《实用大学英语 4》Unit .ppt

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实用大学英语 4,Practical College English 4,Unit One,Highlights,Section C Trying Your Hand,Section B Reading,Section A Listening and Speaking,掌握 Partnership and Cooperation的相关表达,阅读两篇有关Culture的文章 阅读一篇有关Preface的应用文,了解名词从句的用法 学习Advertisement的写法,Part Four Manners Bar,Part Three Passages,Part Two Dialogues,Part One Imitate and Memorize,Section A Listening and Speaking,Part One Imitate and Memorize, We have been in this line of business for more than 40 years. 我们从事这个行业已经40多年了。 May I have a look at your catalogues and samples? 我能看一下贵公司的产品目录和样品吗? We wish to establish relations with you. 我们希望与贵公司建立业务联系。 Your desire coincides with ours. 我们和您的愿望是一致的。 financial position, credit standing and trade reputation 财务状况、信誉和声誉 Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit 建立业务联系将对我们双方都有利。,Part Two Dialogues,Dialogue 1 . Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. . Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the information youve heard. . Role Play,Dialogue 2 . Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. . Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following statements with the information youve heard.,Part Three Passages,Passage 1 Listen to the passage twice and answer the following questions. Passage 2 . Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. . Listen to the passage again and fill in the following chart.,Part Four Manners Bar,商务信函礼仪 商业信函的书写应遵循以下七个原则 (又称为7 C 原则): 1. 谦恭有礼 (Courtesy) 2. 条理清晰 (Clearness) 3. 简洁明了 (Conciseness) 4. 考虑周到 (Consideration) 5. 语言正确 (Correctness) 6. 内容完整 (Completeness) 7. 具有特色 (Character),Text C Preface,Text B Education in the US,Text A Education in Britain,Section B Reading,Text A Education in Britain,read the text by yourself before class,try to answer the questions below with the given expressions,organize your ideas into a short passage,give a two-minute presentation in class,Pre-class Work: Two-minute Presentation,Questions: 1. How many types of education are available in China? What are they? 2. Where do children usually go before they enter primary school? 3. How many years does primary school usually last? 4. What does secondary education in China usually include? 5. What do higher education and adult education in China usually consist of?,pre-school education 学前教育 Kindergarten 幼儿园 elementary school 小学 secondary school 中学 junior high school 初中 senior high school 高中 vocational and technical school 职业技术学校,Useful Expressions:,undergraduate 本科生 junior college 大专 graduate program 研究生教育 Postgraduate 研究生 Ph. D 博士 Self-taught students at higher level 高等教育自考 evening university 夜大,Education in Britain Background Tips 英国的教育体系 享有盛誉 (High Reputation) 义务教育 (Compulsory Education) 双轨制 (Dual-track System),Education in Britain Structure Para. 1 British people are deeply concerned for education. Para. 25 A description of the British education system. Para. 6 A description of the standards in British education.,Education in Britain New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper nouns,Education in Britain Exercises Task 1 Trying to Remember It Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory. Task 2 Reading Comprehension . Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. . Explain the following sentences.,Task 3 Vocabulary & Structure . Crossword . Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given below (Please notice that not every one will be used). . Combine the two simple sentences in each of the following groups together by using Nominal Clauses.,Task 4 Translation . Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese information. . Translate the following sentences into Chinese,About the Theme 中、西方在教育体制、教育观念、教育方法等方面存在较大的差异。 课程方面:中国学校比较注重知识的深度,而西方学校的教学则以培养学生的个人能力为主。 授课方面:中国学校以老师授课为主,主要讲解记忆性的基本知识,而 西方学校课堂注重双向交流,知识点的传授也以发挥学生的自由想象为主。 对待知识的态度方面:中国老师鼓励学生积极吸收知识,而一些西方国家老师鼓励学生以怀疑、批判的态度来对待书本上的知识。,Text B Education in the US,Education in the US New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper nouns,Education in the US Exercises . Choose the best answer according to the text you have read. . Discuss the following questions with your partners.,Text C Preface,Preface to Promote Your Business or Service in a Small Town New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper Nouns,Preface to Promote Your Business or Service in a Small Town Exercises Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.,Part Two Practical Writing,Part One Grammar,Section C Trying Your Hand,Part One Grammar,名词从句 定义:在复合句中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clause)。 分类:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句 引导词: 连接词 that, whether, if 连接代词what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which 连接副词 when, where, how, why,Exercises . Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences. . Point out the nominal clause and the function it serves in each of the following sentences.,Part Two Practical Writing,广 告 常用表达 be in charge of 主管 excellent interpersonal skills 出色的人际交往能力 strong negotiation skills 优秀的协商谈判能力 at least 3 years successful working experience of 在领域至少三年的成功工作经验 working experience in the field ofis a benefit 有在领域的工作经验者优先 A capability of working under high pressure and tight schedules is a must. 必须有能够适应紧急安排及高压力工作的能力。,常见缩略语 admin (administrative) 行政的 loc (location) 位置,场所 bkgd (background) 背景 perm (permanent ) 永久性的 refs (references) 推荐信 P/T (part-time) 兼职 (的) fr. Ben (fringe benefits) 额外福利,F/T (full-time) 全日制 temp (temporarily) 临时性地 HS (high school) 高中 (学历) trnee (trainee) 实习生,培训生 wpm (words per minute) 打字/每分钟 expd (experienced) 有经验的 inexp (inexperienced) 无经验的,Exercises . Complete the advertisement according to the Chinese information given below. . Read the following famous advertisements and try to translate them into Chinese.,Thank You !,

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