour of equal pay for equal work.我完全支持同工同酬。The exchange rate is in our favour at the moment.目前汇率对我们有利。Could you do me a favour and turn off the light? 请帮忙把灯关掉好吗?Ill ask Steve to help. He owes me a favour. 我要请史蒂夫帮忙。他欠我一个人情。3(be) bound to (do)一定或注定(做);有责任或义务(做)Dollys death, like her birth, was bound to raise worries.(教材P14)多莉的死,正如它的出世一样,注定带来焦虑。(1)bind v(bound, bound)捆;绑;约束(2)I prefer a free life. I dont like to be_bound(bind) to something.我喜欢自由的生活,不喜欢被什么束缚。The marriage based on money is bound to_break(break) up.建立在金钱基础上的婚姻是肯定要破裂的。Hes too bound up in his work to have much time for his children.他工作太忙,没有多少时间陪他的孩子们。Her illness is bound up with the pressure of her study and work.她的疾病与她的学习和工作压力有密切关系。Then came.倒装句和that引导的同位语从句Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had bee seriously ill.(教材P12)接着传来了令人烦恼的消息多莉得了重病。【句式点拨1】表示方位的副词或介词短语以及表示时间的now, then等置于句首时,句子完全倒装。For a moment nothing happened. Then came(e) voices all shouting together.先是什么也没发生,接着传来所有人的喊声。Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away fled(flee) the thief.听到狗叫得厉害,小偷吓跑了。【句式点拨2】本句中的news与that Dolly had bee seriously ill是同位语。常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有:fact, news, hope, truth, idea, suggestion, thought, question, order, fear等。He had no idea when she would e back.他不知道她何时会回来。The thought that Mr Li would open a restaurant in New York surprised his wife.李先生要在纽约开饭店的想法让他的妻子非常吃惊。He got a message from Mr Johnson that the manager could not see him that afternoon.他从约翰逊先生那里得到消息,经理那天下午不能同他会面了。.品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1My mother forbids me to_play(play) puter games for a long time because she thinks they will ruin my study and future. 2Dont bother me with the stupid questions and I have more important things to do.3Some scientists put forward an assumption that human beings can move to another planet in case the earth is not fit to live on someday. 4Up to now, scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of the disease. 5Going for a run outdoors is better than doing exercise in the gym because it has a positive impact on mental, as well as physical health, researchers have found. 6Her efforts paid off and in xx she gained a place at University College London to study medicine. 7I can hear the sound of the falling rain and the notsostrongly blowing summer winds now, which disturbs my heart to the point that it is bound to_be(be) a sleepless night. 8Pine trees, being(be) green all through the four seasons, are highly adored by scholars in Chinese traditional culture.9However, some of the panies have gone into a decline after having_obtained/ obtaining(obtain) a temporary success.10As far as Im concerned, I have an objection(object) to charging for parking.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1Although they are twins, Tony differs his brother in many ways.2The circumstances were all against Joe, but he not cast down.3Though they were good friends, Lucy objected to her ID card to Kathy to apply for a credit card. 4Albert owes to his doctors care that he is quite well again.5The house is still in a good condition. It ought not to have been knocked down. 6I couldnt resist at the driver since he was stupid enough to rearend(追尾撞车) someone on the highway.7My father forbade me meeting my friends online at the Internet caf.8People are surprised to learn that the socalled “liberals” are not in the favor of freedom.9Why bother to abroad to study, when there are so many good universities at home?10It suddenly /to me that we ought to make a new plan.课文语法填空Cloning is a way of 1.making(make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. Normally, cloning has two major uses. 2.Firstly(first), gardeners use it to produce plants. Secondly, it is 3.valuable(value) for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is straightforward 4.but/while the cloning of animals is very plicated. The procedure is difficult 5.to_undertake(undertake). In 1996, scientists succeeded 6.in cloning Dolly the sheep. Then came the disturbing news 7.that Dolly had bee ill. Altogether Dolly lived for six and a half years, whose appearance raised a storm of 8.objections(object). Government became nervous and some 9.forbad(e)(forbid) research into human cloning. Scientists still wonder 10.whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.