四年级英语上册 Unit 3 My friends教案 人教PEP版.doc

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Unit Three My friends单元整体分析本单元是义务教育人教版(pep)小学英语教科书四年级上册第三单元。单元主题为My friends(我的朋友)。主情景图展示了学生们展示朋友画像,描述朋友的特征,请其他同学来猜出朋友的姓名。在此过程中呈现本单元要学习的主题:介绍自己的好朋友,对好友的性格和外貌特征进行描述。A部分共三页,分三课时。第一课时为情景对话和练习部分。Lets talk部分John向他妈妈介绍了自己的新朋友。通过其介绍来呈现重点句式:Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng. Hes tall and strong. 之后的Lets play游戏,通过描述朋友的特征请其他学生猜出其姓名。第二课时为词汇学习课时,Lets learn中通过John和Mike的对话,引出描述人性格及外貌特征的词汇:tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quite.以及询问人身份的句子:Whos he? 之后的Lets chant通过一个韵句来使学生熟悉描述朋友的性格特征的句式。第三课时为语音学习,通过听一听、读一读、唱一唱,读听排序,听一听、圈一圈、写一写三个活动,让学生学习元音字母o在开音节中的发音/ /。B部分共四页,分两课时。第一课时仍然呈现情景对话和练习。Lets talk中Mike告诉John自己结识了一个新朋友。John通过询问其特征,猜出了他是谁。从而引出询问人身份的重点句式:Who is he? 以及回答:He is. 接下来以一个Lets play中的游戏活动来练习重点句式。第二课时以Mike和Chen Jie的游戏对话引出重点词汇短语:brown shoes, blue glasses, long hair, short hair, a green bag, 并认读描述朋友外貌特征的句式:My friend has blue glasses. 之后通过一个活动Say and draw进一步熟悉新授词汇。之后的读写练习、听音排序、阅读匹配的练习以及歌曲都用来巩固练习本课的重点词汇及句型,与C部分合为一个课时。C部分取自著名的故事“拔萝卜”,小动物们帮助小兔子拔萝卜,最后在Zoom的帮助下终于成功了。故事中呈现了Its so big. Its too big. Im strong. 等描述人或物品特征的句子。学生们通过阅读故事来整合本单元的重点句式及词汇。单元教学目标知识目标:1.词汇:学生能够听、说、认读单词:strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses2.句型结构:能够听懂、会说、认读句型Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng. Hes tall and strong. Whos he? He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 3. 字母与语音:能够掌握字母o在开音节里的发音,即/能力目标1. 能够正确使用重点词汇来描述人物的性格或外貌特征2. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写上述话题词汇3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型Whats his/her name? His/ Her name is . Whos he / she? He / She is . 询问他人的姓名或身份,并能回答4. 能够认读并在情景中运用句型Hes/ Shes . He/ She has . 描述人物的性格和外貌特征5. 能够读出符合开音节发音规则的含有字母o的单词;并能根据发音拼写出符其发音规则的单词情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标1. 能够了解外貌描述中的文化禁忌,如:不要对同学长得胖或戴眼镜等有歧视语言2. 能够根据o在开音节里的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据其发音规则拼写单词教学重难点教学重点1. 能够听、说、认读单词:strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses2. 能够听懂、会说句型Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng. Hes tall and strong. Whos he? He has glasses and his shoes are blue.3. 能够正确使用重点词汇来描述人物的性格或外貌特征4. 能够掌握字母o在开音节里的发音,即/ /教学难点1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型Whats his/her name? His/ Her name is . Whos he / she? He / She is . 询问他人的姓名或身份,并能回答2. 能够认读并在情景中运用句型Hes/ Shes . He/ She has . 描述人物的性格和外貌特征3. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写话题词汇4. 能够根据o在开音节里的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据其发音规则拼写单词教学方法情景创设法、游戏教学法、多媒体辅助教学法、TPR、小组合作学习法教学时间本单元教学用时两周,建议使用六课时完成教学任务。第一课时:A. Lets talk. Lets play 第二课时:A. Lets learn. Lets chant 第三课时:A. Lets spell. 第四课时:B. Lets talk. Lets play.第五课时:B. Lets learn. Say and draw第六课时: B. Read and write. Lets check. Lets sing. C. Story time.