2019-2020年高二英语Unit4 A garden of poems教案一.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit4 A garden of poems教案一Teaching aims and demands:1. Talk about English poetry.2. Talk about literature and poetry.3. Learn the following words and expressions:poem poet intention recite mad pattern dialogue sort fantasy loneliness sadness glory absence district atmosphere introduction translate tale shade extraordinary idiom dust crow apart essay remend contributeput together play with call up stand out light upe into being send for contribute to.4. Practise expressing intention5.词汇拓展poem (n.) poetry (n.) poet (n.)absence (n.) absent(adj.)translate (vt.) translation(n.)contribute (vt.) contribution(n.)6.句型结构Poetry also calls up all the colours, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.His sonnets, however, belong to the best English poetry.Before the end of the century, there was another famous writer, John Milton. Once published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets.They can help us to understand each other better, or as Mu Dan wrote:Quietly, we embrace in a world lit up by words.If I see you next to never, how can I say forever?7. Learn about the Past Participle (3): used as Adverbial8. Write a review教学难点(1) 如何循序渐进地引导学生去了解英语诗歌,懂得去欣赏发现诗歌中的美,在一定程度上学会去分析英语诗歌的韵律,意境及情境,最终明白“诗歌及文化是连接一门语言与另一门语言,一种文化与另一种文化的桥梁”这句话包含的道理。(2) 分词用法的总结与难点解析。(3) 帮助学生形成一定的审美观,学会用自己的角度去思考和发现西方文化的美感和人文色彩。课时安排Period 1.Warming up &ListeningPeriod 2. SpeakingPeriod 3. ReadingPeriod 4. Language study & GrammarPeriod 5. Integrating skillsPeriod 1 Warming up & listeningTeaching Aims:1.Talk about rhymes, songs, limericks and poems to raise the students interest in poetry.2.Improveing the students listening ability.3.Introduce some poems to the students.Teaching difficult points:1.To teach the students how to grasp the detailed information to finish the listening task.2.How to make every students active in this lesson.Teaching Aids: a puter; a projectorTeaching Procedures:(Play the song “The color of the wind”)Step I Greetings and Lead in.Just now weve enjoyed a song. Do you like it?This kind of songs belong to poetry. And so do rhymes and limericks. Rhymes and limericks can be very interesting. So lets enjoy them now.Do you like poetry? Why or why not?What kind of poems, songs or rhymes have you read?Can you recite any?Step II Warming up.1) Listen and read the rhyme Good, better, best!Never have it rest!Till good is better!And better, best!2) Listen and read the limerick.People laugh and people cry.Some give up, some always try.Some say hi while some say bye.Others may forget you but never I.Ok. Now please open your books and turn to page 25. Lets enjoy two more limericks.3)Read the limericks and ask “What is the pattern of each poem?Step III. Pre-listeningT: It seems poems are really interesting. Id like to know more about poetry. But where can I find a certain poem? Are poems put together in collections of poetry?Maybe these questions can help us.Who wrote them?What are they about?When were they written?Step IV. While listeningIn collections of poetry, poems are put together because they belong to the same group.They can be sorted by different writers, or they can be sorted by a certain topic or a certain period of time.1.Listen to the tape and list the name of the books on poems by different writers.(Suggested answers: A Garden of Poems”“1001 Songs or Poems in English”2.Listen to the tape and list the the information of poems by a certain topicSuggested answers: The topic can be human feelings (humour & love)“Poetry about Nature” (flowers, trees, plants & the old countryside)“The Earth is Painted Green”3.Poems by a certain period timeSuggested answers: “English Poem of the Early 17th Century”“Poetry Between the World Wars”4.OK, Since we learned some about poems. Now lets listen to the a reader and a woman working in the library. First listen to the tape and tick the words that are used by the woman.Suggested answer: poem, collection, the World Wars , The countryside and nature5.Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.1)What is the dialogue about?2)What kind of book is A Garden of Poems?3)Which period is meant when we say “between the World Wars”?4)How should you read a book such as 1001 Songs and Poems in English?5)Which topic for poetry does the student like?Step V. Post-listening1.T: OK. What topic for poetry do you like?T: Sometimes English poems can be read in a really interesting way. Now Id like you to enjoy one of them.A rhymePick an applePick a pearPick a banana over there.Lets work and lets play,Picking apples every day.2.Listen and imitate.Step VI. Listening on the workbook.Good. Im really interested in poems and I want to know why our ancestors invent poetry. Do you know the reason. If you dont know, lets