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2019-2020年高三第四阶段考题英语说明:1本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分. 满分150分,考试时间120分钟.2本卷要求在答题卡上作答第I卷 (选择题共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分) 第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. salt A. chalk B. calm C. almost D. half2. natural A. nature B. population C. practice D. native3. smooth A. feather B. tooth C. thief D. warmth4. anxious A .branch B. conclusion C. dangerous D. tongue5. neither A. seize B. height C. ceiling D. weight第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。6. -The book isnt easy for Jack to understand , is it?- .His foreign language is far better than expected.A. No, it isnt B. Im afraid not C. I dont think so D. Yes, it is 7. I tried two different methods, yet of them seemed to work very well.A. neitherB. noneC. eachD. both8. - May I see your ticket, please? I think you in my seat. - Oh, sorry. My seat is upstairs.A. have satB. sitC. satD. are sitting9. Rescuers had to _ the search because of worsening weather conditionA. take off B. call off C. cut off D. show off 10. Some of you may have finished unit one_; you can go on to unit twoA. If you may B. If you do C. If not D. If so11. How do you deal with the disagreement between the pany and the customers?The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customersA. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made 12. The most important thing for Lucy is to find a proper job, in which she can bring her ability and potential into full play. A. that B. this C. oneD. the one13. You should explore your talents so as to find out your real interests lie.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. how14. You have a big mouth, Li Fang. You have told everybody the secret.A. cantB. mustntC. shouldntD. mightnt15. We arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _. A. it sat a small boy B. which a small boy sat thereC. which sat a small boy D. it was a small boy16. If there were no examinations, we should have _ time at school. A. the happiest B. a more happier C. much happiest D. a much happier17. Oh, boy, why are you killing your time in this way? Cant you find something _ doing at all? A. useful B. valuableC. good D. worth 18. We look forward to the day when the motorcar has been replaced by some less dangerous _ of transport. A. means B. methods C. manners D. ways19. _ more effectively in the job market, more and more people went back to school to refresh their education. A. Having peted B. Being peted C. peted D. To pete 20. It is exactly _ we do you and I _ changes the world.A. that / that B. what / that C. what / which D. what / who 第三节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Ice cream cant cure cancer or bring back a lost love, but it can make one feel better for a while.A bout 18 months ago, my father was in hospital recovering from a major lung operation. My mother had recently 21 , and my father had taken the loss of his partner of 55 years very hard and had lost interest in 22 . Trying to get him to 23 each day was quite a chore as he didnt want anything. The one thing,24 , that he would ask us to bring him was ice-cream. One evening, to our 25 , he refused to eat the ice-cream, 26 I placed it in a staffroom freezer. A little while later, my son decided he wanted it, so I 27 it for him. As I passed another ward(病房), a 28 asked, “Are there more where that came from?” When I explained the 29 , she apologized. She then said that she had cancer and could eat very little, 30 the occasional ice-cream. The next evening, I decided to buy two ice-creams. On the way to Dads room, I stopped in at the 31 woman s room, and 32 her the ice-cream Id bought for her. She was 33 stunned that I had thought of her, and 34 the gift with tears in her eyes. I spoke with her for a few minutes, 35 what was happening in my family and listened to her 36 story of pain and suffering. It was apparent that she did not 37 many visitors, and the ice-cream and our short chat meant a great deal to her. I 38 the gesture a few days later, and this time was 39 with a huge hug.I never even thought to ask her name, and never saw her again, but it made me realize that an act of 40 can be more rewarding when you give it, rather than receive it. 21. A. passed awayB. gone outC. e backD. calmed down22. A. workB. lifeC. studiesD. games23. A. speakB. laughC. drinkD. eat24. A. thoughB. howeverC. insteadD. therefore25. A. joyB. satisfactionC. surpriseD. relief26. A. if B. unlessC. soD. because27. A. borrowed B. boughtC. madeD. fetched28. A. womanB. grannyC. girlD. child29. A. questionB. situationC. processD. decision30. A. better thanB. more thanC. rather thanD. other than31. A. pretty B. honestC. sickD. shy32. A. offeredB. told C. soldD. charged33. A. hardlyB. finallyC. graduallyD. totally34. A. acceptedB. storedC. exchanged D. gave35. A. remembering B. denyingC. explainingD. forgetting36. A. ordinary B. similarC. interestingD. great37. A. haveB. likeC. expectD. attract38. A. reportedB. expressedC. noticedD. repeated39. A. coveredB. connectedC. rewardedD. filled40. A. politenessB. kindnessC. selflessnessD. willingness第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题,第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分,满分45分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A It was getting dark and snow was ing down. Joe was driving home. Hed been unemployed since the factory closed. Most of his friends had left, but he stayed on. After all, he was born here.Suddenly he saw a lady standing on the side of the road and pulled up. She was worried. No one had stopped to help her. Was he going to hurt her? He looked poor and hungry. Joe knew how she felt and said, “My name is Joe and Im here to help you.” All she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Joe changed the tire, but he got dirty and his hands were hurt. She wanted to pay Joe and said any amount would have been all right. Joe never thought twice about the money and