知识视窗如何描述人物外貌在英语中描述人物的外貌可以从以下几个方面入手:一、体型描述人的体型的词语有:fat(肥胖的);thin(瘦的);slim(苗条的); overweight(超重);slight(瘦小的);tall(高的);short(矮的); of medium height(中等身材)等。例句:He is thin and tall. 他又瘦双高。 She is short and slim. 她矮小而苗条。注意:fat一般不用来描述他人的体型,当用它来形容成年人的体型时,多含有贬义,所以当指人比较胖时,我们可以使用plump(丰满的)。有些美国人会使用wide(宽的)来形容自己的体形。当你有较胖的同学时,请不要用fat来形容他,更不能含有歧视的目光和想法。二、容貌1. 头发的长短或发色:long(长的);short(短的), straight(直的), curly(卷发的);black(黑色的), blond(淡黄色的), brown(深棕色的), fair(金色的);white(白色的)2. 五官,如眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的大小等,big(大的), small(小的)。例句:She has long, black hair. Her eyes are big. 她有着长长的黑色头发。她的眼睛很大。He has brown, short hair. He has a small nose. 他长着一头棕色短发。他的鼻子很小。第一课时课时内容A. Lets talk;Lets play 课时分析 在Lets talk部分,John放学回家,告诉妈妈他结交了一个新朋友。妈妈问是不是中国朋友。John回答是的,而且告知妈妈他很友好,他又高又壮,他的名字叫张鹏。在这个过程中,呈现句子:Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng. He is tall and strong. 学生能够使用句子Whats his name来询问男性的名字,并使用句式His name is .来回答。Lets play活动里以Sarah和Chen Jie两个人的猜朋友游戏为例,来练习如何询问女性姓名及如何回答。活动中Sarah先使用句子Shes tall and thin来描述了自己朋友的外貌特征,Chen Jie使用句子Whats her name? 来询问其姓名,Sarah使用Her name is .来回答。本课时中学习到的如何询问他人姓名的句式中,需要区分男性女性,从而正确使用his, her,he, she。另外,想要正确地描述朋友的外貌特征,学生需要首先掌握一些描述特征的形容词。在这课时里,重点在于让学生理解并正确使用重点句式,关于描述人外貌特征的部分,可以先使学生正确理解,并不要求其完全掌握。课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说句型:Whats his/ her name? His/ Her name is . 2. 能够听懂、会说以下词汇:friendly, tall, strong, thin3. 能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演。4. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型Whats his/ her name? 询问他人姓名,并使用His / Her name is. 来回答5. 能够大胆表达,乐于使用英语与他人进行交流课时重难点1.重点能够听懂、会说句型:Whats his/ her name? His/ Her name is .能够听懂并使用词汇:friendly, tall, strong, thin来描述人物的特征能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演。2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型Whats his/ her name? 询问他人姓名,并使用His / Her name is. 来回答教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 人物图片教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:Find a friend(找朋友)教师播放歌曲,学生认真倾听之后,与教师配合完成歌曲。Teacher:Boys and girls, lets listen to a song, Find a friend. Try to find,try to find,找啊找,找啊找,Try to find a good friend; 找到一个好朋友;Say hello,shake hands, 问声好,握握手,Now we are good friends. 我们就是好朋友。Bye-bye! 再见!设计意图:这首歌曲是汉语歌曲找朋友的英文版,学生对它的曲调应该很熟悉。在演唱过程中,教师可以走到学生的旁边,让他们根据歌词内容与自己进行打招呼,握手等动作。在歌曲与互动中,激发学生的学习兴趣,并为要学习的有关朋友的话题做好心理和知识上的准备。 Step 2 Lead in1.与学生进行交流。介绍自己的新朋友,使学生初步感受新授句式。Teacher: How are you? Do you have a new friend? have a new friend. Whats her name? Look, (展示朋友的图片及句子:My name is Lily.)Her name is Lily. 2. 请学生根据自己刚才的介绍来回答问题。Teacher:Whats my friends name? You should say: Her name is Lily. Good. 设计意图:教师介绍自己的新朋友,从而与热身部分的歌曲自然连接。通过教师的介绍,使学生区分My name is. Her name is.。 3. 描述朋友的外貌特征,引出本课的重点形容词:tall, short, thin, strong。