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2019-2020年高中英语专题Unit4Globalwarming2LearningaboutLanguageUsingLanguage试题含解析新人教版选修 Words1. _ n. 倾向;趋势 2. _ adj. 分布广的;普遍的 3. _ adj. 平均的 4. _ n. 生存;存在 5. _ adj. 外部的;外面的 6. _ vt. 拥护;提倡;主张 7. _ n. 承诺;交托;信奉 8. _ n. 污染;弄脏 9. _ n. 增长;生长 10. _ adj. 电的;与电有关的 11. _ adj. 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的 12. _ n. 发动机 13. _ n. 容器;罐头 14. _ n. 环境;情况 15. _ n. 微波炉;微波 16. _ vt. 使恢复;使振动 17. _ n. 教育工作者;教育家 18. _ n. 贡献 19. _ n. 显示;演出 20. _ adj. 核的;核能的;原子核的 21. _ n. 分歧;不一致Phrases1. _ 大体上;基本上 2. _ 代表一方;作为的代言人 3. _ 忍受;容忍4. _ 只要 5. _ 等等 Sentences1. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. 因为我还不清楚我该从哪里开始我的研究,所以我会感激你们的任何建议。2. Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif not, turn it off!在用电器设备时你可以让它开着。如果不用就把它关掉!3. It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials, so, if you can, buy things made from recycled materials. 用新材料来做这些东西要花费大量的能源,因此,只要有可能,就买那些用回收材料制成的物品。【参考答案】Words:1. tendency2. widespread3. average4. existence5. outer 6. advocate7. mitment8. pollution9. growth10. electrical 11. casual12. motor13. can14. circumstance15. microwave 16. refresh17. educator18. contribution19. presentation20. nuclear 21. disagreement Phrases:1. on the whole2. on behalf of3. put up with4. so long as5. and so on 之词汇篇1. on the whole 大体上;基本上 The two buildings are similar on the whole. 从整体来看,这两幢楼是相似的。 Is the collection going to be divided up or sold as a whole? 这批收藏品是零售还是一起卖?【归纳拓展】as a whole作为一个整体;总体上 in general大体上;总的来说generally speaking一般来说 The business as a whole was successful. 那笔生意整体来看是成功的。 Generally speaking, I dont go out on sundays. 一般来说,我周末不出去。 You have made a few grammar mistakes in your essay but _ you have done well.A. on the wholeB. on the other handC. first of allD. generally speaking【答案】A2. average adj. 平均的;普通的 n. 平均数 On average,people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do. 通常,不吸烟的人比吸烟的人健康。 Toms work at school is above (the) average,while Harrys is below (the) average. 汤姆在学校的功课在一般以上,而哈利的功课在一般以下。【归纳拓展】on average平均来看 above average高于平均水平 below average低于平均水平 up to average 达到平均数;达到一般水准average v. 平均数为;算出平均数 average out算出平均数 完成句子汤姆的功课在学校是中游以上水平。Toms work at school is _.一般地说,男子比女子吸烟多。 _ men smoke more cigarettes than women.【答案】above averageOn average3. existence n生存;存在常见搭配:in existence存在e into existence 产生;出现bring.into existence 使产生 The pany came into existence 20 years ago. 这家公司成立于二十年前。 The elephant is the largest land animal in existence 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。【归纳拓展】exist v. 存在;有;生存exist in 存在于之中exist on(=live on)靠生活/生存existing adj现存的,现行的(只作前置定语)完成句子据我所知,这些工人主要靠面包和水生存。As far as I know, these workers mainly _ bread and water.没有人知道这种风俗是什么时候开始存在的。No one knows when such a custom first _ .【答案】exist on/live oncame into existence/came into being4. on behalf of代表一方;作为的代言人 On behalf of everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey. 我代表在座各位祝你旅途愉快。 Mr Knight cannot be here,so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. 奈特先生不能来,因此由他的夫人代他领奖。I, my parents and myself, thank you for all the trouble you have taken to help us out.A.in favor ofB.on behalf ofC.by means ofD.in respect of【答案】B5. advocate vt.拥护;提倡;主张 n拥护者;提倡者常见搭配:advocate (doing) sth.提倡(做)某事advocate that提倡(从句谓语用should动词原形,should可省)an advocate for/of 的支持/拥护者 Our government advocates the use of energysaving lights. 我国政府提倡使用节能灯。 I dont advocate building (build)large factories. 我不主张建造许多大工厂。 Many teachers advocate that the education system(should)be reformed (reform) 很多教师主张改革现有的教育制度。完成句子许多人主张增设医院。Many people _ _ more hospitals.有时她主张我应该存些钱。Sometimes she would advocate that I _ some of the money.【答案】advocate building(should) save6. put up with 容忍,忍受 I dont know how she puts up with him. 我不明白她怎么受得了他。 Im not going to put up with their smoking any longer. 我再也不能容忍他们抽烟了。【归纳拓展】(1)“动词+up with”型短语:e up with 找到(答案)catch up with 追上;赶上end up with以结尾team up with 合作,与结成一队(2) put构成的其他短语put up 举起;张贴;建造;投宿;搭起 put away收拾,积蓄,放好put back 放回原位;拖延,延误 put down放下;记下;镇压put off 推迟,使延期,使失去兴趣 put on穿上;发胖;上演put out 将扔到外面;扑灭 put forward把提前;提出建议 用put短语填空I can _ _ _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean.The exam results will be _ _ on Friday afternoon.【答案】put up with put up7. so long as 只要用作连词,引导条件状语从句,此时可用as long as替换。 