look at the following questions.1)Before the invention of writing, was there any other way but to remember important things?2)Were rhyme and rhythm very helpful when they are trying to remember things?3)Why did our ancestors invent poetry?4)What is the listening text about?Listen to the tape and find out the answers to the questions.Tape description: People invented poetry as they help to remember things. Before the invention of writing, there was no other way but to remember important things. People early discovered that rhyme and rhythm were very helpful when they are trying to remember things. So they made poems to help them remember all the things they needed to know and passed on from generation to generation. For example to remember their history. They recited great stories about their ancestors and the wars that were fought.(Collect the answers from the students.)T: Yes. Before the invention of writing, there was no other way but to remember important things.And rhyme and rhythm were very helpful when people are trying to remember things. Thats why our ancestors invented poetry.Step VIII. Post-listeningYouve done a good job today. Lets enjoy some more poems. And you are required to recite some of these poems. You can recite and many as possible. We will check the next period.1)WomenIf you kiss her, you are not a gentlemanIf you dont, you are not a manIf you praise her, she thinks you are lyingIf you dont, you are good for nothingIf you agree to all her likes, she is abusingIf you dont, you are not understandingIf you make romance, you are an experienced manIf you dont, you are half a manIf you visit her too open, she thinks its boringIf you dont, she accuses you of double crossingIf you are well dressed, she says you are a playboyIf you dont, you are a dull boy.“O Lord, tell me what to do. AMEN”2)Always Have a DreamForget about the days when its been cloudy,But dont forget your hours in the sun.Forget about the times youve been defeated,But dont forget the victories youve won.Forget about the misfortunes youve encountered,But dont forget the times your luck has turned.Forget about the days when youve been lonely,But dont forget the friendly smiles youve seen.Forget about the plans that didnt seem to work out right.But dont forget to always have a dream.Homework.Recite one or two poems and get ready for tomorrows lesson!课后记:Period 2 SpeakingTeaching aims:1. Talking about poems to raise the Ss interest in poems.2. Making dialogue to improve the Ss speaking ability.Teaching procedures:Step1 Greeting & Lead-in (At the beginning of the class, show the Ss a poem-twinkle, twinkle little star)T:Just now, we enjoined a bit interesting poem. How do you feel about the poem? (Ss may have different ideas). For myself, I like it. When I read the poem, it seems that a clear picture is shown before me. In the dark sky of night, there are thousands of stars that twinkle in the sky! So in this way, poem tells us about nature and shows us the beauty of nature. No wonder there are many poets expressing themselves by writing poems! Step 2 Warming-upT: You know there are many poems existing in the world, and China has a long history of poems ranging from Li Bai, Du Fu in the ancient times to Guo Monuo in the modern times. Can you recite some Chinese poems in a vivid way?(Wele some Ss to perform and give some claps; if possible show them some flash for the poems) Step 3 Speaking1.T: It seems that you have mastered Chinese poems well. 1) Do you all like the poems written by Li Bai or Du Fu?2) Whose style do you like best? /Which poet do you like best?So different people may like different poems. And youve also gained some knowledge of English poetry well, so its easy for you to express your feelings about poems.2.T: The circles below give you ideas of topics for poems, periods of time, groups or names of poets and human feelings in poems. Work in groups. Ask each other questions about the kind of poetry your classmates might want to read. Choose a word from each circle and explain why you would /would not like to read a poem like that. You can repeat the exercise a few times.3. T: When you are practising with your partner, do remember to use the useful expressions listed in your book.Step 4 TalkingT: A wonderful job! You all can express yourselves freely and use the expressions very well. Your ideas all sound reasonable. Though poems are beautiful and they can sometimes explore our inner motions, yet still many other people dont like them, for they think they are too sensitive. So some people are worried about their disappearing.T: Read the following passage and decide whether poetry is getting more popular or whether it is disappearing. Explain why you think so.