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Unit 3 Lesson 15 Left and Right 课时目标:知识目标:1.能听、说、读、写关于面部器官的6个单词:hair , nose , eye , mouth , ear , face 。2.能听说、认读和运用 left 和 right 。3.理解“Lets chant!” 中的内容,并能边唱边表演。能力目标:会运用句型:“What is it? It is your.” 进行交际。情感目标:通过小组合作培养学生的合作意识和能力。教学重难点:重点:四会面部器官的六个单词:hair , nose , eye , mouth , ear , face 。难点:left 和 right; 会唱歌曲。教具学具:卡片,图片,录音机。教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up and reviewing1. Greeting.2. Reviewing.Review the word about the body: hand , head ,arm , leg , foot 。Step 2: Lead in:T: What is this?(教师伸出左手问学生) S:It is a hand.T: What is this? (教师伸出右手问学生) S:It is a hand.T: 同学们要想把两只手分开咱们需要用到哪两个词?S:左和右。T: 领读:左 left 右right S: 跟读5遍T: 板书 Lesson 15 Left and RightT: 引导学生说出:left hand right hand left foot right foot教师指着自己的脸说“face” Read after me 5 times please. (板书face)然后指着不同的面部器官来教授单词:hair, eye, nose, mouth,ear.2. Reading the new words Teacher shows the word cards and the students read the words.Then show the pictures and say out the words.3. practicing the new wordsGive the students 3 minutes to practice reading the words.4. Playing the word games.5. Play “point and say” gameGive students 3 minutes to practice “point and say”。Then ask some students to discribe their face in English.Step 5:Spelling the new words1. Look at the word cards and spell the words once.2. Give students three minutes to practice spelling.3. Ask some students to spell the words.Step 6:Writing the new words: Give students three minutes to writes in their exercise book. Then check if they write correctly. At the same time,ask two students to write on the blackboard.Step 7:Pattern T: What is it? S: It is your. Give students three minutes to practice the words and the pattern sentences. Then ask some students to act out in pairs.让学生把本课所学单词带入到句子里进行运用和交际。Step 8:Lets chant. 把今天新学的单词eye ,ear 和left, right 带入到歌曲里唱一唱。Step 9:Conclusion Teacher concluses what we learn in this lesson.板书设计Lesson 15: Left and Right课时目标:知识目标:1.四会单词:hair , nose , eye , mouth , ear , face 。2.三会单词 left 和 right 。3.会唱歌曲。能力目标:会运用句型:“What is it? It is your.” 进行交际。情感目标:通过小组合作培养学生的合作意识和能力。回顾总结:1.情景教学贯穿始终。在本课的教学过程中,注重用情景展现话题,借助图片和学生的面部帮助学生直观地认识人体面部器官的单词。这部分教学学生直接参与其中,让学生直接表演,看图片,发挥学生的主动性同时也激发了学生得兴趣。2.以学生为主体,小组合作为教学活动的主要形式。通过小组成员的合作可以培养学生的合作能力和互助意识。3.采用灵活多变的丰富多彩的教学手段与方法。如:图片展现,单词卡片,录音机,单词游戏,歌曲等教学法方激发学生的兴趣。

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