Ill help you so long as I have time. 只要我有时间我就会帮助你的。 You may borrow this book, so long as you keep it clean. 这本书你只要能保持整洁,就可以借给你。【归纳拓展】条件状语从句有两种:真实条件句和非真实条件句(即虚拟条件句)。能引导真实条件句的连词除了so/as long as外,还有if,unless,suppose/supposing(that),providing/provided that,given(that),on condition that,only if等。 完成句子只要你有自信,你就会获胜的。_ _ _ you have confidence in yourself, youll win.It is so cold that you cant go outside _ fully covered in thick clothes.【答案】So/As long asunless8. circumstance n环境;情况(通常用复数形式)常见搭配:in/under the circumstances在这种情况下;情况既然如此in/under no circumstances决不,无论如何都不(放句首时主句用倒装语序) Under the circumstances,it seemed better not to tell him about the accident. 在这种情况下,不告诉他有关这次事故的情况似乎更好。 She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip. 她明确表示,无论如何她都不会取消旅行。 Under no circumstances will her parents allow her to marry such a selfish man. 无论如何她的父母都不会让她跟这样自私的人结婚。【名师点津】“决不”掉以轻心以下短语均意为“决不;无论如何也不”,置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。at no timein no wayin no senseon no accounton no conditionUnder no circumstances anything that harms the interests of our country.A. should we doB. we should doC. should we not doD. we should not do【答案】A之句式篇1. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. 因为我还不清楚我该从哪里着手开始我的研究,我会感激你们的任何建议。(1)本句为主从复合句,as引导原因状语从句,在该从句中where to start.作Im not sure的宾语;you may have为定语从句,修饰suggestions。where to start with my project为疑问词不定式结构。疑问代词(who,what,which等)和疑问副词(when,where,how等)后面跟不定式,构成疑问词不定式结构,这种结构在句中可以作主语、宾语(一般用在tell,understand,explain,advise,discuss等后面)、表语等。 Where to go tomorrow has not been decided. 明天到什么地方去尚未决定。 He has to learn how to hunt for food, and make fire. 他得学会如何寻找食物以及生火。 The most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends. 最难的挑战就是生活中孤独无友。【温馨提示】将该结构改成从句时,需在疑问词后加上适当的主语,并将不定式改成适当形式的谓语。 How to do it is a question. How we should do it is a question. 我们该怎样做是一个问题。 Which to choose is important. Which we should choose is important. 我们要选哪个很重要。(2)此处为be sure疑问词不定式结构.;另外be sure后面可以跟从句或跟介词of/about动名词或名词,意为确信,对有把握。be sure不定式表示必定,必然会,准会。 Im sure what to do next. 我确定下一步要做什么。 Im not sure when to finish the task. 我不确定什么时候完成任务。 完成句子有二十名学生要去听如何快速阅读的课。Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach _ _ _ _.【答案】how to read fast2. It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials,so,if you can,buy things made from recycled materials.用新材料来做这些东西要耗费大量的能源,因此,如有可能,就买那些用再生材料制成的物品吧。It takes sth.to do.是固定句式,表示“做某事需要”。It 在此作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。It takes sb.to do./It takes.for sb.to do.做某事花某人(时间、精力等) It took great courage to tell the truth. 说出真相需要很大的勇气。It usually takes half an hour for me to arrive(arrive)at my school. 我通常花半小时到达学校。翻译句子Persistence is a good quality and thats what it takes to achieve your dream._【答案】坚持不懈是一种好品质,是实现你的梦想所需要的品质。 I. 单词拼写1. There is a (趋势) towards regional cooperation.2. The graph shows the (平均的) temperature of April.3. It is a happy marriage on the w .4. In no c can you leave your position. That is you must stick to your position.5. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his c to Quantum Theory.6. There are some d whether the disease is curable.句型转换1Get up early tomorrow. If you dont get up early,you will miss the first bus. Get up early tomorrow. ,you will miss the first bus.2If it is necessary,Ill go with you. ,Ill go with you.3You can stay here on condition that you keep quiet. You can stay here you keep quiet.4A baby shouldnt be left alone in the house in any circumstances. In no circumstances alone in the house.5How can she stand that kind of treatment? How can she that kind of treatment?. 完成句子1But it is a rapid increase when _ _ other natural changes.(pare) 但是跟其他自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增加。2Would you like to _ _ _ _ the hospital rebuilding fund?(contribution) 你愿为医院重建基金捐款吗?3_ _ _ _ _ _, we have to obey.(long) 既然你已经决定了,我们就得执行。4I _ _ _ _ make mistakes when Im tired.(tend) 我累了就容易出错。5Id prefer to go abroad now, _ _. 如有可能,我宁愿现在出国。6Under no circumstances _ _ _ Mary money.(lend) 你无论如何都不能把钱借给玛丽。7Faced with the difficult situation, he is at a loss _ _ _ _.(what) 面对困境,他不知道下一步做什么。8They never give up when in trouble and hold the firm belief _ _ _ _ hard work. 在困难面前,他们从不放弃并坚信成功来自于努力工作。9_ _ _ _ _ _ to make a new machine. 制造一台新机器将花很长时间。