-Poetry is dead! There are few people who read poetry in their free time. Who cares? However, some people do care. They think it is important to stop poetry disappearing from culture life.One way to save poetry is by proving that poetry is alive and around us everywhere. Poetry is not something for students of literature: an advertisement is just as much a poem as a Shakespeare sonnet(十四行诗).Poetry festival can make poetry more popular .At festivals, poets and audiences get together to read and listen to poetry. The song texts of hip-hop and rap music are often regarded as a new type of poetry of our time. Long live poetry. T: So having read this short passage, whats your point of view about the destiny(命运) of the poetry?T:(GW)Those who think poetry will be more popular, please sit on the left side of the class, and you are side A; And those who think poetry will disappear, please sit on the right side of the class, and you are side B. Then discuss the topic with your group members (4 Ss a group) and last lets share your ideas. And the monitor will be the judge to host the discussion.T: Monitor, you please! You may open the discussion like this: Im honored to host the discussion. Whats the future of the poetry? We dont know, but maybe after the discussion we can have a clear understanding of poetry. Now lets open our ears to their talking. Side A, you first(Then the monitor es to host the discussion) T: A really hot discussion. No matter how bad peoples attitudes towards poetry, after all poetry is a shining star in the sky of literature. There are still many points for us to appreciate. Enjoy poems, enjoy your life!Step 5 HomeworkYou know one way to stop poems from disappearing is to prove that poetry is alive and around us everywhere. So to hold a poetry festival is a good idea.Now you are asked to help organize a poetry festival at your school. The festival will take place on two days and it is hoped that the programme will be interesting and varied. Work in groups to discuss and decide about the programme for the festival. Discuss which forms of poetry should be part of the festival and which not课后记:Period 3 ReadingTeaching Goals:1. Learn about poets and poems of different countries.2. The similarities and differences between the Chinese and English poets and poems.3. Improve the students reading ability.4. To learn about the advantages of reading poems.Teaching procedures:Step1 Warming-up1. Check the homework.2. Ask some individuals to recite some poems in English.Step 2 Lead-inT: We know China has long history and splendid culture. Of course, in the field of poetry, we have many of the worlds greatest poets. Can you name some famous poets? SB&SC: Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Wang WeiT: Good job! Thanks. (Show the portraits of Li Bai & Du Fu on the screen) Chinese poets, such as Li Bai & Du Fu use their genius to make the dream world of poetry more colorful. Here is a poem written by Li Bai, I think you are familiar with it. ( Show the poem望庐山瀑布 on the screen)T: Okay, lets read it aloud together. Great poet Li Bai use his endless imagination to describe the wonderful scenery of the Lu Shan Mountain Waterfall, we can feel the power & magic of the waterfall through the words that Li Bai use. Can you recite any other poems that written by Chinese poets?(Call several of them to recite)T: Well done! We have taken a look on the art of poetry and Chinese poetry. Next, well take a journey to English poetry (show the theme page on the screen). English poetry is as interesting and attractive as Chinese. Ill be the guide to show you around. Step 3 Fast-readingT: So here we go! Open your books and turn to P27, look at the Reading part, English Poetry. First, I want you to go through the text quickly and find the answers to the following 2 questions:Q: 1. What are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature?2. Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo?(Give them 2 minutes to find the answers)T: Well, lets deal with the 2 questions.1. Poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. Poetry is difficult to write, but interesting to read. Poetry calls up all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.2. William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron & John Keats John DonneStep 4 Careful-readingTask 1. The main idea of each paragraph Call some of them to give the main idea of the each paragraph.Para. 1 The characters of poetry.Para. 2 A look on Chinese poetry.Para. 3 The first period of Modern English poetry.Para. 4 Modern English poetry in the 19th century.Para. 5 Why modern poets have special attraction?Para. 6 The introduction of English poetry to China.Para. 7 The translation of English poetry.The role that poems act as.Task 2 A timelineT: Excellent! Here is a task for you. Please focus on paragraph 3-5 and finish the timeline (show it on the screen), which will help you to get a more clear impression of some great poets in English history. Now do it!