2019-2020年高考英语 模块四第三单元基础题 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 模块四第三单元基础题 新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语 模块四第三单元基础题 新人教版必修4.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高考英语 模块四第三单元基础题 新人教版必修4单词拼写1.The money that he got from his aunt e_John to buy a house with a garden.2.The night view of the bay is even more f_, which usually attracts many people.3.I think I left the interviewers with a good i_. They smiled at me in a very friendly way during the interview.4.All he needs is an o_ to show his ability5.Over the years her beauty had f_ a little, but she still felt good about herself.6. The police q_ him about the missing $10,000.7.You are the childrens parents. T_, you should be responsible for their behaviour.8. In my o_, this proposal is unreasonable and should not be accepted.9. More than 70% of the s_ of the earth is covered with water.10.Napoleon is one of the national h_ of France.11.All the passengers felt unsafe with such an i_ driver, who had got his license only three weeks before.12.The old farmer trapped in the burning house had no choice but to wait to be r_ by others.13. At last the lost children were sent s_ back to their parents by an old man.14.The road signs g_ us back to the camping site after a long journey.完成句子昨天的会议因为恶劣的天气被取消了.(put off)_据报道,到去年年底又一个新的体育馆(gym)在北京建成了._电话的发明使得我们和别人交流更方便.(enable)_昨天我在街上偶然遇见了我的英语老师._他被公认为科幻小说之父._令我们高兴的是,在消防队员的帮助下, 那个小女孩终于获救._答案1.enabled 2. fantastic 3. impression 4. opportunity 5. faded6.questioned 7. Therefore 8. opinion 9. surface 10. heroes11. inexperienced 12. rescued 13. safely 14. guidedThe meeting was put off because of the bad weather yesterday.It was said that another new gym had been built in Beijing by the end of last year.The invention of phone has enabled us to municate with others more conveniently.Yesterday I came across my English teacher in the street.He was recognized as the father of science fiction.To our happiness, with the help of the firemen the little girl was finally rescued.

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