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实用大学英语,Practical College English,Unit Seven,Section A Listening and Speaking 学习集中双元音、鼻音、舌边音以及句子的重音和节奏 掌握Study的相关表达 Section B Reading 阅读两篇有关Science的文章 Section C Trying Your Hand 了解数词的用法 学习英语短文的类型和结构,Highlights,Section A Listening and Speaking,A . 双元音 /i/ /e/ /鼻音 /m/ /n/ / 舌边音/ 双元音 /i/ /e/ / /i/ 的发音要领: 从/音滑向/音,双唇始终半开。 /e/ 的发音要领: 从/e/音滑向/音, /e/是前元音,发/e/时,开口和舌位高度在/和/之间,舌尖抵下齿龈。 /的发音要领: 从/音滑向/音,发音时嘴唇从收圆到半开。,Part One Pronunciation,鼻音 /m/ /n/ / /m/的发音要领: 双唇合拢,形成阻碍,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出,声带振动。 /n/的发音要领: 舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出,口微开,声带振动。 /的发音要领: 舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,气流从鼻腔泄出,口张开,声带振动。,舌边音/ /有两种发音,在元音前发清晰 / ( clear/); 在元音后或音节末尾发含混 /(dark/)。 清晰/发音要领: 舌端抵住上齿龈,舌前向硬腭抬起,形成阻碍,气流冲破阻碍发音,声带振动。 含混/发音要领: 舌端抵住上齿龈,舌后上抬,舌面呈凹形,气流从舌的两侧泄出,声带振动。,B. 句子的重音和节奏 句子的重音 句子的重音指人们在朗读连贯的语句时哪些词要重读哪些词不重读的一套规则,主要包括下面几点: 1. 实词要重读 2. 虚词要轻读 3. 上下文中新信息重读,旧信息不重读 4. 一些通常不重读的词若在表达句意方面很重要,则应重读。 句子的节奏 在英语句子中,一般一个重读音节与其前后的非重读音节构成一个节奏群,即一拍。一句话可有多个节奏群。,B. 句子的重音和节奏 句子的重音 句子的重音指人们在朗读连贯的语句时哪些词要重读哪些词不重读的一套规则,主要包括下面几点: 1. 实词要重读 2. 虚词要轻读 3. 上下文中新信息重读,旧信息不重读 4. 一些通常不重读的词若在表达句意方面很重要,则应重读。 句子的节奏 在英语句子中,一般一个重读音节与其前后的非重读音节构成一个节奏群,即一拍。一句话可有多个节奏群。,Exercises,. Read the following expressions aloud and try to find out the words with /i/, /e/, /. . Read the following expressions aloud and try to find out the words with /, / and / . . Read the following words aloud, then mark C after the word with clear/(清晰/), and mark D after the word with dark/(含混/). . Read the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the words that should be stressed. . Read each group of the sentences, and try to feel the rhythm., freshman大学一年级新生 sophomore大学二年级学生 junior大学三年级学生 senior大学四年级学生 I major in English and minor in Japanese. 我主修英语,辅修日语。 Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学 tutor家庭教师 Im still working on it.我还在为之努力。,Part Two Imitate and Memorize,Dialogue 1 . Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). . Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the information youve heard. . Role Play,Part Three Dialogues,Dialogue 2 . Listen to the dialogue and complete the following statements with the information youve heard. . Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions.,Part Four Passgages,Passage 1 Now youll hear a passage. Listen to it and complete the following sentences according to the information youve heard with the words provided in the box. Then listen to it again and check your answers. ,Passage 2 . Now youll hear a passage, which is followed by four questions. Listen to it and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Then listen to it again and check your answers. . Discuss with your partners about learning methods.,大学生的学习态度 勤奋(Diligence) 诚实(Honesty) 谦虚(Modesty ) 执着(Persistence,Part Five Manners Bar,Section B Reading,Pre-class Work: Two-minute Presentation read the text by yourself before class try to answer the questions below with the given expressions organize your ideas into a short passage give a two-minute presentation in class Questions: 1. Are you interested in electronic products? 2. What interesting electronic products have you used? 3. What features does your favorite one have? 4. Why do you like it? 5. Do you think there are any shortcomings in it? Useful Expressions: be different from与 不同, disadvantage 缺点, version 版本, compare with和 相比,Text A,Sonys Reader Background Tips 电子书 书电子书是一种便于携带的新型阅读工具。