Teacher:Look at Lily, is she tall? (以手做出高的姿势,使学生理解tall的含义)No, shes short. (板书单词)Read after me, please, tall, short. Do with me, tall, short. (加上手势,使学生边重复单词,边做动作)Teacher: Is Lily strong? (以体态语让学生感受strong的含义,呈现壮硕的运动员的图片,使学生进一步理解strong的含义)No, she is not strong. She is thin. (呈现图片,进行对比,使学生感受thin和fat的区别)Teacher: (和学生使用新授词汇进行谈论)Are you tall? Are you short? Are you strong? Are you thin?设计意图:通过对朋友的描述和谈论,辅以肢体语言和图片的帮助,让学生理解重点词汇的意义并初步感受其用法。Step 3 Presentation1. 提出问题,引起学生阅读兴趣,呈现对话内容。Teacher:You know about my new friend. John has a new friend, too. Is his new friend a girl or a boy? Whats his or her name? Lets listen to the tape and find. 2. 播放对话录音,学生找出答案。听完录音后,请学生说出自己的答案。讨论对话内容,保证学生能够理解对话意思。Teacher: Can you tell me the answer? Is Johns new friend a boy or a girl? Yes, he is a boy. Whats his name? Yes, his name is Zhang Peng. He is our old friend, right? Is Zhang Peng tall? Yes, he is tall and strong. And he is a Chinese boy. You are Chinese boys and girls. You are Chinese students. Zhang Peng is Johns Chinese friend. 设计意图:通过提问引起学生的阅读兴趣,并使学生带着问题认真倾听课文内容。通过听后的回答问题以及交流,使学生把握课文的对话内容,理解对话的主要含义,并进一步感受重点词汇的用法。Step 4 Practice1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 学生分角色朗读课文。Teacher: Now, who wants to be John? Who wants to be his mother? Lets read it in roles. 3. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。Teacher: Now well find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.设计意图:通过以上三个活动,使学生能够充分理解课文内容,并且能够正确朗读课文。在不同形式的读和表演活动中,使学生逐步理解并掌握本课的重点句型,为其达到熟练表达奠定基础。4. 游戏:Whats his name? 请五个学生到前边站成一排,分别介绍自己的名字。第一个学生介绍自己的名字,第二个学生介绍自己的名字后,还要再介绍第一个学生的名字,依此类推。Teacher:I need five students to stand in the front. Who wants to try? Stand in a row, please. Teacher: You please introduce yourself. Please say my name is. You introduce yourself first. Then introduce him. Please his name is. Is it clear? Lets play. 设计意图:这个游戏主要用来区分his, her. 因此,在寻找参与游戏的学生时,要有意识地注意性别因素。在游戏中,要关注学生his, her的使用情况,使他们在口语表达中建立起性别的意识。 5. 小组活动。完成Lets play活动。Teacher: Who are they? They are Lucy, Bob, Lily and Tim. Choose one and introduce him or her. Others guess who he is. (出示对话结构,使学生依据对话结构完成交流)I have a new friend. He / She is . ( tall, short, thin, strong)Whats his/ her name? His/ Her name is . 设计意图:先引导学生认真观察教材中的图片内容,然后根据图片中的游戏内容来进行小组活动,使学生在真实的交流中操练重点句式,提升自己的口语表达能力。Step 5 Summary1.根据课文内容编制韵句,学生先倾听,再跟唱。Teacher: Lets chant about our new friends. Listen carefully. I have a new friend. I have a new friend. Whats her name? Whats her name? Her names Lily. Her names Lily. Is she tall? Is she tall? Yes, she is. Yes, she is. Teacher: Chant with me, please. Teacher: You say this chant or make a new chant. Practice, please. Teacher: Show your chant, please. 设计意图:利用韵句帮助学生回忆、重现本课的重点词汇与句式。课堂作业一、根据图片圈出正确的单词。1. ( His Her ) name is Jack. 2. ( His Her ) name is Lucy. 3. ( He She ) is tall. 4. ( He She ) is thin. 二、为下列问句选择正确的答句。