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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3Ahealthylife单元检测试题含解析新人教版选修.阅读理解AThe decisions that we make shape us throughout our lives. No matter what decisions we make, good or bad, each one puts us on a new road in the future. Make a bad decision? No problem. Learn from the decision and make another decision to get on a different path. This is advice that I got from Tony Robbins in his book Awaken the Giant Within. This is a book that I remend(推荐) to anyone wanting to develop a fire to make changes in their life. It helped me to understand how fear of making poor choices was hindering me from being the great man who I am today. Now I am not saying I am a well-known person in any particular circle. But I am the king of my castle working hard and trying to make good decisions in regard to the paths that I have chosen. I am a great man in the eyes of my wife and my children. And that is all the recognition that I need in my lifetime. And I know that my past failures have been the building block that I continue to use to build my career and self-image in my munity that I live in.Ben Lerer, cofounder of the CEO of Thrillist Media Group, is a good example of this. In an article on the Fast pany website, Lerer talks about this very subject. He says, “Ive had to make some really tough decisions but finally, I think the best panies are those that can recognize when something isnt going right, and fix it, instead of just turning a blind eye because its easier.” Great people make decisions. When a decision does not have the desired result, make a different decision. It does not get any simpler than that.1. From Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within, the writer knew _.A. making a bad decision is very terribleB. making decisions helps us bee a great manC. being afraid to make a bad decision is very naturalD. learning from the bad decision can help make a new choice2. The underlined word “hindering” can be replaced by _.A. stoppingB. stealingC. preservingD. requiring3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. A bad decision has a bad effect on people.B. The best pany can admit and correct a bad decision.C. People should learn how to make a good decision.D. Making a decision is much simpler than changing one.4. What could be the best title of the passage?A. Overe Your FearsB. Take ActionC. Make DecisionsD. Trust YourselfBMany people are hesitant to step out of their regular roles and routines. The idea of putting yourself in a position where you might fail can be frightening or stressful. But sometimes whats keeping you in one spot may not be your own self-interest. In fact, other peoples wished and the feeling that you “should” stay in the same place may be weakening your own preferences. Whats holding you back may be pliance (服从), not fort.Every instance of stepping outside your fort zone wont lead to an incredible sense of discovery and liberation. But it may happen when you realize that what thought was your fort zone is, in fact, your pliant zone where youve learned to behave in ways that you were expected to behave, perhaps by your parents, or your extended family, and by dutifully fulfilling others expectations, you internalize these behaviors as your own, even if they dont actually reflect who you are.How can you tell when your fort zone may actually be your pliant zone?Pinpoint your area of focus. Identify one specific thing to question, whether its something youre unhappy with or something you want to develop.pare your passions to the activity youre examining. Can you see your own values and driving passions in this activity somewhere? If you can, its probably not pliance or at least not pletely. But if you struggle to find yourself anywhere, you may be in the pliant zone, and it might be