阅读理解AStaying silent can be just as powerful as the words you mean to say, like when the act of hugging will be more forting than saying, “Sorry for your loss.”Another time when silence is golden is when you are unsure of what to say. If you are confused about your own feelings concerning a matter, its best to stay quiet until you are more certain because more harm can be done by revealing false or exaggerated feelings.Choose silence instead of blurting out “inthemoment” feelings that are hurtful and not really how you feel in the grand scheme of things. When you feel the urge to say an unkind thing, take a few breaths and think of the possible consequences of your words.Silence can be your best friend during negotiations. Say your piece, then close your mouth, and let other persons e to their own conclusions. Your silence shows that one, you are confident in what you just said, and two, you respect other persons enough to hear what they have to say.Sometimes silence is the best and most timely solution because other persons are not in a position to hear what you have to say. For example, when a friend needs you to listen to her problems, but she is unable to accept your advice at that moment.Practice being silent at work when you dont have anything meaningful to contribute. Unless you can elevate the conversation by pointing out something interesting, missing, or beneficial, its best to just observe and learn.Finally, silence is golden when you dont want to engage in a fools argument. As some squabbles will never be resolved, one must agree to disagree.However, there will be times in your life when you will need the power of your voice, the voice within you that wants and needs to be respected and appreciated.语篇导读本文为议论文。文章开头形象地说明了保持沉默的作用,接着详细介绍了利用沉默的种种场合,最后提出观点:有时也应该说出自己内心的想法。1The passage mainly tells us about _.Awhen to stay silentBwhy to stay silentChow to stay silentDwhether or not to stay silent解析 A主旨大意题。本文介绍了保持沉默的各种时机和场合,根据每段首句中的another time, when, during, sometimes等词可知应选A项。2What is the best to do during negotiation?AGrasp every chance to say more than the other.BClose your mouth and just listen to the other.CSay what you should and draw a conclusion.DSpeak out your own points and let the others speak out theirs.解析 D细节理解题。根据第四段可知,谈判时几句话表明观点后保持沉默,让别人想想你的决定;当他人在说话时认真倾听,也充分表现出你对他人的尊重,故选D项。3The underlined word “elevate” here most probably means _.AstartBconcludeCinterruptDcancel解析 A词义猜测题。根据第六段可知,在工作中,要是你没有任何有建设性的贡献时,试着保持沉默。除非你能指出一些有趣的地方、一些被遗漏的点或者是特别有帮助的事来促进谈话内容,故选A项。4To follow this passage, the writer is likely to continue telling about _.Athe power of your voiceBthe occasions when you should speak upCthe advantages of speaking upDthe disadvantages of staying silent解析 B推理判断题。本文最后一段由however表示转折,指出在生活中有时候也需要打破沉默和表达意见,根据there will be times可以推断出,下文作者将介绍表达意见的场合,故选B项。BHow do you stay true to yourself when youre surrounded by friends or family that have an opinion on everything you do? Its not easy! 5._ Here are four tips which can help you live a dynamic life.6_Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matteryour own and those from people who believe in and encourage you. Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.Dont fear people.7_ The reason why most people dont take risks or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.Value yourself and your choices.When you do, others will too. Own the choices you make in your life. 8._ When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too. Show confidence in your choices and what you stand for whether others agree or not.Focus on appreciation.No matter what the circumstances are, there is always something to be grateful for. All successful people ask: What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use the tough time to inspire others? 9._These steps, if applied, will help you transform your peace of mind, lifestyle, and productivity.AFocus on your own talents and strengths.BNever let others opinions guide your choices.CTreat every person like they are important.DWhen you doubt yourself, others will doubt you.EStay fearless in everything you will have to do.FBe thankful to life and be helpful to others, and youll lead a successful life.GHowever, there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.语篇导读本文为说明文。当你身边总是围绕着这样一些人,他们对你所做的任何事都指指点点,总是意见不断,怎么办?作者为你提出了一些忠实的建议。5解析 G转折关系。上文说到:保持真我不容易,此处说到:然而,你还是有可能过你想要的人生。并接着提出了一些建议,故选G项。6解析 B总分关系。本段作者的观点是:不要被他人的观点左右,你自己内心深处比任何人都了解你自己,故选B项。7解析 E顺承关系。上下文有关键词:fear, take risks, live on the edge, the fear.,故选E项。8解析 D对比关系。作者在本段写作手法上用的是对比:空处与When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too形成语义对比;在用词上,应与believe in, confidence等是反义,故选D项。9解析 F总结关系。