10Changing schools _ _ _ _ _ my life. 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。I. 完形填空The Amazon rainforest is so important that its frequently dubbed(把称为) the lungs of the planet. Scientists have found a small number of tree species that are doing the heaviest 1as they help to 2global warming.Their discovery that 182 species 3 half the rainforests woodbound carbon suggests that the future of the worlds climate, and the lines of its coastal areas are4with the fate of this small part of about 16,000 Amazonian tree species.Despite ongoing logging (伐木工作)and recent drought, the Amazon is 5to perhaps a sixth of the carbon stored in living plants the world over, helping to keep 6of climate-changing carbon dioxide 7in the atmosphere.The Amazon is a particularly important carbon stock, and its currently 8a carbon sink, Sophie Fauset said. What were trying to do is to increase our understanding of 9this carbon is going; which trees are storing it.There are a few species that seem to grow 10and those are the huge ones youd want to emphasize in the 11of the forest, said professor John Battles. If you were managing to protect these forests, you would leave these trees.One of the most carbon-hungry types of trees 12in the study was the Brazil nut tree, which grows 13that can easily go beyond a height of 100 feet. 14total growth and productivity they ranked fourth overall, and they were found to 151.3 percent of the forests carbon.Given the huge biological diversity of tropical forests, 16cycling would be more equally distributed among plant species, Rosie Fisher said. This17overturns the originally imagined pattern.Fisher said she would be 18to suggest the most obvious idea that we could store lots of carbon by planting these very large species. Because so little is known about how 19they are to the types of droughts and fires that are 20to bee more mon in the future, nor whether they would thrive(茁壮成长) in managed forests.1. A. sweatingB. sleepingC. breathingD. crying2. A. slowB. expandC. worsenD. strengthen3. A. consumeB. storeC. wasteD. produce4. A. filledB. suppliedC. presentedD. connected5. A. homeB. centerC. habitatD. heart6. A. stagesB. pointsC. qualitiesD. levels7. A. awayB. downC. offD. out8. A. getting toB. referring toC. resulting inD. acting as9. A. whereB. howC. whenD. why10. A. fastB. weakC. bigD. deep11. A. visitB. protectionC. beautyD. function12. A. preservedB. plantedC. createdD. identified13. A. trunksB. rootsC. branchesD. leaves14. A. In terms ofB. As a result ofC. In need ofD. In view of15. A. removeB. squeezeC. containD. change16. A. airB. carbonC. vaporD. temperature17. A. diversityB. climateC. speciesD. discovery18. A. eagerB. contentC. hesitantD. brave19. A. obviousB. beneficialC. suitableD. sensitive20. A. supposedB. suspectedC. limitedD. intended. 阅读理解Eleven-year-old Evan Green doesnt want to save just one treehe wants to save a whole rainforest!In the Redwood City, Calif, a boy started a group called the Red Dragon Conservation Team four years ago to do just that. So far, the teams members have raised $4,500. Thats enough to purchase and protect more than 16 acres of rainforest in Costa Rica through the Center for Ecosystem survival.Every year, thousands of square miles of rainforest are destroyed worldwide. Logging and farming are mostly likely to blame, scientists say. The loss is terrible news for animals and people. Even though rainforests cover less than 2 percent of the earth, they are home to half the worlds plants and animals. Rainforests also provide water and help control the earths climate.Evans work to save the rainforests recently earned him a Barron prize for Young Heroes. The prizes are given to children or teenagers who have made a positive difference in the world. Evans goal is “to save enough rainforests to last forever”. He wont have to do it alone. His actions have already inspired other kids to chip in. One girl asked for donations instead of presents on her birthday. She raised $850. Other kids are starting their own conservation teams.Evan says everyone can help the planeteven by taking small steps such as recycling. He and his family try to make a difference every day. “We recycle, we try to limit our garbage weve been walking a little more, and we buy local food,” Evan said.1. Evan started the group _.A.to help the poorB.to make himself well-knownC.to win the Barron prizeD.to save the rainforest2. How much does it cost to buy and protect an acre of rainforest in Costa Rica?A. About $4,500.B. About $850.C. About $1,000. D. About $280.3. What Evan said in the last paragraph suggests that _.A. actions speak louder than wordsB. we can all do something to protect the earthC. we should learn to recycle from now onD. a good beginning makes a good ending3. