2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(备课资料).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(备课资料).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(备课资料).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(备课资料) I异域风情THE GREAT PYRAMID The kings of ancient Egypt were very rich. They planned strong tombs to keep their bodies of the dead. These tombs kept the bodies safe. They also held the treasures of the dead. Over the tombs, the kings built huge stone pyramids. There are about eighty known pyramids in Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the largest of all. It was built by a king called Khufu. The Great Pyramid stands on the west bank of the Nile River not far from Cairo. In fact, all the pyramids are on the west bank of the Nile. There is a reason for this. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. The ancient Egyptians pared the rising of the sun with the beginning of life and the setting of the sun with the end of life. They pared day to life and night to death. This is why they buried their dead on the west bank of the Nile. Its very hard to realize just how big the Great Pyramid is. It has over 2 300 000 blocks of solid stone. These huge stone blocks weigh an average of two and a half tons each, as much as a small car. Some even weigh fifteen tons. Without machinery, the ancient Egyptians cut and moved and lifted each of these stones. The blocks came from the east bank of the Nile. Slaves took them across the Nile in boats at flood time. It took more than 100 000 slaves twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet high today, and it was once higher. Its base covers thirteen acres. Each of the sides of the pyramid is 755 feet long, or about as long as two city blocks. It takes about twenty minutes to walk all the way around the pyramid. Every king wanted his tomb to be the finest. But Khufu outdid them all. The surface of his pyramid used to shine with smooth white limestone, and its top came to a sharp point. Inside, the body of Khufu rested in a great stone coffin. His body was preserved to last forever, and about him lay many treasures. Now after many years, weather has worn away the shining surface, and men have taken some of the huge stones to build other: things. Thieves have stolen the treasures, and they have even stolen the body of Khufu himself. Today, the sides of the Great Pyramid are no longer smooth and white. The lime- stone is gone. The huge stones are exposed and you can climb them, like steps, to the top. When you have reached the top, you can see miles around you. You can see the smaller Pyramids and the Sphinx, the great stone statue of the lion with a human headTo the westyou can see the Libyan Desert;to the east,you can see the green Nile Valley and the modern city of Cairo 知识归纳 1remind用法归纳 A.作“提醒”讲 (1)remind sbto do sth egPlease remind me to call him back 请提醒我给他回电话。 He reminds me to attend the lecture on time this morning 他提醒我今天上午按时去听演讲。 (2)remind sbofabout sth。 egIn case l forget,please remind me of it 我要是忘了,请提醒我。 We must send a letter to remind them about it 我们得写信提醒他们这件事。 (3)remind sb+that-clause egHe remind me that I would answer the letter as early as possible 他提醒我尽早回信。 May I remind you that time will soon be up? 请允许我提醒你,时间快到了,好吗? (4)remind sb egIf my father forgets it,I hope you will remind him 如果我父亲忘了的话。我希望你提醒他一下。 B作“使想起”讲 (1)remind sbof sth egThis photo reminds me of my childhood。 这张照片使我想起了我的童年。 The man reminds me of my father 那人使我想起了我的父亲。 (2) remind sb. +that-clause egThat suddenly reminded her that she had promised to ring him up 那突然使她想起说过要给他打电话 The sight of the watch reminded me that I was late 看到那手表就想到我迟到了。 2as常见用法归纳 (1)作副词,意为“同样地、一样”。 eg.He runs fast,but I run as fast 他跑得快,我跑得也一样快。 (2)作介词,意为“作为、当作”。 egHe worked as a bus driver for two years 他当过两年公共汽车司机。 Most people regarded him as a fool 大多数人把他当作傻瓜。 (3)作连词,有四种不同的意思。 引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”一边一边”。 