( ) 1. Whats your name? A. My name is Amy. B. Her name is Sarah. ( ) 2. Whats his name? A. My name is Sarah. B. His name is John. ( ) 3. Whats her name? A. Her name is Amy. B. His name is John. 三、连词成句。1. tall He and is strong (.)_2. His is Zhang Peng name (.)_3. What her is name (?)_答案:一、1. His 2. Her 3. She 4. He 二、1.A 2. B 3. A 三、1.He is tall and strong. 2. His name is Zhang Peng. 3. What is her name? 板书设计Unit Three My friendsA. Lets talkWhats his name? His name is .He is tall and strong.Whats her name? Her name is.She is tall and thin. 第二课时课时内容A. Lets learn; Lets chant 课时分析 在Lets learn部分,John 在向Mike介绍自己的新朋友。在他的朋友们的照片旁边,呈现了描述人体格的词汇:strong, tall, short, thin以及人性格的词汇:friendly, quiet。并通过Mike的问话引出询问人物身份的问句:Who is he? 通过这部分的学习,学生要学会使用这些重点词汇来描述人物的外貌及性格特征,并正确使用Who is he/ she? 来询问人物的身份。Lets chant部分是以这些重点词汇为内容进行的韵句,学生在吟唱韵句时会熟悉句式:Hes tall and thin. Hes a good boy. Shes quiet and friendly. Shes a cute girl. 在学生学会韵句的基础上,可以让学生尝试将自己朋友的信息编制成韵句并唱出来。本课时内容为重点话题的词汇支撑,可结合上课时的重点句式内容一起进行学习。引导学生创设虚拟的情景来进行交流,在交流中掌握新学习的知识,提高自己的语言表达能力。课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Who is he/ she? 3. 能够听懂会说唱Tim is my friend. 并以韵句的形式来介绍自己的朋友课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Who is he/ she?2. 难点:能够听懂会说唱Tim is my friend. 并以韵句的形式来介绍自己的朋友教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 单词卡片、不同人物的图卡教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.教师指向某个学生,以韵句的形式问其姓名,请学生以韵句形式回答。Teacher:(拍手打节奏)Whats his name? Whats his name? ( 指向一个男同学,引导学生以韵句的形式回答)His names . His names . What is her name? What is her name? (指向一个女同学)Her names . Her names . 设计意图:以上一课时中学习过的询问他人姓名的重点句式开始课程,起到温故知新的作用。同时,以这种带有游戏意味的韵句进行流动,能够极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,让课堂氛围更加热烈,更有益于学生的英语学习。Step 2 Lead in1.展示几个学生的图片,请学生猜一猜老师说的是谁。Teacher:Look at these pictures. They are our classmates. Guess who is he. He is tall and strong. Who is he?(板书句子和短语)Do with me, tall and strong.(用肢体语言表示词语的意思)He is tall and strong. Who is he? (引导学生找出符合这两个特征的人物,并说出他的名字)Who is she? She is short and thin. (使用肢体语言表示出short和thin的意思)Say with me, short and thin. (板书单词)She is short and thin, who is she? (引导学生找出相应的人物,说出她的名字)She is friendly. Friendly means she is a good friend. (板书单词)Read after me, friendly. She is friendly. Who is she? He is quiet. That means he doesnt say much. He is quiet. Who is he? (板书单词)Read after me, quiet. 设计意图:通过学生们熟悉的自己的同学的特征引出本课的词汇,使学生能够相对容易地理解本课重点词汇的意思。Step 3 Presentation1. 引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音。Teacher:John has a new friend. Who is he? Listen and find. 学生带问题认真倾听录音内容,然后尝试回答。Teacher: Now show me you answer. Who is his new friend? Yes, he is Zhang Peng. 设计意图:引导学生带着问题去听录音,培养其认真倾听且在倾听中关注重要信息的能力。2. 再次播放课文内容,学生跟读。Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it. 设计意图:跟读,以掌握正确的读音Step 4 Practice1. I point you say.我指你说。教师指向黑板上的单词,学生快速读出单词。