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Evan Greena famous teenagerB. The Red Dragon Conservation TeamC. Boy gathers support for rainforestsD. Rainforests are being destroyed. 语法填空A poor farmer had a friend who was famous 1the wonder apples he grew. One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was 2(please) with the gift, but when he got home he did not where 3(plant) it. He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in his field, his 4(neighbor) would e at night and steal some of the apples. Finally he planted the tree in his wood, 5no one could see it. 6there was no sunlight or good soil, the tree soon died. Later his friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. Whats the 7(differ)?the farmer said 8(anger).If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in my field, my neighbors would have e at night and stolen some of the apples. Yes, said the friend, but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only 9(rob) everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed 10good apple tree!1.(xx江苏卷)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of _ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.A. which B. its C. whose D. whom 2.(xx天津卷)We offer an excellent education to our students. _, we expect students to word hard.A. On average B. At best C. in return D. After all3.(xx重庆卷)Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 _ the average.A. belowB. onC. atD. above4.(xx湖北卷)When Richard said, You are much more agreeable and prettier now, Joans face turned red at the unexpected _.A. mandB. parisonC. plimentD. contributionK基础. 单词拼写1. tendency2. average3. whole4. circumstances5. contributions6. disagreements.句型转换1.If not2.If necessary3.so long as4.should a baby be left5.put up with. 完成句子1pared with/to2.make a contribution/contributions to3.As long as you have decided4.have a tendency to5.if possible6.should you lend7.what to do next8.that success results from9.It will take a long time10.made a big difference toK能力I. 完形填空【语篇解读】亚马逊雨林被称为地球的肺,它对全球气候有着重大的影响。本文主要介绍了亚马逊雨林对于全球性的二氧化碳以及全球变暖的影响。4. D根据空格前面的the future of the worlds climate, and the lines of its coastal areas和后面的with the fate of this small part of about 16,000 Amazonian tree species可知,这些树的品种,与世界的未来气候和海洋的海岸线都有着密切的关系。5. A结合空格后面的to perhaps a sixth of the carbon stored in living plants the world over可知,亚马逊雨林储存的二氧化碳的量占全球活着的植物储存的二氧化碳的六分之一。be home to为的所在地。6. D根据空格后面的climate-changing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere可知,这些树木使改变着气候的二氧化碳的含量保持在低水平。level数量,程度,浓度。7. B参见上题解析。keep sth. down使保持在低水平,抑制某事物的增长。8. D结合空格前面的The Amazon is a particularly important carbon stock可知,亚马逊雨林充当着(acting as)一个二氧化碳的沉积池。14. A这里是说就总的产量来说,这种树排第四。In terms of就来说,关于,符合语境。15. C结合空格后面的1.3 percent of the forests carbon以及上文内容可知,这些品种的树包含森林中1.3%的二氧化碳。16.B文章主要描述了二氧化碳的问题,因此这里指二氧化碳在各种植物之间循环。17. D根据第二段中的Their discovery that 182 species half the rainforests woodbound carbon可知,这里指这个发现(discovery)推翻了原来想象的模式。18. C根据下文中的Because so little is known about how they are to the types of droughts and fires.in managed forests可知,由于很少知道这种树对干旱或者火灾的敏感性,所以Fisher对是否建议多种这些高大的树犹豫不定。hesitant犹豫不决的。19. D结合空格后面的they are to the types of droughts and fires可知,Fisher对这种树木对干旱和火灾的敏感性了解得还不是很多。20. A结合空格后面的to bee more mon in the future可知,预计将来这种干旱和火灾会变得更常见。II. 阅读理解【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了11岁的少年Evan Green四年前创建了the Red Dragon Conservation Team来保护热带雨林,他的行为已经带动了其余的孩子也参与到活动中来的故事。1. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章的“Eleven-year-old Evan Green doesnt want to save just one treehe wants to save a whole rainforest! In the Redwood City, Calif, a boy started a group called the Red


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