三年级英语下册 Unit 1 In class教案 牛津译林版.doc

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Unit 1 In class教学内容Unit 1 In class教材分析本单元是下学期小学生学习英语的起始单元。这一单元安排了“ 课堂问好”的功能项目,并在以后的教学过程中,巩固这一对话。教学目标1.能听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close,blackboard,rubber,ruler,please,parrot,dont=do not2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window,come in,please.listen to,Im sorry,in class.3.能听懂,会说,会读、会写open,the,door,window,book4.学诵读歌谣:Open the window.5.能听懂,会说,发音准确字母b在单词中的读音教学 重点1.词汇Mr,door,window,open,close,blackboard,in class,the,please,stand up,sorry,book,sit down2.句型stand up,sit down.open the door,close the windowCome in,please. Im sorry.3.语音字母b在单词中的读音教学 难点1. stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window,comein,please的正确读法和在情景下的读音2. 词汇;open,close的用法 3. 字母b在单词中的读音课前准备光盘、卡片、图片等课时分配第一课时:Story time第二课时:Fun time, Sound time和Rhyme time第三课时:Cartoon time ,Checkout time和 Ticking time教学内容Unit 1 In class (Story time)时间教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Open the door. Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇in class, stand up, Mr, sit down, please, sorry, come in, blackboard.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇open, the, door, close, window.4.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Open the door. Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇in class, stand up, Mr, sit down, please, sorry, come in, blackboard.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇open, the, door, close, window.教学难点1.句型:Open the door. Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please.的正确读法和在情境下的正确运用。2.词汇:open, close的用法。课前准备光盘、Mr Green, Liu Tao, Mike, Wang Bing的头像卡片。教 学 流 程教 学 调 整Step1 Free talk and movitation1.GreetingsT:Class begins!Ss:Stand up!T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Shi.T: Sit down, please.2.Learn sit down & stand up.3.Look at me: 根据教师说的词组,做动作,说词组Step2 Presentation and practice.1.出示人物头像,T: Whos he?S: Hes Liu Tao/ Mike/ Wang Bing.T: Whos he?S: Hes Mr Green.(引导学生说)领读并教学Mr, 区别Mr与Miss的用法。2.事先安排一名学生站在门外,教会迟到了说Im sorry.教师关门上课,门外学生敲门,T: S1, please open the door.(做手势).S1:Yes, Mr/ Miss . . .S2(门外学生):Im sorry,Mr/ Miss . . .T: Come in , . . .出示句型,边做动作边领读:Please open the door.Im sorry.Come in .3.T:(教师指门)Whats this?S: Its a door.引导学生学习、拼读单词door.教师做关门、开门动作,并领学生说;Open the door.Close the door.同法教学window. Open the window. Close the window.出示句型,边做动作边领读。4. 出示story time图片,让学生猜他们在哪里。 Where are the students and the teacher? They are.出示课题Unit1 In class5.Watch and choose.( )1.Who is the teacher?A. Miss Li B. Miss Wu C. Mr Green( )2. Who opens the door?A. Mike B. Nancy C. Liu Tao( )3. Who closes the window?A. Mike B. Nancy C. Wang Bing6.Read and judge.( )1. Mike is late for class.( )2. Liu Tao closes the window.( )3. Mr Green is in class.( )4. Mike opens the door.7.Read after the tape.8.Point and read.9.Read in groups.10.Act.Step3Consolidation1.今天我们所学的句子叫做“祈使句”。祈使句就是要求、命令他人做某件事情,如Please open the door. 2.请一名学生上来,做“小老师”用学过的语句来上课,并请其他同学做动作。3.小组活动。一名学生做老师,用学习的句子命令其他同学做动作。Step4 Assign homework .1.Listen and read Story time 5 times;2.Act the dialogue;3.Talk about the orders.板书设计Unit 1 In class Stand up. Sit down. Mr Open the door. MissClose the window. Mrs 教学反思教学内容Unit 1 In class(Fun time, Sound time和Rhyme time) 时间教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词open, the, book,door, close, window.2.能听懂、会说、会读句子Mr Robot,please open / close the book.3.复习巩固语句Stand up. Sit dowm. Im sorry. Come in, please. Open/ close the door / window. 并能在具体的情境中正确运用这些句子。4.