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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit9TechnologyPeriod3一词语填空1. I have been so busy , but when I got to the office, there is an u_ visitor again. 2. He has a c_ from which you can find out the date.3. Now I have _ (多达)100,000 yuan in all. 4. Its bad for you to study _(整夜).5. Act _ (按照)what the teacher tell you to.二选择题1. I may have to work late, _ I will telephone my wife. A. in that case B. in what case C. in which case D. in either case2. The teacher said your position needed _. A. to add to B. adding to C. to add D. adding3. Taking this kind of medicine for a long time will make him suffer its _. A. long effect B. good effect C. negative effect D. no effect4. When she worked there, he could earn _ 900 yuan a month. A. as many as B. as much as C. so high as D. as far as5. Look! The building which _ will be used as a lab. A. is being built B. being built C. to be built D. is built6. The plan that they made several months ago _ now. A. has been carried out B. is being carried out C. will be carried out D. was being carried out7. The peasants looked sadly at their crops _ by the flood. A. washed away B. washing away C. being washed away D. to be washed away8. The blackboard needs _ now. A. being repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. having been repaired9. The edy _ these days is the best one I have ever seen. A. that has been shown B. that is being shown C. which was being shown D. which will be shown10. In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar. A. is being served B. is served C. serves D. served11. The experiment _, Im sure well know the result soon. A. is to do B. is to be done C. will be done D. is being done12. E- mail , as well as telephones _ an important part in daily munication. A. is being played B. are playing C. have played D. is playing13. The man is listening to the music _ on the radio. A. that will be broadcast B. that has been broadcast C. which is being broadcast D. that was being broadcast14. Have you moved into the new house? Not yet, the rooms _.A. are painted B. are painting C. are being painting D. are being painted15. Henry, why didnt you e last time?I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. had B. did C. would D. was going to三完形填空A year ago , I paid no attention to English idioms, though my teacher emphasized ( 强调) the importance again and again . But soon the importance of English idioms was _1_ by an amusing _2_. One day, I _3_ to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk . As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be understanding gently shaking his head, shrugging (耸肩) his shoulders, saying, “You dont say !” “You dont say !” I was _4_. I thought , perhaps this was _5_ an appropriate ( 合适) topic. Well, I d better _6_ the topic (话题) . So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall ? By the way, have you ever been there ?” “Certainly, everyone _7_ home will laugh at me if I leave China without _8_ it. It was magnificent. He was _9_ in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide. “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are _10_ of if . ”I said . But soon I was _11_ again by his order. “You dont say!” Then I couldnt help _12_. “Why do you ask me not to _13_ it ?” “Well, I didnt request you to do _14_” He answered , greatly _15_ I said, “Didnt you say you dont say?” Hearing this, the Englishman _16_ to tears. He began to explain, “ You dont say _17_ means really. It is an _18_ of surprise. Perhaps you dont pay attention to English idioms. ”Only _19_ did I know I had make a _20_ of myself . Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions than ever. 1. A. put B. paid C. made D. shown 2.A. experience(经验)B. experiment C. practice D. situation 3.A. decided B. happened C. wanted D. hoped 4.A. puzzled(使)迷惑B. worried C. sorry D. troubled 5.A. just B. such C. not D. only 6.A. keep B. change C. explain D. choose 7.A. back B. from C. away D. with 8.A. looking B. seeing C. watching D. making 9.A. active B. moved C. buried D. deep 10.A. proud B. fond C. sure D. successful 11.A. stopped B. interrupted C. troubled D. feared 12.A. asking B. wondering C. worrying D. crying 13.A. give up B . talk about C. stop D. look at 14.A. that B. something C. anything D. so 15.A. surprised B. excited C. pleased D. satisfied (使满意)16.A. moved B. cried (哭,喊)C. laughed D. talked 17.A. maybe B. actually C. perhaps D. might 18.A. expression B. example C. exception(例外) D. explanation 19.A. when B. then C. just D. that 20.A. fun B. trick (诡计,戏法) C. joke D. fool 四单句改错1. A friend in the need is a friend indeed.2. The training center for the old is been built now.3. The baby is funny.4. Without invited, he went to the dinner party.5. They lost in touch with each other 5 years ago.参考答案一 1. unexpected 2. calendar 3. as much as 4. throughout the night 5. according to二1-5 C B C B A 6-10 B C B B B 11-15 D D C D D三 1-5 D A B A C 6-10 B A B D A 11-15 C A B D A 16-20 C B A B D 四 1. 去 the 2. been-being 3. funny-fun 4. invited-being invited 5. 去in

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