Teacher:I point you say. I will point to the word on the blackboard. Please read the word quickly. Whats this? Whats this? What about this one?设计意图:此活动保证学生能够正确认读单词,使学生能将新词的字义与字形字音结合起来进行统一记忆。 2. I say you do. 教师说出形容词,学生表演其相应的状态。Teacher: This time, I say you do. When I say tall, please do this.(手臂向上抬,表示高)When I say short, please do like this. (手臂向下压,表示矮)When I say strong, please do this. (两小臂上举,举着拳头,表示强壮)And this is for thin. (两手贴在脸颊两侧,表示瘦) Are you ready? Lets play. 设计意图:这个活动帮助学生熟悉新词的字音,使他们把字音与字义统一起来。3. I do you say. 这次教师做出动作,学生说出相应的单词。Teacher: Now I do you say. (随机做出上一活动中的各个动作,使学生说出单词)设计意图:虽然这个活动仍然是将字音与字义统一起来的活动,但学生在这个活动中会不断地重复新词的字音,这有助于他们熟练地说出单词。4. 展示人物图片,学生使用所学的词汇来描述其特征。Teacher:Look at this boy. Say something about him. Is he tall? Is he strong? What about this girl? Is she short? Is she quiet? 设计意图:通过观察人物的特征,选择正确的词汇来形容,帮助学生正确理解并使用新学习到的词汇。5. 游戏:Who is he/ she? 出示几个人物图片,学生观察人物特征,教师描述其中一人的特征,请学生猜出人物。Teacher:Look at these boys and girls. She is . He is .(引导学生说出这些人物的特征。Teacher:Now I will say sentences. Please guess who he or she is. Listen carefully. He is thin and tall. Who is he? She is quiet and short. Whats her name? Teacher: Please do a pair work. Guess and say. Teacher: Show your dialogue, please. 设计意图:通过这样的游戏学生熟练地掌握如何描述他人特征。Step 5 Summary1. 播放韵句:Tim is my friend. 学生认真倾听。Teacher:Its time for chant. Lets listen to a chant about friend. Listen carefully. Teacher: Read the chant after me. Teacher: Say the chant freely. (教师巡视,解决学生遇到的问题或困难)Teacher: Show the chant, please. Teacher: Chant about your friends. Make a new chant. Talk in groups first. Teacher: Show your new chant, please. 设计意图:以韵句来总结重现本课的重点内容。让学生自编韵句,使他们在回忆重点词汇与句式的同时,能够自如地使用这些知识来介绍自己的朋友。课堂作业一、选择正确的字母补全单词。( ) 1. t_l A. al B. ul C. ol( ) 2. sh_t A. al B. ol C. or( ) 3. qu_t A. er B. ie C. ai( ) 4. th_ A. an B. in C. en( ) 5. str_g A. an B. un C. on二、判断下列句子与图片是否相符, 是写T,否写F。( ) 1. He is tall. ( ) 2. She is short and thin. ( ) 3. He is tall and strong. ( ) 4. She is tall. 三、请为下列人物选择正确的描述,将其序号填入相应图片的下方。 ( ) ( ) ( )1. She is tall and strong. 2. He is short and thin. 3. She is quiet and friendly. 答案:一、1. A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5. C二、1.F 2. F 3. T 4. T 三、3, 1. 2 板书设计Unit Three My friendsA. Lets learntall and strong short and thin quiet friendlyWho is he? His name is .Who is she?Her name is. 第三课时课时内容A. Lets spell课时分析 本部分分为语音学习和单词书写两部分内容。通过听一听,读一读,唱一唱的活动,让学生通过听、读、拆音等练习体会并掌握字母o在单词中的发音,本课时主要学习其在开音节里发的双元音/ /。本活动之间的韵句为:Old Mr Jones Put the Coke on the note. Old Mr Jones Put the note on his nose. Old Mr Jones Put the Coke on the note. Can Old Mr Jones Put his nose on his toes? 韵句中呈现含有o的开音节词汇:old, Jones, Coke, note, nose, 以及含有相同发音的词汇toe。同时在教材中以图片形式呈现语音例词nose, note, Coke, Mr Jones。学生通过这些语音例词以及韵句的诵读,来感受并掌握字母o在开音节里的发音。之后的听一听,读一读,判断正误的活动,让学生区分开音节与闭音节,将单词的读音与字形结合起来,进一步训练学生的听音辨音能力。