time to reassess and consider whether a change is in order.Our habits and routines are hard to break for a reason: they give us a feeling of stability and bring predictability(可预测性的) to our lives. But avoiding new situations can hold you back. Stepping outside your fort zone can help you build new skills and gain confidence. And by identifying and escaping your pliant zone, you can discover your “true” selfthe part of you that reflects your authentic passions and interests and leads to a more fulfilling life.5. According to the text, the important factor that could be holding you back is .A. your own self-interestB. your stress.C. pliance.D. fort6. When they are in the pliant zone, people .A. have an incredible sense of discovery and liberationB. behave as other people expectC. make their parents happyD. fulfill their own true expectations7. Which of the following shows you may be in the pliant zone?A. Youre unhappy with the current situation.B. You can see your own values in the activity youre examining.C. You struggle to find yourself anywhere.D. You are considering whether to make a change8. In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to express that .A. Peoples habits and routines are impossible to breakB. any new situation can break down peoples confidenceC. by escaping your pliant zone you can be your “true” selfD. identifying your pliant zone can lead to a more fulfilling life.完形填空When you ask people why they work, a lot of them will say theyre “only in it for the money.” When you work for 1, you can be financially independent, and have some 2over your life.Sometimes money truly is the only reason a person works. But most people have some important 3 for working: some like to 4 their days doing something theyre good at, some feel 5 to use their skills.Usually, a person 6 for a sense of being acplished, of being able to do things with his hands, with his mind, and with his will. Each of us wants to feel we 7 the ability to do something 8. You can see the carpenter(木匠) standing aside and 9 the product of his personal skill. For many people the 10 of work is harmful to their health. It has been observed that 11 brings enormous psychological trouble. Large numbers of people get headache on 12 when they dont have work to do.13 you didnt work and you had every day to yourself? You could choose to watch television, go to the movies, go shopping, read books, visit friends, go traveling, do sports.These all sound wonderful, but youd need14 some money. Relaxing and doing what you 15 is great for a holiday, but after a while the pleasure can wear off and you can feel aimless and 16.In fact, our life 17 work. What would happen if no one worked? The goods and services we need to live and enjoy in our leisure time simply couldnt 18. For example, if you needed to catch a bus: Who would design and construct the bus? Who would drive the bus? If you wanted to read a newspaper: Who would19 the articles and take the pictures for it? Who would print it?So, the next time you hear people 20 about their jobs, you can simply remind them how terrible life would be if they were unemployed.1. A. lifeB. moneyC. schoolD. fun2. A. accountB. attemptC. controlD. remark3. A. reasonsB. ideasC. methodsD. thought4. A. spendB. consideC. presentD. analyse5. A. qualifiedB. satisfyingC. obligedD. stressful6. A. arrangeB. lookC. applyD. long7. A. haveB. needC. requireD. trust8. A. curiousB. confusingC. meaningfulD. romantic9. A. improvingB. admiringC. protestingD. criticizing10. A. effortB. powerC. victoryD. absence11. A. tradeB. businessC. unemploymentD. relief12. A. weekendsB. daytimeC. work timeD. duty13. A. How aboutB. What ifC. WhyD. Where14. A. more thanB. notC. at leastD. at most15. A. hateB. hesitateC. overeD. enjoy16. A. boredB. optionalC. matureD. moody17. A. createsB. depends onC. contacts withD. respects18. A. existB. workC. standD. mention19. A. readB. buyC. writeD. choose20. A. caringB. talkingC. askingD. plaining. 