上文说到:应相信自己,自己往往最了解自己。但是作者并不是固执己见,他告诉我们:应学会感恩,成功之士善于不断地改进自己,故选F项。.完形填空Recently, my family and I attended a neighborhood oyster(牡蛎) roast. I was more than glad that many people _1_ together there.While standing at the large tables _2_ and eating oysters, I noticed a schoolaged boy across the _3_ from us who was being handed oysters by a _4_. Obviously, the boy was having a great deal of _5_ and displeasure trying to _6_ them down.At the beginning, I thought the man wanted the boy to _7_ the oysters and maybe after some time they would stop. _8_ things were not what I had expected. As we stood there, it continued. With each oyster, the _9_ of this boy became more and more obvious as he _10_ tears, struggling to swallow them. I _11_ learned that the man felt the boy had been disrespectful and this was his _12_.Seeing that, I stopped chatting and eating oysters and _13_ whether to get involved or walk away at first. But then I thought that if the boy were my own child, what should I do? Suddenly a good idea _14_ me. I grabbed(抓住) my daughter and our Frisbee(飞盘) and made our way _15_ the man and the boy. We introduced ourselves, _16_ not to know many people there, and invited the boy to e and play Frisbee with us.The man stared at us for a moment, and then _17_ it. Immediately the boys situation changed. He became _18_ and talkative. We pulled another child into our group and played Frisbee for a good 30 minutes together.It brought me much _19_ to end the suffering I was witnessing at the moment, and I was fully _20_ that trying to help in that or any situation where you see suffering is the best thing to do.语篇导读本文为记叙文。作者在参加邻居家的牡蛎烧烤聚餐时,遇到了一个身陷困境的小男孩。作者想出了一个帮助他摆脱痛苦的好主意1AquarreledBlaughedCgathered Dleft解析 C作者是和家人一起参加了邻居家的牡蛎烧烤聚会,聚会通常都是很多人聚集在一起的,故选C项。2A.dancingBchattingCplaying Dsinging解析 B作者站在大桌子旁,一边聊天(chat)一边吃牡蛎,故选B项。 3A.tableBroomCchair Ddesk解析 A作者站在一张大桌子旁边,那这个男孩应是在这张大桌子(table)的另一边,故选A项。4A.friendBrelativeCfather Dman解析 D根据第三段第一句可知,是一个男人(man)拿着牡蛎,故选D项。5A.funBconvenienceCinterest Ddifficulty解析 D根据下文的displeasure trying to可知,小男孩明显是遇到了困难。difficulty 与displeasure并列,故选D项。6A.swallowBdrinkCbring Dthrow解析 A根据句意可知,小男孩是很不情愿地将这些牡蛎吞下去的。swallow.down将吞下去,故选A项。7A.smellBtestCtryDavoid解析 C根据下文的and maybe after some time they would stop可知,前面作者原以为那个男人只是想让小男孩尝一尝牡蛎,故选C项。8A.ThusBButCSoDIndeed解析 B根据下文的things were not what I had expected可知,事情并不是作者所想象的那样,与上句是转折关系,故选B项。9A.excitementBsufferingCeagernessDskillfulness解析 B根据前后两句可知,随着每一次吃牡蛎,小男孩的痛苦(suffering)越来越明显,故选B项。10A.fought backBheld onCbacked off Dslipped away解析 A句意:随着每一次吃牡蛎,小男孩的神情变得越来越痛苦,因为他在强忍着眼泪,努力地吞咽。fight back抵抗,此处有“把眼泪强忍回去”的含义;hold on握住,稍等片刻;back off后退;slip away溜掉,故选A项。11A.alsoBjustClaterDalready解析 C根据上下文可知,作者后来才了解到事实,故选C项。12A.awardBrewardCreturn Dpunishment解析 D句意:这个男人觉得小男孩对他不尊重,所以将吃牡蛎作为对小男孩的惩罚。award奖品;reward报酬;return归还;punishment惩罚,故选D项。13A.choseBexpectedChesitated Dprepared解析 C根据下文可知,作者一开始不知道是否该出面干涉这件事情。这句暗示作者当时犹豫不决(hesitate),故选C项。14A.beatBstruckCdefeated Dwon解析 B句意:我突然想出了一个好主意。a good idea struck/occurred to sb某人想到了一个好主意,为固定句式,故选B项。15A.apart fromBby way ofCin the front ofDnext to解析 D句意:我故意走到这个男人和男孩的旁边。apart from除了;by way of通过/途经;in the front of 在前面;next to在旁边,故选D项。16A.pretendingBwishingCdeciding Dintending解析 A根据下文not to know many people there可知,作者是假装(pretend)不知道那儿有许多人,故选A项。17A.allowedBrefusedCagreed Dthought解析 A根据下文的Immediately the boys situation changed可知,是因为男人同意(allow)了作者的要求。agree表示“同意”时,如果后面跟名词或代词,是不及物动词,agree后面应该跟相应的介词,故选A项。18A.seriousBshyCworried Dfriendly解析 D根据后面的talkative(健谈的)可知,与之并列的应该是一个积极正面的词。serious严肃的,严重的;shy害羞的;worried担心的;friendly友好的,亲切的,故选D项。19A.interestBargumentCrelief Dconfusion解析 C句意:我感到一阵轻松,因为我结束了当时小男孩在遭受的痛苦。interest 兴趣;argument争论;relief解脱,安慰;confusion困惑,故选C项。20A.warnedBconvinced Creminded Dinformed解析 B句意:我完全相信尽力帮助那些你所见到的正在遭受痛苦的人是最好的事情。be fully convinced完全相信,符合句意,故选B项。.短文改错The longdesired winter vacation was arrived in the end. As soon as the bell rang, the end of the class, we couldnt wait to rush out of the classroom. Half an hour , my good friend Li Ming and I were on the way back home. crowded was the train we took that had to stand. Thinking of the ing Spring Festival and the stay with parents, we both felt . All of a sudden, I saw a man picking an old ladys pocket. With help of Li Ming, I caught the thief and him to give back the purse to the lady. The thief was taken away by the guard. Praised by other passengers, and we felt proud of what we had done. 解析 渴望已久的寒假终于到来了,此处不需要用被动语态。 解析 句意:下课铃一响,宣布下课,每个学生都迫不及待地冲出教室。用announci

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