egAs I waited at the stop, I heard a big noise。 在车站等的时候,我听到了一个巨大的声响。 I read the letter as I walked along the river 我一边沿着河走,一边读这封信。 引导原因状语从句,意为“由于、因为”。 egEverybody likes him as he is kind and honest 大家喜欢他,因为他和气、诚实。 引导方式状语从句,意为“按照方式,像”。 e.g. I didnt feel as you did 我和你的感受不一样。 He doesnt speak as other people do 他说话和别人不一样。 引导让步状语从句,常用倒装语序,意为“虽然、尽管” egYoung as he is,he knows a lot 他虽然年幼,可懂得很多。 Child as he is, he helps do a lot of housework 尽管他是个孩子,但他帮助做许多家务。 (4)as可构成的短语: as usual像往常一样 as a result因此。结果 as though好像 as if好像 as to至于,关于 as for至于,就而论 3would rather用法归纳(1)would rather do sth“宁愿做某事” e.g. I would rather stay at home for a rest 我宁愿呆在家里休息 (2)would rather not do sth“宁愿不做某事” egHe would rather not tell his mother the truth 他宁可不告诉他妈妈事实的真相。 (3)would ratherthan“宁愿而不”。可替换成wouldrather than意义不变。 egShe would rather die than give in She would die rather than give in Rather than die she would give in 她宁死不屈服。 She would rather have some sweet than fruit。 她宁吃糖不吃水果 (4) would rather(that),在that从句中和过去时表现在或将来要做的事,用过去完成时则表示过去做的事。 egId rather(that)you did the work tomorrow 我很想让你明天干这项工作。 We would rather you hadnt clone that 我们真希望你没做过那件事。 4.with的复合结构 with加复合宾语这种结构在英语中运用比较广泛,在句中主要作状语表示谓语动作发生的伴随状语、时间、原因、方式,也可以作定语,常见结构如下: (1)with + npron十aaj egIts not polite to speak with your mouth full 满嘴东西说话是不礼貌的。(作伴随状语) (2)with + n/ pron+adv egShe fell asleep with the light on 她睡着了,灯还亮着。(作伴随状语) (3)with +npron十prepphr egThe teacher walked into the classroom with some books under his arm 老师走进教室,腋下夹着一些书。(作伴随状语) The girl with a bag。n her back is Li Pings sister 那个女孩背着一个书包,她是李平的妹妹。(作定语) (4)with +npron+present participle egHe used to sleep with the light burning 他过去常常亮着灯睡觉。(作伴随状语) With you standing here, we cant work 你站在这儿,我们没法工作。(作原因状语) (5)with +npron.+ past participle egA young man was brought in with his hands tied behind 一个年轻人被带了进来,双手被反绑着。(作伴随状语) (6)with +npron+to do egWith him to help us。we finished the work well。 由于他帮忙,我们很好地完成了这项工作。(作原因状语) 词语辨析 l。findfind out1ook for 三者都有“找”的意思。find指东西失而复得。强调“找”的结果;find out指有意去找,但常含有通过一定努力、克服一定的困难才能“找到、查明、弄清楚”;look for强调“找”的动作。 egShe looked everywhere for her pen, but couldnt find it 她找遍了所有地方找她的笔,但没能找着。 We must find out the truth of the matter 我们必须查明事情的真相。 What are you doing? Im looking for my pen 你在干什么?我在找我的笔 2certainsome 两者均可表示“某一、某种”。不确指,但有区别。 (1)certain后接可数名词单数,但要和不定冠词连用,也可接复数名词。 ega certain book某本书 for a certain reason为了某种原因 There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me 她对我的态度有某种程度的冷淡。 Certain parts of the car,like the lights, will be supplied by other panies 汽车的某些部件像灯,将由别的公司提供。 (2)some常接可数名词单数不需与不定冠词连用。 egSome person is asking for you at the gate 在大门口有人找你。 He is working at some place in the north 他在北方某地工作 能力训练 1将下列句子翻译成英语 (1)我得马上请人把我的自行车修好。 答案:Ill have to get my bike repaired at once. (2)你想让别人给你擦窗户吗? 答案:Do you want toWould you like to have your windows cleaned? (3)他们要请人把教室油漆一遍。 答案:They will have the classroom painted。 (4)那位先生在裁缝店做了几套衣服。 答案;The gentleman had several suits made at the tailors shop (5)他说他会在12小时内让人完成这项工作。 答案:He said he would have the work finished within 12 hours (6)在昨晚的飓风中,这个公园里的许多珍贵树木被毁坏了。 答案:The park had many valuable trees damaged in the hurricane last night 2.用动词的正确形式填空 (1)When the students returned to school they found their classrooms_ (paint)beautifully (2)After ten years,he came back and found his hometown_ (change)a lot。 (3)She (have) her hair_(cut)short yesterday? (4)Could you please do me a favour to get this letter_(post)? (5)I had a few photos_ (take)in the Western Hills (6)The machine doesnt seem To work wellYoud better have it_ (check) (7)I think we shall_(get)the repair work_(finish)in a week or so (8)We (have)a new tap_(fix)yesterday (9)He_(have)ten new houses_(build)during his life time (10)Surprisingly,we found no villagers_(injure)in the hurricane。 答案:(1)painted (2)changed (3)had;cut (4)posted (5)taken (6)checked (7)get;finished (8)had;fixed (9)has had;built (10)injured


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