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2019-2020年高中英语必修6Unit4GlobalwarmingTeaching aims:1. Topic Global warming; Pollution; The importance of protecting the earth2. Useful words and expressions:Words: pare, graph, phenomenon, fuel, quantity, per, data, catastrophe, climate, consequence, state, range, glance, widespread, decrease, steady, steadily, average, existence, outer, electrical, motor, can(n.), microwave, nuclear, disagreement, titleExpressions: pare to, e about, quantities of, result in, build up, keep on, on the whole, make a difference, put up with, so long as, and so on3. Functional items:Expressing agreement, disagreement, blame and plaintYes, I agree with you.Yes, I think so.I believe that youve got it right.I dont think so.I dont think thats right.Im afraid you are wrong.Im sorry to bring this up, but.Im sorry to say this, but.They shouldnt have done it.They are to blame.Why dont you do something about it?Perhaps they should /ought to do.4. Grammar The use of “It” : it used for emphasisIt is human activity that has caused this global warming.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 Speaking and listening Step 1. Warming upTask 1. Ss in groups, discuss the following questions:1. What do we use energy for?2. Where does all the energy e from?3. Which energy sources are renewable and which are non-renewable?Sample answers:Renewable Non-renewable Wind power Coal Solar powerNatural gas and oil Hydroelectric powerNuclear powerStep 2. Listening Task 2: Ss read the statements in Ex 1 on page 31 and listen to the tape to find out the listening points.1. Ss read the statement.2. Play the tape for the first time. Help the Ss get a general understanding about the dialogue.3. Ss find out the listening points and finish Ex 1.Task 3: Second listening: Ss listen to the tape again and tick the phrases that Professor Chen uses to agree or disagree with Li Bin on page 31.Step 3. Discussing Task 4. Ss read what Professor Chen and Li Bin say on page 31. Then, in groups, discuss who you agree with and give reasons. Try to use the following expressions:l Exactly l Thats true.l Thats right.l I agree.l Im afraid I disagree with you.l Im afraid not.l I dont think so.l No way.l I dont agree.l Period 2. Reading Step 1. Revision Show the Ss some pictures on the screen. The Ss have to give names of different energy sources relative to the pictures and decide which energy sources are renewable and which are not. Then ask the Ss to tell the effects of using these energy sources.Step 2. Pre- reading Task 1. Ss in pairs, talk about the greenhouse and answer the following questions:1. What is a greenhouse? How does it work?2. What do you think greenhouse gases do?Step 3. Reading Task 2. Predicting: Ss read the title and predict what the text will tell.Task 3. Ss read the passage for the first time and try to finish Ex 2 on page 27.Suggested answers: True: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 False: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10Task 4. Ss read the passage again and try to divide the whole passage into several parts and summarize the main idea for each part. While reading, pay attention to the writing skills.Main ideas of each part Writing skills Introduce a debate over the issue of global warming. (paragraph 1)Raising a question Illustrate how global warming es about. (paragraphs 2-4)Giving examples, using graphs, explanation.List two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming. (paragraphs 5-10)Giving examples, making contrast.Its up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not.(paragraph 11) Using a question, leaving readers to think over the issue. Task 5. Ss read again and try to get the answers to the questions of Ex 1 on page 27.Step 4. After reading Task 6. Debate: get the Ss to debate over the statement: We should do nothing about global warming.1. Get into groups of six. Decide which three in your group are going to agree with the statement (Group A) and which three are going to disagree with the statement (Group B).2. Group A discuss why they agree with the statement; Group B discuss why they disagree.3. Group A and B get together. Tell each other the reasons why agree or disagree with the statement.4. Then if time permitted, share their opinions in class.Period 3. Language learning Step 1. Revision Check the Ss homework.Step 2. Language points 1. run out 用尽;没有了The supply of food almost ran out and we felt helpless.We could see his patience running out little by little.2. trap: 诱捕;使陷入困境 Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream. They finally trapped the mouse in a cage.3. result in 引起某种结果His wild language resulted in a plete failure.result from 引起某种原因而产生The road accident resulted from foggy weather. 4. by 表数量的增减程度 The price has been increased by 10%. They escaped death by inches.5. build up 聚集;集结As we rise slowly,. Potential energy is built up.The song began to build up to a climax.6. even if /though Believe us. We will back you to the end even if you fall. 7. keep on doing = continue /go on doingWe kept on studying late into the night.He kept on talking after the bell rang for class.8. on the whole 总的来说We met something unhappy, but on the whole, we enjoyed our stay there.On the whole our business was going on smoothly.9. put up with 忍受;容忍he had an eccentric character and my sister found it hard to put up with him. As a result, they got divorced.He couldnt put up with the noise so he kept the windows shut all day long.10. so long as ( as long as ) 只要Im happy as long as you are happy.As long as you keep away from them, they wont do you any harm.Step 3 Learning about languageSs do part 1 and 2 on page 28.Step 4. Grammar: The use of “it ”: it used for emphasisit在强调结构中强调句型:It is (was) +被强调部分+ that (who) + 其它强调部分例 句说 明主语It is I who am to blame. 