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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit2Englisharoundtheworld(3)Teaching Aims:1.Review some useful words in the text.2.Learn and master the sentence patterns which express an order and a request,and their different features.Teaching Important Point:Point out the features of an orderwhich uses the imperative,namely“tell/order sb.to do sth.”and of a requestwhich uses a question form or an imperative,very polite,namely“ask sb.to do sth.”.Teaching Difficult Point:How to change orders and requests into reported orders and requests.Teaching Methods:1.Inductive method and talking method to give the students a clear picture of what they should master.2.Practice to make the students remember what theyve learned.3.Pair work and group work to make every student active in class.Teaching Aids:a projector and some slides.Teaching Procedures:FStep .Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.The teacher checks the students homeworklet some students say something about English in their own words.If they have some difficulty.Part 2 in Post-reading on Page 11 may give them some help.FStep .Word StudyT:Please turn to Page 11.Lets do Word Study.Match the words and phrase on the left with their meanings on the right.Do it with your partner.In a few minutes,well check the answers.T:(A few minutes later.)Now Ill ask SA and SB to give their answers.SA,read the meaning on the right.One item at a time.SB,give the right word or phrase for each item.Are you clear?(SA and SB:Yes.)Suggested answers:1.closetD cupboard where you can put clothes inside.2.explainE to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it.3.equal C the same4municateH to give information using speech,radio signals or body movement.5.knowledge B information and understanding about a subject,which someone has in mind.6.trade G the activity of buying,selling or exchanging goods or services.FStep .Grammar(Teacher says to SA:Stand up.Open the door.Look outside.Now close the door.Teacher says to SB:Sit down,please.Could you lend me your pen?Can you show me your book?)T:What did I say to SA?Ss:Stand up./Open the door./Look outside./Now close the door.T:What did I say to SB?Ss:Sit down,please.Could you lend me your pen?Can you show me your book?T:What was the difference between what I said to Student A and what I said to Student B?S:You told/ordered Student A to stand up/open the door/look outside/close the door.(They may say these in Chinese.)T:What about Student B?What did I say?S:You asked Student B to sit down/lend you his(her)pen/show you his(her)book.T:You are right.I told/ordered Student A to stand up etc.I asked Student B to lend me his(her)pen,etc.In fact,what I said to Student A is an order.What I said to Student B is a request.Its patterns are like this:Orders and Requests:Direct speech:(Orders):Do/Dont(Requests):Do,please./Can you?Could you?/Will you?Would you?Indirect speech:(Orders):sb.told/ordered sb.else to do sth.sb.told/ordered sb.else not to do sth.(Requests):sb.asked sb.else to do sth.sb.asked sb.else not to do sth.(Write them on the blackboard.)T:OK.Now Im going to show you some sentences.If its an order,write“Order”in your exercise books.If its a request,write“Request”.(Show the following sentences on the screen.)1.Make sure the door is open.2.Can you lend me ten yuan?3.Could you help me with my homework,please?4.Dont play games in the classroom.5.Will you close the window,please?6.No smoking.(Ask some students to answer which sentences are orders,which are requests.)Suggested answers:Orders:1,4,6Requests:2,3,5T:From these sentences,we can draw such conclusions.If a sentence is an order,it often uses an imperative,namely,“sb.told/ordered sb.else to do sth.”If a sentence is a request,it often uses a question form or an imperative,but very politely,namely,“sb.asked sb.else to do sth.”But we should pay more attention to the negative construction.Its reported orders and requests should be like these.“sb.told/ordered sb.else not to do sth.”“sb.asked sb.else not to do sth.”Now open your books.Turn to Page 11.Look at Part 2 in Language StudyGrammar.In Part 1 in Grammar,which sentences are orders?SC:Sentences 2,3 and 6 are orders.T:Which sentences are requests?SD:Sentences 1,4 and 5 are requests.T:Now turn to Page 12.Look at Part 2.In Part 2,the three sentences are all indirect speech.Change them into direct speech,please.Pair work or group work.(After the students discussion.)T:Please give us your sentences.Who will be the first?SE:The landlady asked him to put his coat in the closet.“Will you please put your coat in the closet?”said the landlady.The landlady asked him not to put it on the peg.“Will you please not put it on the peg?”asked the landlady.T:Please go on.SF:The mander ordered the soldiers to stand still.“Stand still,”the mander said to the soldiers.The mander ordered the soldiers not to move.“Dont move,”the mander said to the soldiers.SG:Mother told me to lock the door after midnight.“Lock the door after midnight,”said Mother.Mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight.“Dont leave the door open after midnight,”said Mother.FStep .Practice(The teacher shows the screen.)T:Look at the screen.Lets practise orders and requests in pairs.You may notice on the left,under the word“Donts”,there are three orders,under them there are three requests.On the right,under the word“Dos”,there are three orders,under them there are three requests.First we are going to practise the orders.I can give you an example.Look at the six orders.In Direct Speech,I can say“Watch the teacher carefully.Dont e into the lab without a teacher.”In reported order.I can say“She told us to watch the teacher carefully.She told us not to e into the lab without a teacher.”After you practise the orders,you may practise the requests.Are you clear?Now lets begin.(Give the students several minutes to practise them,then teacher may check their practice.)Suggested answers:Direct Speech:1.Dont e into the lab without a teacher.2.Dont touch anything in the lab.3.Dont smoke.4.Watch the teacher carefully.5.Dip your fingers into the mixture.6.Suck your fingers.7.Will you please not put anything in the basin?8.Dont talk so loudly,please.9.Dont leave the books in the lab,please.10.Write your answers on the blackboard,please.11.Could you please tidy the lab after the experiment?12.Put everything in the cupboards,please.Indirect Speech:1.He told us not to e into the lab without a teacher.2.He told us not to touch anything in the lab.3.He told us not to smoke.4.He told us to watch the teacher carefully.5.He told us to dip our fingers into the mixture.6.He told us to suck our fingers.7.He asked us not to put anything in the basin.8.He asked us not to talk so loudly.9.He asked us not to leave the books in the lab.10.He asked us to write our answers on the blackboard.11.He asked us to tidy the lab after the experiment.12.He told us to put everything in the cupboards.FStep .Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve reviewed some new words and,mainly done some exercises about orders and requests.In direct speech,they are(Pointing to the blackboard.)In the indirect speech,they are(Pointing to the blackboard.)Please remember these sentence patterns.Todays homework:Part 3 on Page 12.Thats all for today.Class is overSuggested answers to Part 3 on Page 12.She told us not to make too much noise.She told us not to forget to put our umbrellas in the stand.She told us not to smoke in the bathroom.She told us not to stay up too late.She asked us to buy some bread for her.She asked us to help her tidy the room.She asked us to speak quietly on the phone.She asked us to turn down the radio.FStep .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 2 English around the worldThe Third PeriodOrders and Requests:Direct speech:(Orders)Do(Requests)Do,please.DontCan(Will)you do?Could(Would)you please do?Indirect Speech:(Orders)sb.told/ordered sb.else to do sth.sb.told/ordered sb.else not to close.(Requests)sb.asked sb.else to do sth.sb.asked sb.else not to do sth.FStep .Record after Teaching_


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