三年级英语上册 Unit 7 Food and Drink教案1 广东版开心.doc

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Unit 7 Food and drink单元教材分析:本单元是省编的 开心学英语三年级上册的Unit 7 Food and drink ,内容是Story ,Vocabulary ,Target, Practice 1&2,Song ,Activity 1&2,Alphabet几部分合成。课前Warm-up的内容主要是复习Unit6的歌曲及其问句和答句的句型结构,既复习了旧知识,又可以让学生快速进入英语学习的情景中,利于调动学生的积极性和热情。第一课时教学内容:Vocabulary ,target ,song 三部分。教学目标:1.语言知识目标:学生掌握表示食物和饮料的单词。2.语言技能目标:学生能用词汇谈论自己或他人喜欢的食物和饮料。3.情感态度目标:(1)培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,积极参与说英语、做游戏等实践活动。(2)帮助学生树立较强的自信心,培养学生乐于与他人合作的精神和竞争意识。(3)教授各国特色食物,培养学生珍惜粮食的情感态度。教学重点:掌握表示食物和饮料的6个单词:“cake, bread, noodles, rice, ice cream, milk”。教学难点:会用“What do you like? ”提问并回答“I like.”。课前准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、糖果实物教学过程:I. Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Sing English songs II. PresentationT: Today is Xiyangyangs birthday .He will have a birthday party at home .Look ! So much food and drink.(present a picture of food and drink) T: Oh,no ,the big big wolf came and took out all the food and drink .Lets take them back . We have 4 steps. Step 1: Make friends T: Lets go to Step 1- Make friends .Listen what does Xiyangyang say ? (play the tape and have Ss listen to it )Xiyangyang :Hello , Im Xiyangyang . I like cake .What do you like ? T: Just now , we knew that Xiyangyang likes cake .What about his friends .Lets ask them.Ss: Lanyangyang, Lanyangyang, what do you like ? Tape: I like bread . Yum !Ss: Meiyangyang, Meiyangyang, what do you like ? Tape: I like noodles. Yum !Ss: Nuanyangyang, Nuanyangyang, what do you like ? Tape: I like rice . Yum !Ss: Feiyangyang, Feiyangyang, what do you like ? Tape: I like ice cream . Yum !Ss: Manyangyang, Manyangyang, what do you like ? Tape: I like milk. Yum !T: We make friends and know what they like. Lets play a game .OK?T: All of you did a good job .Now lets hit the big big wolf .“Wolf wolf go away .”Ss: “Wolf wolf go away .”Step 2 Sing a song PracticeStep 3:Lets be a voice actor.T:(Present the picture of Target ) Lets listen. What do Tony ,Jenny and Gogo say ? ExtensionStep 4 Buy some food T: lets go to the last step .“Buy some food ”Present more words and pictures about the food or drink in different areas and have them read out.(Words :tofu , zongzi ,pizza , hamburger, chips ,coffee,juice.) T: There are so much food and drink . Now lets go to a supermarket and find out where they are.Play the video and have Ss watch carefully . Take back the food and drink.T: We passed four steps and get the food and drink now .The goats are having the party and enjoy the food and drink . They say “ Yum ,Yum ,Yum ,Yum ,Yum .”Ss:“ Yum ,Yum ,Yum ,Yum ,Yum .”T takes out a bag of candy and has the Ss share the candy . HomeworkcakebreadnoodlesriceicecreammilkFatherMotherBrotherSisterAsk your father , mother ,sister ,brother “ What do you like ?”and check ( ) in the table.2、Lets find out more words about food and drink and write them down on your book 板书: Unit 7 Food and drink cake rice bread milk noodles ice cream What do you like ? I like .教学反思: 第二课时教学内容:Story ,Practice 1,Activity 1 三部分。教学目标:语言知识目标:( 1)学生掌握进一步掌握句型What do you like ?I like .(2)能理解Story 中的内容,并表演。2、语言技能目标:进一步巩固用词汇谈论自己或他人喜欢的食物和饮料。3、情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们表演的欲望。通过小组之间互相合作学习,培养集体主义精神。继续教育学生要珍惜粮食。教学重点: What do you like ? I like .句型的巩固。教学难点:会用“what do you like? ”提问并回答“I like.”或者“I dont like. 。”课前准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片教学过程:I. Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Sing English song “What do you like ?” 3.Look and say .(通过呈现图片复习单词)II. PresentationLead-inT: I am a shopkeeper. You are the customers.Shopkeeper: Good morning.Customer : Good morning.Shopkeeper: What do you like?Customer : I like Shopkeeper: Ok. Here you are.Customer : Thank you!1、(Present a picture of an ant )Look ,The little ant wants to find something to eat. Please guess what he likes . (Present a tail .An ant bites on Gogos tail and Gogo shouts“Ouch!”)T: Gogo , Jenny and Tony are in the park. They are having a picnic. What will happen ? Lets see. Consolidation :(1)Listen and watch the video of the story carefully.(2)Listen again and then order the story in your group.(3)Read the story by yourselves and then answer the questions.What do you like ?Jenny: I like .Gogo: I like , and .Tony : I like . Gogo, what dont you like ?Gogo: I dont like .(4) Act it out in groups.(5)Look at the table and talk in groups. () I like_.() I dont like_.【设计意图:通过看表格练习句型,把本课的重难点化难为易。】 Practice1、请将同组同学的名字写下并问他们“What do you like?”“What dont you like?”根据同学的回答完成下表。NameMe2、Listen and number .Finish Practice 1 in P48.3、T:Lets go to the farm and pick up what you like . Extension : 1.Make your cards.Example :This is my card.(这是我的卡片.) Hi ,I am a girl . I am 9 . I like milk and rice . I dont like ice cream.2.Look,read and check.(判断句子的对与错,对的写T错的写F。)I am Ben .I like cake .( )I am Lisa. I like milk.( ) Summary : We like food, so we cant waste food. 我们都喜欢食物,所以不能浪费食物。 Homework1.Listen and read the Story at home.2.Tell your classmates what you like and what you dont like .Hello! I am . I like . I like . But I dont like .板书:Unit 7 Food and drink What do you like ? I like . But I dont like . 教学反思:第三课时教学内容:Practice2,Activity 2,Alphabet三部分。教学目标:1.语言知识目标: (1)语音 掌握英语音素/s/ /t/ / /v/的发音和字母S、T、U、V在单词中的拼读规则。(2)词汇 掌握包含有/s/ /t/ / /v/发音的单词4个2.语言技能目标:学生能准确书写字母S、T、U、V。3.情感态度目标:(1)通过学生感兴趣的神话小故事引入,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。(2)通过简单的小组合作练习,让学生喜欢自己的小组员和愿意参加小组活动。教学重点:字母s、t、u、v的音,形,及在以s、t、u、v开头的单词中的发音。教学难点:结合字母的发音,教会学生拼读方法,培养学生拼读能力。在这节课中,让学生对以s、t、u、v开头的单词能听音辨词并能基本拼读单词。课前准备:多媒体课件、字母卡片教学过程:I. Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Play and say .II. RevisionT :Your turn now. Listen , circle and answer.(Have Ss finish Practice 2)T: You are a reporter now .Please interview your partner “What do you like ?” PresentationStep 1 :多媒体课件出示英语乐园,画面出现一个手执魔棒的小仙女。T: Today an angel will take us to a wonderful place. 课件出示字母王国里字母和数字手拉手的画面,并配有音乐。教师和学生伴着音乐的节奏,边做动作边表演儿歌:ABC。 ABC, follow me. Its as easy as 123. 123,ABC. Its so easy as you see. ABCDEFG, Father, mother and me. CDEFGAB, Sing and dance under the tree.Step 2 T: This is a magic tree . Guess what are on the tree?Step3 1)T: Whats this ?A snake comes out under the tree.这像字母树上哪个果实上的字母?S: 菠萝上的字母。(菠萝上带有字母S)T: S s, S s.教师打开树上一个画好四线格的小房子。T:这座小房子就是字母Ss 的家。(呈现Ss的书写)同样的方法教学字母Tt, Uu,Vv.2)教师用彩色粉笔在字母树的上方画上四线格。T: 同学们想不想将树上的字母请上彩虹桥呢?教师在黑板上示范板书,全体同学通过书空、临描、抄写等活动学习字母的书写。 Practice and production Game 1:给字母穿上漂亮衣服。(学生在教师给的图中找出学过的字母,涂上喜欢的颜色。) Game 2:将字母送回家。(学生在教师发的小房子图片上写上本节课学的字母,以听写的形式进行。) 3.教师出示字母单词卡片,教读,并把卡片贴在相应的果实旁。 4 .Ending借助多媒体课件生动的画面和富有节奏的音乐出示Chant的内容。学生轻声跟随。/s/,/s/,/s/,sun/t/,/t/,/t/,tiger/,/,/,uncle/v/,/v/,/v/,violinHey !/s/,/s/,/s/,sun/t/,/t/,/t/,tiger/,/,/,uncle/v/,/v/,/v/,violinHey !Homework :1.Copy the letters 4 times.2.Chant with your classmates after class.课后反思:

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