是我该受责怪。It was your uncle that (who) came yesterday.昨天来的是你叔叔。原句的谓语动词如果是现在或将来时态用It is that(who)如果原句谓语动词是过去时态,则用It wasthat(who)。在宾语It was a new pen that Mother gave me .母亲给我的是一支新钢笔。强调时间,地点,原因或方式时不要用when, where, how, 必须用that。地点It was in the classroom that I left my umbrella.我把雨伞就落在了教室里。状时间It is at eleven that the train leaves.火车是在十一点钟离开。方式It was just as he ordered that I acted.我正是照他吩咐的那样做的。语原因It was because he was in trouble that I tried my best to help him.正是因为他处境困难我才尽力帮助他。宾补 It was red that we painted the gate.我们把门油漆成红的颜色。It was chairman that they elected him .他们选他担任的是主席的职务。Step 5. Practice Ss do Ex 2 on page 29.Period 4. Extensive Reading Step 1. Pre-reading Task 1: Ss in groups discuss the importance of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and what we can do in our daily life.Step 2. Reading Task 2: Ss skim the two letters and find who the writers are and what their purpose of writing the letters is. Keys: The first letter is written by a student who is asking for suggestions for his projectglobal warming.The second letter is written by an editor of Earth Care magazine. He offers the Ss some suggestions on what to do about global warming. Task 3: Ss read the two letters again and finish the following form.Earth cares suggestions Can you carry it out? Reasons If you are not using electrical appliances, turn them off.Yes Save energyIf youre cold, put on more cloths instead of turning up the heat.Yes YesSave energyMotor vehicles use a lot of energy, so walk or ride a bike if you can.Yes Save energyRecycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers and buy things made from recycled materials.Yes Save energyGet your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.Yes YesSave energyPlant more treesYes Save energyTalk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what youve learned.Yes Save energyStep 3. Writing Task4 : Ss in pairs, make a poster for your school that tells students various ways they can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.Writing tips: give your poster a large heading; use imperative sentences to list the ways we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air; try to make your poster impressivePeriod 5. Drills Step 1. Listening (page 62) Task 1: Ss listen to the tape and finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 62. 1. First listening. Ss listen and try to get a general understanding about the dialogue.2. Second listening: Ss listen and try to pick out specific information.Step 2. Talking Task 2: Plastic bags are a big environmental problem. Imagine that you want to do something about it. In small groups, discuss the questions on page 63. The following expressions will help you. Im sorry to bring this up, but. Im sorry to have to say this, but. They shouldnt have done it. They are to blame. Perhaps they should/ ought to do. Why dont you do something about it?Step 3. Listening task (page 65) Task 3: Ss listen to Toms talk about Clean Up Australia Day and finish the following form.Year Event Facts about the event Step 4. Speaking task (page 65)Task 4: like Australia, China also has a Clean Up Day. In groups of three, plan a talk about Clean Up China Day.Follow these steps: 1. Use a table like the one above to discuss what you know about Clean Up China Day.2. Make notes in the table. Make a chart of what you think the top rubbish items might be.3. Use the notes to prepare your talk. Do not write down your whole talk.4. Practice your talk using your notes. 5. Present your talk to the class.Period 6. Writing Step 1. Reading Task1 : Ss read the passage on page 66 and try to fill in the following form.Para. 1 Point of viewTwo of the most mon and dangerous litter: cigarette butts and plastic bags.Para. 2 First point of the argument; EvidenceCigarette butts are small but bad for the environment: over 1,600 billion cigarettes are smoked each year and large quantities of butts are thrown away; butts contain toxic chemicals; decrease the quality of water; endanger of plants and animals.Para. 3 Second point of the argument; EvidencePlastic bags litter is a danger to the environment: waste of non-renewable resources; last from 20 to 1,000 years in the environment; kill up to one million seabirds, 100,000 sea mammals and countless fish every year.Para. 4 Point of the viewThe best solution would be not to smoke or use plastic bags at all.Step 2. Pre-writing Ask the Ss to speak out the topics about environment and collect them on the blackboard. (air pollution, noise, soil erosion, water pollution, litter classification, desertification, make green by planting trees)Step 3. WritingTask 2: Ss choose a topic from the list that you feel strongly about. Make notes on your topic using headings similar to those in the table above. Writing tips: Write out the thesis statement Write out the topic sentence of the first body paragraph Give the supporting points and details about the first subtopic Write out the topic sentence of the second body paragraph. Give the supporting points and details about the second subtopic. State again the thesis statement

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