其屏幕(Screen)与笔记本电脑(Notebook PC)的屏幕非常相似,可以用特殊的笔触设备操作(如在页面上写字、做标记等)。整个屏幕就像一个打印在玻璃上的书面,可以支持精密文字的显示。电子书可以在黑暗环境中阅读,这是传统图书无法实现的。 电子书的操作比较简单,不同于传统的电脑,在启动时无须等待,它如同电视机一样,打开开关马上就能进入工作状态。 电子书的翻页按钮(Button)也不同于电脑上的滚屏方式,你不必再像操作计算机那样使用滚动条(Scroll Bar)上下移动整个文本(Text),来定位所要寻找的部分,而完全可以像翻动一本书的书页那样,只需按下“向前”或“向后”的按钮即可翻到另一页。当然你也可以直接“跳转”至自己感兴趣的某页。此外,你还可以把电子书的“书签”(Bookmark)插入某页当中,它可以帮助读者在全书范围内搜寻(Search)某些字词。 如果增加电子书阅读器的存储芯片(CMOS Chip),电子书的存储能力是惊人的。电子书的使用者可在因特网上建立自己的网上书库来存储自己已购买的图书,必要时再下载到电子书的存储芯片中以供阅读。,Structure,Para. 1: The launch of Sonys Reader threatens the printed page. Para. 2-4: The features of Sonys Reader. Para. 5-6: Sonys commercial activities and its Readers price. Para 7Dan Browns Comments on Sonys Reader.,New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper Nouns,Notes: LCD (liquid crystal display) 液晶显示 However, the Reader displays its text on a page of electronic paper, which is almost indistinguishable from the real thing. 该电子阅读器则是将内容显示在一张电子纸上,这种电子纸与真正的纸张极其相似。 the Consumer Electronics Fair 消费电子博览会,Exercises,Task 1 Trying to Remember It Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory. Task 2 Reading Comprehension . Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. . Explain the following sentences.,Task 3 Vocabulary & Structure . Crossword. . Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given below(Please notice that not every one will be used). . Combine each group of the sentences using the conjunction even if. Task 4 Translation . Complete the following sentences. . Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,How Much Do You Know about Vitamin D About the Theme 健康永远是人们关注的话题。随着生活节奏的加快和工作压力的增加,许多人逐渐陷于亚健康状态。合理膳食,适量运动,心理平衡,摒弃不良生活习惯,才能拥有精彩人生。 New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper Nouns,Text B,Notes: So those who are particular about food tend to have vitamin D deficiency. 因此那些挑食的人更易缺乏维生素D。,Exercises,. Choose the best answer according to the text you have read. . Discuss the following questions with your partners.,Section C Trying Your Hand,数 词 一、基数词 1.112one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve。 2. 1319在相关词后加teen。 3. 2090的整十数:在相关词后加ty。 4. 2199在十位数和个位数中间加“-”。 5. 101999在百位数和十位数之间加and。 6. 1,000以上:千是thousand,万是ten thousand,十万是hundred thousand,百万是million,千万是ten million,亿是hundred million。,Part One Grammar,二、序数词 1. one, two, three的序数词是first, second, third。 2. 其他序数词由基数词后加th构成。 注意: fivefifth, eight eighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth 以ty结尾的要变y为i,再加eth。 序数词有缩写形式。,三、分数 分数的构成: 1. 分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是1,分母用单数;分子大于1,分母用复数,如果是带分数,借助于and。 2. 还可以用half和quarter表示分数。 四、小数 小数的读法 五、百分数 百分数 的读法,六、倍数 表示倍数可用下列句式: 1. 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+as+形容词+as 2. 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+the size (amount, length) of 3. 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+形容词(副词)比较级+than 七、年、月份、日期和时刻 年号的读法 月份表示法 日期表示法 时刻表示法,Exercise,Read the following numerals aloud.,英语短文的类型和结构 一、英语短文的类型 1. 记叙文 2. 描写文 3. 说明文 4. 议论文 二、英语短文的结构 1. 引言段 2. 正文 3. 结尾段,Part Two General Writing,Exercises,. Read the article below, tell what type of essay it is, and try to find the introductory paragraph, the main body and the conclusion. . Translate the underlined paragraph of the above article into Chinese.,Thank You,

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