语法填空Now if youve got nothing to do today, why not go to the east part of the city and plant trees? Thats the message from No.1 Senior High School, 1 is organizing a tree planting activity near East Mountain. In order to improve the environmental 2 (educate) of its students and get more people 3 (organize), the school is planning to plant 4 total of 1,400 trees paid by the government over the next few days. They are hoping to plant half of them today and they are looking for 5 (voluntary) to e along and help. No experience is OK, 6 there will be experts to give directions and the 7 (equip) will be provided. Everyone is wele to e along anytime 8 10 am and 4 pm. I dont think you need my advice of what sort of shoes or clothes you have to wear. And of course, gloves will be essential 9 (protect) your hands. So it could be 10 (real) a nice day out for all the families. Enjoy your day. 短文改错When I intended to tell my four-year-old niece Lisa the story Snow White write by the Grimm Brothers, my elder sister stopped me immediate and gave me another storybook. When I asked if she has told Lisa the story, she shook her head and said, “I dont think girl today should listen to this story.” I was confusing. Later, my sister explained how. In this story, Snow White does nothing to rescue herself. Instead of, she depends on others help. My sister doesnt want her daughter to learn just to turn to others help. She wants her to learn to be brave and independence. Thats why my sister doesnt want to tell herself such stories as Snow White. 书面表达假如你是李华,就读于一所国际学校,前段时间你作为中国中学生代表团的一员,参加了世界聋人联合会组织的志愿服务活动,并从中学到了许多东西,请你根据以下提示,用英文向该组织写一封感谢信。内容包括:1. 与生活在国际聋人之家的聋人朋友们相处一周;2. 通过演讲等方式告诉人们呵护聋人;你从中学到的东西:1. 了解了聋人的生活方式;2. 学会了简单的手语(sign language),能与他们交流沟通;3. 用实际行动去爱护身边的残疾人。注意:1. 可参照所给提示,作必要的想象2词数100左右;信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Hua, and Im from China, I am writing to thank you for Your sincerely,Li Hua.阅读理解A【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。以“决策”为话题,论证从不佳决策中学习,作出与众不同的新决策。1. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Make a bad decision? No problem. Learn from the decision and make another decision to get on a different path. This is advice that I got from Tony Robbins in his book Awaken the http($:/wln100 未来%脑教学云平台?Giant Within.”可知, Awaken the Giant Within一书中有个建议:从不佳决策中学习,作出与众不同的新决策。故D项正确。2. A【解析】词义猜测题。根据上文,我们知道:作者认为读了这本书,有助于他进一步理解害怕作出不良决定的坏处。这会阻碍他变为一个像今天这么棒的人。hinder from=stop from,意为“阻止以免”。 4. C【解析】标题概括题。纵观全文,作者先引述Awaken the Giant Within书里的建议,告诉我们“从不佳决策中学习,作出与众不同的新决策。”然后以自己的例子说明“要想出人头地,不要怕作出不好的决定,关键要调整自己的人生。”在文章最后一段,借Lerer的话,强调好公司不怕坏决策,而是在于如何改进决策。总之,全文是围绕“决策”话题展开论证的。B【语篇解读读】把自己从“应该”做的事情中解放出来。我们的习惯和生活惯例很难被打破一个重要原因是习惯和惯例搁置着我们并给我们的生活带来预测性。回避新的状况会阻碍我们前进。踏出你的舒适环境会帮你建立新的技能,获得信心。5. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“But sometimes whats keeping you in one spot may not be your own self-interest. In fact, other peoples wished and the feeling that you “should” stay in the same place may be weakening your own preferences. Whats holding you back may be pliance (服从), not fort.”可知,但是有时候让你固步自封的可能源自你自己本身的兴趣。事实上别人希望和认为你“应该”这样做或者那样做的想法也会影响你做出你本身想要做出的选择。控制你做出选择的是服从,而不是抚慰。故选C。 7. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中“But if you struggle to find yourself anywhere, you may be in the pliant zone, and it might be time to reassess and consider whether a change is in order.”可知,但是如果你在其他地方看到,那么你可能就是在做服从的事,那么是时候你要重新审视和考虑是否要换工作了。故选C。8. C【解析】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第一段中“Stepping outside your fort zone can help you build new skills and gain confidence. And by identifying and escaping your pliant zone, you can discover your “true” self the part of you that reflects your authentic passions and interests and leads to a more fulfilling life.”