(After 3 minutes, check the answers)Step 4 Post-readingTask 1T: Lets turn to next step. Look at P28, Ex.1, make sure to get the right choices.(After 2 minutes, check the answers)Keys: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. CTask 2T: In several paragraphs, there are some words in bold; can you tell what do they refer to?(Show the 5 sentences on the screen and call some of the students to answer)Para. 1 That makes poetry difficult to write, but very interesting to read. -Poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar.Para. 3 Despite its short history, there is a lot of good poetry around.-English poetrysPara. 4 The style and atmosphere in their poems has often-William Wordsworth, Byron, John KeatsPara. 5 Finally, modern poets have their special in the language and images they use.-modern poetsPara. 7 They can help us to understand each other better,-poems and literatureStep 5 Further-understandingT: This lesson, weve learnt much of English poetry, its an exciting experience. Here is a question for you: the writer talks about the translation of poems in the last paragraph. Think this question;Task 1Q: If a poem is translated into another language, is it still the same poem? What are some differences?A: Something of the spirit of the original works is lost (including rhythm, rhyme, figures of speech of the poem, etc.).(To make them understand what the word spirit means, give a example of the parison between the original poem and its translation of the poem七步诗.)Task 2 T: The poet Mu Dan wrote a short poem, “Quietly, we embrace In a world lit up by words.”.Q: Can you use your own words to explain it?A: When people from one country read the poems from another, they will be struck by what is inside the poem, so they will understand each other and bee good friends.Step 6 EnjoymentT: You have understood the magic that poetry brings, thats great! There, we can use a image to describe the special role that poems and literature act as, “Poems and literature can be bridges.” Can you give other images to express the same idea? Whod like to have a try?A: 1.Poems and literature can be ties that bring the East and the West together.2. Poems and literature can be fine wine enjoyed by the East and the West.T: We say, Poems can be fine wine enjoyed by the East and the West. That means not matter you are a English or Chinese, you can find amusement in poem. But how to enjoy a English poem? We need to know several simple principle, do you want to know what principles they are? (Yes!) Well, lets see a clip of video.(After the end of the video, show the next slide)T: When enjoy an English poem, you should: 1. Use your heart and emotion.2. Imagine you are exactly in the dream world of that poem.Well, how about practice the short poem by the beautiful music?(Sure!) I give you a model first. Step 7 DiscussionT: Its really amusing! At the end of this lesson, lets have a discussion.Topic: Are poems good for our life? What can we get from poems?(After several minutes, let them to express their opinion)Suggested answers:1. Poems bring passion (激情) to our life. 2. Poems help us to understand life, virtues, beauty and romance3. Poems make us know, we are here, we can make our life and the world more colorful!Step 8 Homework1. Read the text again to get a better understanding.2. Read and translate several good English poems.3. Get some information about famous poets on internet if possibleReference for TeachingON THE SEAJohn KeatsIt keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell Gluts twice ten thousand Caverns, till the spell Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound. Often tis in such gentle temper found, That scarcely will the very smallest shell Be movd for days from where it sometime fell, When last the winds of Heaven were unbound. Oh ye! who have your eye-balls vexd and tird, Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea; Oh ye! who have your eye-balls vexd and tird, Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea; Oh ye! whose ears are dinnd with uproar rude, Or fed too much with cloying melody - Sit ye near some old Caverns Mouth, and brood Until ye start, as if the sea-nymphs quird! A SOLDIERRobert FrostHe is that fallen lance that lies as hurled,That lies unlifted now, e dew, e rust,But still lies pointed as it ploughed the dust.If we who sight along it round the world,See nothing worthy to have been its mark,It is because like men we look too near,Forgetting that as fitted to the sphere,Our missiles always make too short an arc.They fall, they rip the grass, they intersectT


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