2019年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary课时巩固提升 外研版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary课时巩固提升 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary课时巩固提升 外研版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary课时巩固提升 外研版必修1. 单词拼写1. Our English teacher is_ (严格的)with us. 2. At last he_ (承认)making mistakes. 3. His_ (有趣的, 好笑的)story made us laugh. 4. Though my grandpa is 83 years old, he is still_ (精力充沛的). 5. Susans a very bright and_ (聪明的)woman who knows her own mind. 6. You will have to be_ (耐心的)and wait for your turn. 7. I will_ (感激)it if you can give me an answer. 8. I must weigh my words to_ (避免)any misunderstanding. 9. We should_ (尊重)the old people. 10. This is a well_ (组织的)meeting, and everything is in good order. 答案:1. strict 2. admitted 3. amusing 4. energetic 5. intelligent 6. patient 7. appreciate 8. avoid 9. respect 10. organised . 完成句子1. The question is_ difficult_ (如此以至于)we cant answer it. 2. His sister_ _ _ (被录取到)Shandong University last year. 3. Id_ _ (对此感激)if you opened the window for me. 4. We should_ _ _ (对表示尊敬)our parents. 5. The little girl went to school, _ _ _ _ _ _(背着书包). 6. The flight was delayed_ _ _ _ (因为)fog. 7. Can you_ _ (确定)that he is at home? 答案:1. so;that 2. was admitted into/to 3. appreciate it 4. show respect for 5. with a bag on her back 6. as a result of 7. make sure

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