there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that they needed.Later the lady went in a dingy-looking restaurant to grab a bite to eat. The cash register was like the telephone of an out-of-work actor-it didnt ring much. The waitress, who was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕), brought a clean towel to her with a sweet smile. The old lady remembered Joe. After the waitress brought the change from a 100-dollar bill, she found the lady gone and something written on a piece of paper, “Someone once helped me out-the way Im helping you. If you really want to pay me back, dont let the chain of love end with you.”That night the waitress gave her sleeping husband a soft kiss and whispered, “Everythings going to be all right. I love you, Joe.”41What did Joe do that dark snowy evening?A. He drove to work. B. He helped an old lady with a flat tire.C. He gave an old lady a lift. D. he helped an old lady push her car.42The underlined sentence “she wanted to pay Joe and ” suggests that .A. the old lady was very grateful to Joes timely aidB. the old lady cared little about moneyC. the old lady didnt have money on hand to pay JoeD. the old lady wanted to pay Joe less43We can learn from this passage that .A. the old lady knew the waitress was Joes wifeB. the old lady had a big meal in the small restaurantC. Joe would have a baby soonD. Joe helped a lot of people in the past44Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Acts of luck B. A warm hearted manC. A well off ladyD. The chain of loveBHello! The University of Hawaii is located just outside of downtown Honolulu in green Manoa valleyWe invite you to visit and want to let you know about our learning programs, the richness of our culture, the beauty of our environment, the spirit of our students and teachers, advanced equipment and modern buildingsWe look forward to seeing you eThe following information is given so that your visit will be as easy as possible You should get in touch with us ahead of timeYou may directly contact the office of the College to schedule appointment service at 1-877-447-3233To arrange a campus tour please hand in a request through our Online Campus Visit Request FormTours are on weekdays:Monday, Wednesday, and Friday9:00a.m 9:30a.m: Meet with a University Representative9:30a.m 11:30a.m: General Campus Tour with a UHM (The University of Hawaii at Manoa) studentTuesday & Thursday1:00p.m. 1:30p.m. : Meet with a University Representative1:30p.m. 3:30p.m. : General Campus Tour with a UHM studentYou also can get in touch with us by: Phone Number: 1 (877) 447-3233, or 1 (808) 956-6524E-mail: visituhmhawaii.eduHow do you get to UHM? It is in Honolulu less than 3 miles away from Waikiki and about 9 miles from Honolulu International Airport By car: From Waikiki and from Honolulu International AirportTaxi: Taxi fare to UHM is about $2500, except baggage charges and a tip of 10 to 15 percentPublic bus: Luggage is allowed on city busesBus stops are on the second floor of the airportA one-way fare is $200 (in exact change)45. The University of Hawaii lies _A. outside green Manoa valley B. in the business area of HonoluluC. outside the center of Honolulu D. outside the city of Honolulu46. You will meet with a University Representative if you go there _A. at 9:00 in the morning on Mondays B. at 10:00 in the morning on TuesdaysC. at 2:00 in the afternoon on Wednesday D. at 3:00 in the afternoon on Thursday47. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?AA one-way public bus fare is 2 pounds BTaxi fare to UHM is less than $ 2500CBus stops are on the first floor of the airportDUHM is about 9 miles from Honolulu International Airport48. The author writes the passage so that readers can _Aknow about the beauty of the campus Bknow about the learning programsCknow more about the university Dvisit the campus as easily as possibleC If you dont want people to know too much about you, then you had better keep your fridge contents secret according to a British market research document released last week.Researchers peered (凝视) into the fridges of 400 people in Britain and pared the contents with the owners lifestyles. They claim to be able to classify the nations people by fridge contents.They say those people can be divided into five categories: “nutrition nerds”, “food faddists”, “martyr mums”, “fast food fanatics” and “restaurant regulars”.“Nutrition nerds” care much about what they put into their bodies. Their fridges are stocked with fruit, vegetables and healthy meat. People in this category tend to be highly organized and usually work in law or accountancy. The vast majority are single, but if they have a partner, that person will be similar.A fridge full of vitamins enriched juices implies its owner works in media or fashion. They tend not to eat the foods they buy. Known as the “food faddists”, they just want to be seen as buying the latest important things.A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the “martyr mum”. Her fridge tends to be stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want. This fridge hints at difficulty balancing family and work life.