听一听,圈一圈,写一写的活动学生需要判断字母o在本单词中的发音是属于闭音节类还是开音节类,圈出相应的代表字母,并写出单词。这个活动帮助学生进一步掌握拼读规则,并根据拼读规则拼写出单词。在教学过程中,需要通过多种活动,使学生自己发现、感悟字母的发音规律。课时目标1. 能够感知并归纳字母o在开音节(o-e结构)中的发音规则2. 能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合o-e发音规则的单词课时重难点1.重点:能够感知并归纳字母o在开音节(o-e结构)中的发音规则能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词2. 难点:能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合o-e发音规则的单词教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 语音例词单词卡教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. 教师指向某个学生,以韵句的形式问其姓名,请学生以韵句形式回答。Teacher:(拍手打节奏)Whats his name? Whats his name? ( 指向一个男同学,引导学生以韵句的形式回答)His names . His names . What is her name? What is her name? (指向一个女同学)Her names . Her names . 设计意图:以上一课时中学习过的询问他人姓名的重点句式开始课程,起到温故知新的作用。同时,以这种带有游戏意味的韵句进行流动,能够极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,让课堂氛围更加热烈,更有益于学生的英语学习。Step 2 Lead in1. 展示图片,由人物引出语音例词。Teacher: Who is he? Yes, he is Mr Jones. Read after me, Mr Jones. (板书姓名) (指向人物的鼻子)Whats this? Yes, this is Mr Joness nose. (板书单词)Touch your nose, please. Repeat with me, nose. And whats in Mr Joness hand? Its a note. We write notes on our notebooks. Read after me, note. (板书单词)And this is Coke. Do you like Coke? (板书单词)Boys read it, please. Now girls read it. 设计意图:逐步出示语音例词,使学生在语境中感受词汇的含义。Step 3 Presentation1. 播放语音韵句。学生先认真倾听。然后再跟读。Teacher:Now, lets listen to a chant about these words. Listen carefully. Teacher: Listen to it again. Now, lets say the chant after it. 2. 学生自由说韵句,以自己的方式来打节奏。Teacher: Now, say the chant freely. You can say it with your partner. And you can clap your hands to say it. 3. 表演韵句。Teacher:Now lets act the chant together. 设计意图:学生先倾听韵句,初步感受韵句内容。然后跟读,获取正确的语音。自由读可以使学生以自己喜欢的方式操练韵句,以达到熟练说韵句的目的。4. 引导学生发现字母的发音规则。Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard. What can you find? Yes, there is an o in each words. What is the sound of the o? Lets read and find. (和学生一起慢慢读每一个语音例词)What is the sound? Yes, its / /. Look at my mouth and say with me. 设计意图:通过拼读,让学生自己发现字母的发音规则,再模仿口型,获得发音的正确方式。Step 4 Practice1. 看口型,猜单词。教师说出语音例词中的一个,但不出声,学生通过观察老师的口型,猜出单词,并大声读出来。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets play a game. I will say a word. Look at my mouth carefully. Guess what word it is. And try to say it loudly.设计意图:通过观察教师口型来猜单词,有助于学生感受字母在单词的发音,以及字母i的发音方法。2.听一听,举一举。学生听教师说出的语音例词,举起相应的单词卡片。Teacher: Look at these word cards. Whats this? Whats this? What about this? You are right. Get the card, please. Teacher: Who got the word card please come to the front. I will say the word. please put up the correct card. 设计意图:这个活动锻炼学生能否正确听懂所学的语音例词。提高学生的听音辨音能力。3. 读一读,听一听,选出正确的单词。播放录音,学生根据听到的内容为教材中六个单词排序。Teacher: Lets read, listen and tick. First, read these words. Now, listen to the tape. Tick the correct word that you hear. