二年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isn’t tidying his room教案设计 外研版.doc

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二年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isn’t tidying his room教案设计 外研版.doc_第1页
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Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isnt tidying his room.教学目标:知识目标:1初步掌握数词10100的构词规律和发音特点。2听懂What number are you?并直接做简单的回答。能力目标:1能准确的听、说数词10100。2能参与课堂教学中的各种游戏活动。3能跟录音朗读课文。情感目标:1引导学生自主探究,运用观察、发现、分析等方法、准确、有效的掌握 语言知识。2培养学生乐于参与、大胆听说、积极学习的情感与态度。教学重点:认读10100的数词。教学难点: 1初步掌握10100的构词规律和发音特点。 2在活动中体验学习的乐趣。教学时间:40分钟。教 具:数字宝宝19头饰;英文数词卡片1319、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100;CAI课件;录音机。教学方法设计: 本课时的重点是数字10100的认读,教学中的难点是如何让学生在40分钟之内通过对规律的自主探究,快速、准确的听说数词10100。结合对数字教学的经验,我知道:学生容易将“ty”和“teen”两音混淆:忽视“three”与“thirteen”、“five”与“fifteen”的发音区别。如何突破难点,同时又要让学生体验到数字的乐趣呢?学生在一年级时已经掌握了数词112,因此,我将教授新知识的过程设计成一个“数字宝宝变”的活动,将新知识由易到难、层层深入地引导学生共同探究,发现分析规律,初步掌握数词,再通过同伴相互学习、认卡片、读号码、游览数字城参加闯关游戏等活动方式,循序渐进地让学生练习与巩固新知识。 本课采用多媒体电化辅助教学。教学程序、环节设计:(师生互动过程)Warming up.(2分钟)Sing songs: Ten little fingers; One, two, three, whats your name? One, two, stand up! (唱数字歌曲进行热身,能让学生快速进入学习的状态)Revision. (1分钟)(教师课前让十位学生戴上数字宝宝头饰09。)T: Look! There are some old friends in our classroom today. Can you find where they are?S: (Look around the class)T: Look! They are here! What are they?S: They are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and zero.(让学生复习数字09,便于后面的学习,同时不能在这个环节浪费过多的时间。)Presentation. (15分钟)1.学说numberT: Today well talk about more numbers.S: (Read) Numbers, numbers.(教师板书Numbers.)T: These ten numbers have got some magics. They can change. Do you want to see?S: Yes, of course!2.学习数词1319。T: Ok! Little numbers. Its your turn to change. Are you ready? Please listen to my order. Number 1, come here! Stand up straight, please. Now, Number 2, please stand besides the Number 1.Now, Number 1 and Number 2, and touch your head please. (当戴着1和2头饰的两位学生将头碰到一起时数字12便出现了)S:(Read)Twelve, twelve.T:(用同样的方法引出13、14、15、16、17、18、19,教师教学读音,再依此贴出每个数词的英文词卡)S:(Read)thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.threefourfivesixseveneightninethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteenT: Show numbers:S: Discuss in groups:How to remember these numbers quickly?T:小结学生们讨论得出的规律:读音和拼写都有变化的是:threethirteen,fivefifteen; 直接加teen的是:fourfourteen ;sixsixteen,sevenseventeen,ninenineteen; 只加een的是:eighteighteenS:和老师比赛读数词:师说three生说thirteen或反之。S:同伴比赛读数词:谁说对了则画一个小笑脸在课本的后记栏中。3.学习数词20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90。T: There is a magician live in the kingdom of numbers. Do you know who is he? S:。T: Look! Its zero.(教师自己戴上“0”的头饰,走到“1”的右边,轻轻的与戴着“1”头饰小朋友的头碰一碰)T:(Ask)What can you see, now?S: Ah! I can see “ten”.T:(分别走到2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,的右边。)S:(Read)thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety. (教师依此贴出每个数词的英文词卡)T: to show numbers:thirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteenthirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyT: 小结规律:拼写有变化的是:fourteenfourteen,其余全都直接将“een”改成“y”。T:提示“teen”与“ty”的发音容易混淆。S: 同伴继续比赛读数词:谁说对了则继续在在课本的后记栏中画小笑脸。4.学说数词100。T: Look! Two magicians. Whats the number is it? (出现100)S:(Read)One hundred.T:(Show)200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900.S:(Read)two hundred, nine hundred.5.学说数词2129, 9199。T: Little numbers change is endless. Lets welcome them to the front and let them change by themselves.S09:(走上讲台)任意两人头碰头站在一起便会出现五个新的两位数。T: Use CAI to show numbers:(用2129为例)twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine(整个新授过程完全以“数字宝宝”不断变化,不断组合的形式,将所有要教学的数词连成一串,使教师的新授过程连贯而流畅,一气呵成。学生们通过不断的运动,不断的活动,使学习变得有趣,不枯燥。)Practice. (5分钟)1蓝中取号。T: There are a lot of numbers in my basket. Each of you can choice one as your number.S:(到老师的basket里取号码)S: Talk about numbers to others.T: (Ask) What number are you? (同时板书句子及回答方式。)S:(Answer) .2、谁的火车开得快?T: Now, lets drive the train and ask “What number are you?” from the first row to the last row .Are you ready? Go!S: (以竖行为准,从前向后依次提问:What number are you?并回答别人的提问。)回归课本,熟悉本课的主题内容。(2分钟)T: Now, please open the books. Lets listen to the tape.S:(Look at the text and listen)T: Please read after the tape.S:(read) Further practice. (10分钟)T: Now, little numbers will take us to visit their kingdom. Lets go now!(教师用CAI展示数字城堡并进入第一关。) 第一关:认数字,向前进。Computer: Look! Whats the number?S:(Answer)(答对则可向前进,然后进入第二关。)第二关:猜数字。Computer:有一个数,它大于0,小于100,请问它是多少?S:(Guess)(最后进入第三关。)第三关:运算火车。Computer: Whats and ?(14 ) (80) S:(男生、女生回答比赛。)(随着电脑屏幕,一关又一关的深入,学生热情高涨,英文数词当然就越说越好。)Sum up. (1分钟)T: Are you happy today?T: What have we learn today?S:(Answer) .Homework. (1分钟)Read Module 3 Unit 1(page 1011.)(让学生回家读书,养成好习惯。)

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