会诵读歌谣Open the window.5.掌握语音字母b在单词中的读音教学重点1.能自然、熟练地运用本单元所学的句型。2.会诵读歌谣Open the window.3.掌握语音字母b在单词中的读音教学难点1.能自然、熟练地运用本单元所学的句型。2.掌握语音字母b在单词中的读音课前准备光盘、学生在家长的帮助下根据教材P8的内容制作“声控机器人”及遥控器。教 学 流 程教 学 调 整Step1 Revision 1.Greetings教师做手势,引导学生说:Stand up.T: Goodmorning/ afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss Shi.T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you.2.ReviewT(指门、窗):What s this?S: Its a door / window.T: Yes. Open / close the door, .S: Yes, Mr/Miss . . .3.出示语句,指名学生认读并做动作。4.播放Story time动画,静音,让学生给画面配音。Step2 Fun time1.T(出示书本)Whats this?引导学生回答。S: Its a book. Teach: a book.T: Open your books.根据学生反映,引导学生理解并领读。同法教学Close your books.2.教师与一位学生示范游戏。(给学生戴上“声控机器人”头套,教师对着遥控器发出指令)T: This is Mr Robot.S: Yes.(模仿机器人声音和动作)T: Mr Robot, close the window.S: Yes.3.学生分组玩这个游戏,教师巡视指导。Step3 Rhyme time1.Show the picture and say: Open the window,look,whats that? Its a bird.What is it saying?2.Show the rhyme,the students try to read.3.Teach:Open your book and say “Hello!” Close your book and off we go!(教师带读并用动作帮助学生理解)4.Read the rhyme loudly.Step4 Sound time1.介绍Sound time中的任务BobT:Look,is he a boy?S:Yes.T:He has some books.T:Can you guess which is his name? A.Nancy B.Helen C.BobT:Can you read his name?Bobby-BobT:Are the books small?S:No,They are big booksT:I has a rhyme,Can you read it?Big books,big booksBob has two big,big books.2.结合图片教学生说句子Big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books. 教师让学生注意观察老师的口型,认真模仿跟读。3.出示音标Bb/b/b/b/big,/b/b/books,/b/b/Bob分小组读,个人读注意Bob不能拖声调4.教师通过实物、图片或单词卡让学生认读单词ball, book, birthday, robot, 让学生体会字母b在单词中的读音。5.把Big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books.作为绕口令让学生练习,慢慢练习,看谁说得又快又好。Step5 Assign homework .1.Listen and read Rhyme time and Sound time 5times.2.Continue to play games about the robot.3.Copy the words. 板书设计 Unit 1 In class A: Mr Robot,please open/close/look at the B: Yes/OK.Bb /b/教学反思教学内容Unit 1 In class(Cartoon time ,Checkout time和 Ticking time) 时间教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 blackboard, rubber, robot, ruler, parrot.2.能听懂、会说、会读句子Look at the blackboard. Dont listen to the parrot.3.复习巩固本单元学习的词汇、语句,并能在具体的情境中熟练运用。教学重点1.复习巩固本单元学习的词汇、语句,并能在具体的情境中熟练运用。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇rubber, parrot.3.能听懂、会说、会读句子Dont listen to the parrot.教学难点1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇rubber, parrot.2.能听懂、会说、会读句子Dont listen to the parrot.课前准备光盘、人物图片教 学 流 程教 学 调 整 Step1 Free talk1.GreetingsSs: Stand up.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss Shi.T: Sit down.Ss: Thank you.2.Play a game:Follow me根据老师的口令做动作3.Magic eyes:快速闪动词组句型的卡片Step2 Checkout time1.T:Can you say something about the pictures?a Open the window ,pleasePlease open the window.b Please stand up. Stand up,please.c Please look at the blackboard. Look at the blackboard,please. 2.Look ans say.Step3 Cartoon time1.出示Cartoon time部分图片,引导学生看图。T: Look, our friend Bobby becomes a teacher today. Whats on the blackboard?(提示学生作答)Ss: A robot, a ruler, a rubber.T: Whats this?(引导学生看Bobby所指)Ss: A robot.T: Does Sam know the answer?(引导学生理解所问的意思)2.播放多媒体动画或学生自主阅读。3.检查学生理解情况T: Whats in the tree?Ss: A parrot.(教师提示)让学生说说对parrot.的了解。引导学生理解Dont listen to the parrot.4.学生看动画跟读,引导学生注意观察人物动作、表情,朗读时模仿语音、语调。5.小组内开展趣味朗读,比一比谁读得有趣。Step4 Ticking time1. 教师示范读。2学生自读并评分。 How many stars can you get?Step5 Assign homework .1.Listen and read Unit1.2.Act the cartoon .2.Rewrite the words.板书设计 Unit1 In class Look at the blackbord. Dont listen to the parrot. rubber 教学反思

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