可知,踏出你的舒适环境会帮你建立新的技能,获得信心。仔细想想并从你服从的环境中脱离,你会发现一个“真实的”你,这个“真实的”你会反应你真正的热情和兴趣所在,引领你过上更愉悦的生活。故选C。.完形填空【语篇解读】文章主要讨论了人们为什么要工作,如果不工作会对自己的生活有什么影响。1B考查名词。根据前面的“only in it for the money.”可知,此处在讲“当你为了赚钱而工作的时候”A. life生命;生活;B. money钱;C. school学校;D. fun快乐。故选B。2C考查名词。句意:当你为钱工作时,你可以在经济上独立,并对你的生活有一定的控制权。A. account账户;账单;理由;B. attempt尝试;C. control控制;D. remark评论;议论。故选C。3A考查名词。根据前面的“Sometimes money truly is the only reason a person works.”可知,此处讲很多人工作是因为有更多的重要理由。A. reasons理由,借口;B. ideas想法,主意;C. methods方式,方法;D. thought思想;思考。故选A。4A考查动词。此处运用了“spend time doing sth.”结构,此处指一些人花费时间做一些他们擅长的事情。A. spend花费;B. consider考虑;认为;C. present提出;介绍;呈现;D. analyse分析。故选A。5C考查形容词。句意:有些人喜欢把时间花在他们擅长的事情上,有些人觉得有必要利用他们拥有的技能。A. qualified合格的;有资格的;B. satisfying令人满意的;C. obliged必须的;感激的;有责任的;D. stressful紧张的;有压力的。故选C。6D考查动词短语。此处指一个人渴望获得成就感。A. arrangefor安排;为做准备;B. look for寻找;C. apply for申请;D. long for渴望;向往。故选D。7A考查动词。have the ability to do something指“有做某事的能力”,是一个固定搭配。A. have有,拥有;B. need需要;有必要;C. require需要;要求;命令;D. trust信任。故选A。8C考查形容词。此处指做一些有意义的事情。A. curious好奇的;B. confusing令人迷惑的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. romantic浪漫的;多情的。故选C。 10D考查名词。根据后面的“Large numbers of people get headache on when they dont have work to do.”可知,人们不工作的时候(一直闲着)可能会对身体有害。A. effort努力;成就;B. power能力;功率;政权;C. victory胜利;D. absence没有;缺乏;缺席。故选D。11C考查名词。句意:人们注意到失业给人们带来了巨大的心理问题。A. trade贸易;B. business生意;C. unemployment失业;D. relief救济;减轻,解除。故选C。12A考查名词。根据后面的“when they dont have work to do.”推测,人们一般在周末是不工作的。A. weekends周末;B. daytime日间,白天;C. work time工作时间;D. duty责任。故选A。13B考查连词。句意:如果你不工作,每天都闲着,你自己怎么办?A. How about你认为怎样,跟名词或动名词;B. What if假使将会怎么样,后面跟句子;C. Why为什么;D. Where在哪里。故选B。14C考查副词。根据生活常识,从事以上的各项活动,至少得需要一些钱。A. more than多于;超出;B. not不;C. at least至少;D. at most至多。故选C。15D考查动词。此处指在假期做自己喜欢的事情。A. hate憎恨,讨厌;B. hesitate犹豫,踌躇;C. overe克服;D. enjoy喜欢,享受。故选D。16A考查形容词。根据前面的“the pleasure can wear off and you can feel aimless”可知,此处指“感到无聊”,与aimless 相对应。A. bored无聊的;烦人的;B. optional可选择的,随意的;C. mature成熟的;充分考虑的;D. moody喜怒无常的;易怒的。故选A。 18A考查动词。句意:如果没有人工作会怎么样?我们生活和享受休闲所需的商品和服务根本不可能存在。A. exist存在;生存;生活;B. work工作;C. stand站立;D. mention提到。故选A。19C考查动词。根据前后的“a newspaper: the articles”可知,此处指写文章。A. read阅读;B. buy购买;C. write书写;D. choose选择。故选C。20D考查动词短语。句意:所以,下次你听到人们抱怨他们的工作时,你可以简单地提醒他们,如果他们失业了,生活会多么糟糕。A. caring about担心,关心;B. talking about谈论;C. asking about询问,打听;D. plaining about抱怨。故选D。. 语法填空1which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词No.1 Senior High School, 同时在从句中作主语,故填which。2education考查词形转换。根据语境和其前的形容词可知,这里应用名词,表示教育。3organized考查非谓语动词。此处是get+宾语+宾补结构,宾语和宾补之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故使用过去分词作宾补。4a考查冠词。a total of 表示总量,总数。5volunteers考查词形转换。根据语境,这里表示志愿者,且应用名词的复数形式。6because/since/for考查连词。根据语境可知,这里表示原因。7equipment考查词形转换。这里需要用名词表示设备,故填equipment,且其为不可数名词。8between考查固定搭配。根据语境欢迎大家在上午十点到下午四点之间任何时候来,用between.and.结构。9to protect考查非谓语动词。这里表目的,故用动词不定式。10really考查词形转换。分析句子结构可知,此处应用所给词的副词形式really修饰谓语动词。. 短文改错When I intended to tell my four-year-old niece Lisa the story Snow White by the Grimm Brothers, my elder sister stopped me and gave me another storybook. When I asked if she told Lisa the story, she shook her head and said, “ I dont think today should listen to this story.” I was . Later, my sister explained . In this story, Snow White does nothing to rescue herself. Instead of, she depends on others help. My sister doesnt want her daughter to learn just to turn to othershelp. She wants her to learn to be brave and . Thats why my sister doesnt want to tell such stories as Snow White.第五处:句意:我感到了困惑。指人的内心感受,应该用-ed结尾的形容词。故confusing改为confused 。第六处:句意:后来,我姐姐向我解释了为什么这样。根据句意用why作宾语。故how改为why。第七处:此处在句首,应该用副词作评注性状语。故去掉of。第八处:turn to sb. for help是固定搭配,指“向某人寻求帮助”。故在help前加for。第九处:与and之前的brave相对应,此处应该用形容词,指“学会勇敢和独立”。故independence改为independent。第十处:此处指“向my four-year-old niece Lisa讲述故事”。故herself 改为her。. 书面表达

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