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 设计意图:此活动将单词的发音与字形结合起来,使学生在准确辨音的基础上,区分、掌握单词的字形。4. 听一听,圈一圈,写一写,根据听到的内容,判断单词是闭音节(o)还是开音节(o-e),圈出相应的规则字母,然后写一写听到的单词。Teacher:Now, please listen, circle and write. Write the word that you heard. Dog, is it for o or o-e? Its for o. So circle o, then write the word dog. Now, listen carefully and write the words. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 设计意图:学生先根据听到单词的发音判断其属于闭音节还是开音节,圈出相应的代表符号,再在四线三格上写一写单词。一方面体会单词在四线三格中的书法方式,另一方面也在书写中进一步体会字母在单词里的发音。5. 编写语音小韵句,学生学唱。Teacher: Its chant time. Listen first, then say it. o,o, o; o, o, o, o is in nose, / /, / /, / /.o,o, o; o, o, o, o is in note, / /, / /, / /.o,o, o; o, o, o, o is in dog, / /, / /, / /. o,o, o; o, o, o, o is in not, / /, / /, / /. 6. 表演韵句。给学生练习的时间,鼓励他们加入自己的动作,也可以小组合作,选择小组展示韵句节拍的方式,来有创意地表演韵句。Teacher:Now,lets work in groups. Please act the chant out. You can choose the way to show it. 设计意图:通过韵句来完整呈现本课的重点语音知识。在逐句的跟读中,学生不知不觉地在重复、强调字母o在单词中的发音,为总结、巩固其发音规律奠定了基础。Step 5 Summary展示语音例词图片,学生快速抢读单词,之后再齐唱韵句。Teacher:Ill show some words quickly. Please say it loudly. Teacher: Well done. Lets chant together. 设计意图:通过抢读单词和齐唱韵句的小活动,再现了本课的语音例词和语音知识,起到了总结所学的目的。课堂作业一、看图写单词。_ _ _二、判断以下单词中划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)一致。( ) 1. not note ( ) 2. rose lost( ) 3. box dog ( ) 4. Coke nose( ) 5. hot home ( ) 6. nose hot三、听一听,写一写。1. _2. _3. _答案:一、1. nose 2. Coke 3. note二、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F三、1. A dog is on the desk. 2. The Coke is on the note. 3. Mr Jones likes Coke. 板书设计Unit Three My friendsA. Lets spellnose note Coke Mr Jones第四课时课时内容B. Lets talk, Lets play课时分析 本部分在A部分的单词及句型学习的基础上,继续学习如何询问人物身份的句式:Who is he? Who is she? 并学习句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 来描述人物的外貌特征。教材中,Mike告诉John他结交了一个新朋友。John先确定了其朋友的性别:A boy or a girl? 然后John告诉Mike他朋友的体形特征:Hes tall and thin. John猜是Zhang Peng。Mike接着给出其更加明显的衣饰特征:He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 有了这些提示,John终于成功地猜出Mike朋友的名字:Wu Yifan。在两个人交流的过程中,既复习到了前两个课学习到的如何描述朋友的外貌特征,以及如何询问其身份的句式,也学习到如何描述朋友的衣饰:He/ She has. Lets play活动列举出了可以描述朋友外貌特征、性格特征以及服饰特征的句式结构:He / She is . He / She has. His/ Her shoes are . His/Her bag is . What is his/ her name? 引导学生利用这些信息来猜测人物的名字。本课中出现的glasses和shoes都为下一课时的重点词汇。在本课时中学生只需能够理解并听说就可以了。课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来描述他人眼镜及鞋子的颜色课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然2. 难点:能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来描述他人眼镜及鞋子的颜色教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 人物图卡教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.韵句:Tim is my friend. 播放韵句,学生齐唱。Teacher:Do you remember the chant about friend? Lets say the chant Tim is my friend together. 设计意图:以韵句来开始课程,为学生营造一个欢快的英语学习氛围,并为下一环节的学习做好知识准备。Step 2 Lead in1. 展示几个人物图片,请学生从中猜出自己

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