“Fast food fanatics” always buy mineral water for soda pop (汽水); the nearest they will get to fresh fruit is tomato sauce. Their fridges hint at someone who works hard and plays hard. Also, someone who is not into long term planning.Finally, a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water implies an owner who is single, lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life. The fridge is empty because this person regularly eats in restaurants.49. We can know from the first two paragraphs that _.A. some researchers are fond of staring at other peoples fridgesB. people dont want others to know about their secretsC. the food you put in the fridge has something to do with your personalityD. there are mainly five kinds of lifestyles among British people50. According to the passage, people who belong to “food faddists” _.A. dont care much about money when buying thingsB. will try their best to stay healthyC. often stay up late to finish their jobD. prefer to ask others about what to do next51. What will those who often dine out put in the fridge?A. All kinds of food they like.B. Only something to drink.C. Fruit, vegetables and meat.D. Food rich in vitamins.52. What might be the most suitable title for the text?A. Keep your fridge a secretB. You are whats in your fridgeC. What to put in the fridge?D. Be careful about your fridge DScientists who try to predict earthquakes have gotten some new helpers recentlyanimalsThats right, animalsScientists have begun to understand what farmers have known for thousands of yearsAnimals often seem to know in advance that an earthquake is ing, and they show their fear by acting in strange waysBefore a Chinese quake in 1975, snakes awoke from their winter sleep early only to freeze to death in the cold airCows broke their halters (缰绳) and tried to escapeChickens refused to enter their cageAll of this unusual behavior, as well as physical changes in the earth, warned Chinese scientists of the ing quakeThey moved people away from the danger zone and saved thousands of livesOne task for scientists today is to learn exactly which types of animal behavior predict quakesIts not an easy jobFirst of all not every animal reacts to the danger of an earthquakeJust before a California quake in 1977, for example, an Arabian horse became very nervous and tried to break out of his enclosureThe Australian horse next to him, however, remained perfectly calmIts also difficult at times to tell the difference between normal animal restlessness and “earthquake nerves”A zoo keeper once called earthquake researchers to say that his cougar had been acting strangelyIt turned out that the cat had an upset stomachA second task for scientists is to find out exactly what kind of warnings the animals receiveThey know that animals sense far more of the world than humans doMany animals can see, hear, and smell things that people do not even noticeSome can sense tiny changes in air pressure, gravity, or the magnetism of EarthThis extra sense probably helps animals predict quakesA good example of this occurred with a group of dogsThey were shut in an area that was being shaken by a series of tiny earthquakes(Several small quakes often e before or after a large one) Before each quake a low booming sound was heardEach boom caused the dogs to bark wildlyThen the dogs began to bark during a silent periodA scientist who was recording quakes looked at his machineIt was acting as though there were a loud noise tooThe scientist realized that the dogs had reacted to a booming noiseThey also sensed the tiny quake that followed itThe machine recorded both, though humans felt and heard nothingIn this case there was a machine to monitor what the dogs were sensingMany times, however, our machines record nothing extraordinary, even though animals know a quake is ingThe animals might be sensing something we measure but do not recognize as a warningDiscovering what animals sense, and learning how they know it is a danger signal, is a job for future scientists53. Through the passage the writer hopes to explore _A. why animals send a danger signal before an earthquake B. how animals know when an earthquake is ingC. why animals not men have good sense of dangerD. how much animals know about an earthquake6054. During an earthquake in China in 1975, _A. chickens refused to go out of their cageB. snakes were frozen to death in their caves C. snakes awoke from their winter sleep earlier D. cows broke their halters and escaped from their sheds 55. Which of the following is one of earthquake nerves according to the passage?A. An Arabian horse tried to escape from his enclosureB. A cougar had an upset stomach unexpectedlyC. An Australian horse was perfectly calmD. A cat acted very strangely in a zoo56. The scientists did an experiment with a group of dogs to _A. find out that the machine could record unusual happenings B. pare the reactions of animals and those of humans C. prove that animals could sense more than humansD. find out what exact warnings animals sentEMontreal(Reuters)-Crossing the US-Canada border to go to church on a Sunday cost a US citizen $10,000for breaking Washingtons strict new security rules.The expensive trip to church was a surprise for Richard Albert, who lives right on the Canadian border. Like the other half-dozen people of Township 15, crossing the border is a daily occurrence for Albert. The nearby Quebec village of St. Pamphile is where they shop, eat and go to church.There are many such situations in these areas along the largely unguarded 5,530-mile border between Canada and the US - which in some cases actually runs down the middle of streets or through buildings.As a result, Albert says he did not expect any problems three weeks ago when he returned home to the US after attending church in Canada, as usual. The US customs station in this area is closed on Sundays, so he just drove around the locked gate, as he had done every weekend since the gate appeared last May, following a tightening of border security. Two days later, Albert was told to go to the customs office, where an officer told him he had been caught on camera crossing the border illegally.Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. That forces the people to a 200-mile detour(迂回的路)along hilly roads to get home through another border checkpoint.Albert has requested that the customs office change their decisions on the fine, but he has not attended a Sunday church since. I feel like Im living in a prison, he said.57. We learn from the text that Richard Albert is _. A. an American living in Township 15 B. a Canadian living in a Quebec village C. a Canadian working in a customs station Dan American working in a Canadian church58. Albert was fined because he _.A. failed to obey traffic rules B. broke the American security rulesC. worked in

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